South Africa to let Russian billionaire’s superyacht dock - looks like the (Middle-)Eastern Alliance is growing exponentially now. when ...


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands
South Africa to let Russian billionaire’s superyacht dock


Local : 2022-10-26(Wednesday) 14 : 53 : 24
Remote : Wed, 26 Oct 2022 08:53:24 EDT

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China makes friends with Iran.
The Russians make good friends with the South Africans.
Iran has business ties to Venezuela.
China floods US markets with murder drugs like fentanyl.
*that's* why i'm on an idealogical offensive as well.
Why wouldn't they let it dock? Africa has no beef with Russia.

Not to mention it's some rich guys yacht, it isn't like "it's Russia's yacht". They let it dock because they stand to make some money.

And if some rich guy from China goes to Switzerland does that mean suddenly the swiss are in bed with china?
Why wouldn't they let it dock? Africa has no beef with Russia.

Not to mention it's some rich guys yacht, it isn't like "it's Russia's yacht". They let it dock because they stand to make some money.

And if some rich guy from China goes to Switzerland does that mean suddenly the swiss are in bed with china?
It's the narcissism of American imperialism.....
I bet you miss when South Africa was an apartheid state huh
South Africa is slowly becoming a basket case. Parts of it are in bad shape now. Besides, Russia and China are closer than the U>S. is to them, and China is now gaining huge influence in Africa. Colonizing? And if you do not like the white guy for your reasons, understand the yellow guy don't play.
the alarm bells have been rung. with a very official page-13 headline.

‘Axis of evil’: Russia and Iran’s partnership should ‘ring alarm bells’
There is a “new axis of evil” between Russia and Iran, former British commander Colonel Richard Kemp says. "Iran are contracted to supply 3000 drones, and then ballistic missiles on top of that," he said. “It’s a worrying thing." Colonel Kemp said the pairing should ring “very, very severe alarm bells for the whole world”.

Local : 2022-10-30(Sunday) 01 : 35 : 18
Remote : 2022-10-30(Sunday) 01 : 35 : 18 web apps framework
and of course, here's another relevant headline that just floated by on my screen :

JCC discusses next steps over Russian suspended participation in grain deal
Russia formally notified the UN Secretary General of its decision following Ukraine's attack on Russian ships involved in securing the grain corridor

Local : 2022-10-30(Sunday) 01 : 29 : 04
Remote : Sun, 30 Oct 2022 02:29:04 +0300
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conclusion of recent ceasefire discussions (which are only military and economic) : the Russians say they won't negotiate then.

my opinion on this all? well, the thumbscrews on the Russians need to be tightened a bit further. are more sanctions possible at all, at this stage? better apply them regularly, like sunscreen on thumbs that are in the thumbscrews.
(Russians are like Muslims in many ways. they love their revenge, and their explosives, and they RESPECT strength).

and i forgot : yes, they also like to poison dissidents.
but that's irrelevant for these "discussions". that bit about STRENGTH, that's relevant. :)
imagine the next page 1 headline stream in western mass media :
'Russia sanctions increased because of their failure to want to negotiate honestly and seriously'.
we can leave it to the news paper editors to fix up that headline mockup that i just wrote, too ;)
i personally wouldn't be at risk from posting any of this by the way.
it's just another night at the home office for me, and the Russians know that.
so do most Americans, Europeans, Africans, Muslims, South-Americans, Asians and Australians & their kiwi friends :)
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i got no practical tips for the Russians at the moment.
you could really use a new rail road from Sebastopol Naval Base heading straight east out of Crimea (and *then* North).
the Chinese can help you with that railroad construction project. They got the machinery for it, ready to go.
and.. FROM NOW ON, we should sanction China for "some seemingly valid reason" EVERY TIME we sanction Iran and/or Russia.
that colonel didn't dare to mention China, but i *do*.
the Chinese are the real culprits here. Putin himself would've sat at the negotiating table looooong ago, during these Ukranian invasion response months.
Situation in Ukraine proves that Russia is offering talks from strong position - Kremlin

According to Russian presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov, "only a strong man can extend a hand of peace and a hand of talks"

Remote : Sun, 30 Oct 2022 20:46:30 +0300
Local : 2022-10-30(Sunday) 18 : 46 : 30
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MOSCOW, October 30. /TASS/. The situation in Ukraine proves that Moscow is offering talks from a strong position, Russian presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov said on Sunday.

He recalled that Russian President Vladimir Putin keeps on saying that Russia is open for talks. "Whatever they [in the West and in Ukraine] may think about it, they see the actual situation and this de-facto situation in no way indicates our weakness," he said in an interview with the Moscow.Kremlin.Putin program on the Rossiya-1 television channel.

According to Peskov, "only a strong man can extend a hand of peace and a hand of talks."

He said that Putin’s words at the Valdai Discussion Club session about Moscow’s readiness for talks are a "very important message." "The president always says that he is open for a negotiating process, that it is always better to defend one’s interests and ensure one’s security at a negotiating table," Peskov noted.

"Ready or not, but the West should now it, should hear it," he added.
Well, now i think the West should engage in those peacetalks.

we should keep sanctions expansions on the table in case peacetalks *really* fail at some stage,
but if we don't engage in peacetalks, then *we'll* be the ones who appear to be supporting an endless war.
and i don't think that's desireable or even sustainable. we put ourselves and our interests at great risk that way.
and please remember this well : in negotiations, one must not only project strength, but a real willingness to compromise to reach a deal as well.

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