Sounds Like Someone Is Lying

Plenty of other sources out there also claim Harvard was scheduled to receive the money.

Why Is Harvard Getting $9 Million In Stimulus Money When It Has A $40 Billion Endowment?
Susan Adams
Susan Adams
Forbes Staff
I’m a senior editor in charge of Forbes’ education coverage.

Harvard is under attack for the $9 million in stimulus money it’s getting from the federal government. “America’s Richest University Grabs Nearly $9 Million In Taxpayer Aid,” blasted a Huffington Post headline yesterday. On Comedy Central last night, Trevor Noah said Harvard was “just being greedy.” Donald Trump Jr. tweeted that Harvard was getting cash that should have gone to “a small business that actually needs the money.”

But according to a statement emailed late yesterday by spokesman Jason Newton, Harvard won’t use any of its $9 million stimulus check to make up for losses it has absorbed since it moved classes online in mid-March. “Harvard is actually allocating 100% of the funds to financial assistance for students to meet their urgent needs in the face of this pandemic,” says the statement.

How did Harvard decide to pass all the money to students, who made the call, and when? Was it in response to criticism? “I’m not going to get into when the decision was made,” says Newton. Harvard declined repeated requests to interview President Lawrence Bacow and other university officials.

Harvard didn't get ANY PPP stimulus funds. Stop lying please.

Fuck you, I'm not lying.
Harvard is getting stimulus money. It doesn't matter whether it's part of the PPP funds or higher education stimulus funds, they are getting money, and the question should be asked why they get a dime for anything when they have a huge multi-billion dollar endowment. Let them help the students with their own goddamned money !

They have the same right to CARE Funds as every other college in states where Donnie likes the Governor and Obama didn't graduate Magna cum Laude.
Talk to Betsy. Fuck you very much! :)

Why are you supporting throwing OUR money away ? They have billions, BILLIONS ! Let them pay for this shit themselves, or better yet let the rich kids who go there take care of themselves !

By the way, in Newport there's the end (or in your case the beginning) of a highway that runs all the way to Boston. GET ON IT !

2/3 of Harvard students need financial assistance. Now go away. ;)
Oh, so you changed the whole direction of the thread when people brought to light rawstory lied. So first they didn’t get it and Trump lied they did. Now your mantra is -but, but, but the students need it !-. Dr. love, you need some serious help.
Last edited:
Plenty of other sources out there also claim Harvard was scheduled to receive the money.

Why Is Harvard Getting $9 Million In Stimulus Money When It Has A $40 Billion Endowment?
Susan Adams
Susan Adams
Forbes Staff
I’m a senior editor in charge of Forbes’ education coverage.

Harvard is under attack for the $9 million in stimulus money it’s getting from the federal government. “America’s Richest University Grabs Nearly $9 Million In Taxpayer Aid,” blasted a Huffington Post headline yesterday. On Comedy Central last night, Trevor Noah said Harvard was “just being greedy.” Donald Trump Jr. tweeted that Harvard was getting cash that should have gone to “a small business that actually needs the money.”

But according to a statement emailed late yesterday by spokesman Jason Newton, Harvard won’t use any of its $9 million stimulus check to make up for losses it has absorbed since it moved classes online in mid-March. “Harvard is actually allocating 100% of the funds to financial assistance for students to meet their urgent needs in the face of this pandemic,” says the statement.

How did Harvard decide to pass all the money to students, who made the call, and when? Was it in response to criticism? “I’m not going to get into when the decision was made,” says Newton. Harvard declined repeated requests to interview President Lawrence Bacow and other university officials.

Harvard didn't get ANY PPP stimulus funds. Stop lying please.

Fuck you, I'm not lying.
Harvard is getting stimulus money. It doesn't matter whether it's part of the PPP funds or higher education stimulus funds, they are getting money, and the question should be asked why they get a dime for anything when they have a huge multi-billion dollar endowment. Let them help the students with their own goddamned money !
It does matter. It's a part of the stimulus package aimed directly at colleges. AZ state got something like $65 million.

tRump and his loyal tRumpkins accused them of taking PPP money and they didn't.

It was a lie. The truth matters.

Well it matters if you aren't a tRumpling.
Plenty of other sources out there also claim Harvard was scheduled to receive the money.

Why Is Harvard Getting $9 Million In Stimulus Money When It Has A $40 Billion Endowment?
Susan Adams
Susan Adams
Forbes Staff
I’m a senior editor in charge of Forbes’ education coverage.

Harvard is under attack for the $9 million in stimulus money it’s getting from the federal government. “America’s Richest University Grabs Nearly $9 Million In Taxpayer Aid,” blasted a Huffington Post headline yesterday. On Comedy Central last night, Trevor Noah said Harvard was “just being greedy.” Donald Trump Jr. tweeted that Harvard was getting cash that should have gone to “a small business that actually needs the money.”

But according to a statement emailed late yesterday by spokesman Jason Newton, Harvard won’t use any of its $9 million stimulus check to make up for losses it has absorbed since it moved classes online in mid-March. “Harvard is actually allocating 100% of the funds to financial assistance for students to meet their urgent needs in the face of this pandemic,” says the statement.

How did Harvard decide to pass all the money to students, who made the call, and when? Was it in response to criticism? “I’m not going to get into when the decision was made,” says Newton. Harvard declined repeated requests to interview President Lawrence Bacow and other university officials.

Harvard didn't get ANY PPP stimulus funds. Stop lying please.

Fuck you, I'm not lying.
Harvard is getting stimulus money. It doesn't matter whether it's part of the PPP funds or higher education stimulus funds, they are getting money, and the question should be asked why they get a dime for anything when they have a huge multi-billion dollar endowment. Let them help the students with their own goddamned money !
It does matter. It's a part of the stimulus package aimed directly at colleges. AZ state got something like $65 million.

tRump and his loyal tRumpkins accused them of taking PPP money and they didn't.

It was a lie. The truth matters.

Well it matters if you aren't a tRumpling.

Gotta say - It's pretty fun to watch the Trumpublican flailing that's goin' on in this thread.
They will literally defend his daily whoppers to the death! :D
Oh, so you changed the whole direction of the thread when people brought to light rawstory lied. So first they didn’t get it and Trump lied they did. Now your mantra is -but, but, but the students need it !-. Dr. love, you need some serious help.

Oh great bearer of alternative facts -
I bow to thee and pray that one day I too can learn to lie for the Clown on PA Avenue. :auiqs.jpg:

Last edited:
Plenty of other sources out there also claim Harvard was scheduled to receive the money.

Why Is Harvard Getting $9 Million In Stimulus Money When It Has A $40 Billion Endowment?
Susan Adams
Susan Adams
Forbes Staff
I’m a senior editor in charge of Forbes’ education coverage.

Harvard is under attack for the $9 million in stimulus money it’s getting from the federal government. “America’s Richest University Grabs Nearly $9 Million In Taxpayer Aid,” blasted a Huffington Post headline yesterday. On Comedy Central last night, Trevor Noah said Harvard was “just being greedy.” Donald Trump Jr. tweeted that Harvard was getting cash that should have gone to “a small business that actually needs the money.”

But according to a statement emailed late yesterday by spokesman Jason Newton, Harvard won’t use any of its $9 million stimulus check to make up for losses it has absorbed since it moved classes online in mid-March. “Harvard is actually allocating 100% of the funds to financial assistance for students to meet their urgent needs in the face of this pandemic,” says the statement.

How did Harvard decide to pass all the money to students, who made the call, and when? Was it in response to criticism? “I’m not going to get into when the decision was made,” says Newton. Harvard declined repeated requests to interview President Lawrence Bacow and other university officials.

Harvard didn't get ANY PPP stimulus funds. Stop lying please.

Fuck you, I'm not lying.
Harvard is getting stimulus money. It doesn't matter whether it's part of the PPP funds or higher education stimulus funds, they are getting money, and the question should be asked why they get a dime for anything when they have a huge multi-billion dollar endowment. Let them help the students with their own goddamned money !

They have the same right to CARE Funds as every other college in states where Donnie likes the Governor and Obama didn't graduate Magna cum Laude.
Talk to Betsy. Fuck you very much! :)

Why are you supporting throwing OUR money away ? They have billions, BILLIONS ! Let them pay for this shit themselves, or better yet let the rich kids who go there take care of themselves !

By the way, in Newport there's the end (or in your case the beginning) of a highway that runs all the way to Boston. GET ON IT !

2/3 of Harvard students need financial assistance. Now go away. ;)

For what, a crystal chandelier in their dorm room ?

My daughter in law got her graduate degree from Harvard. I helped her some but she HAD to get some financial assistance. I visited her apartment. Trust me, there were no crystal chandeliers. Rich kids go to Wharton Business. And most of them don't end up in the bottom of their class. :)

According to Harvard’s website, tuition costs for the 2019-2020 school year total $47,730, fees are $4,195, and room and board costs $17,682 for a subtotal of billed costs of $69,607.

After estimating personal expenses like text books ($4,193) and travel costs ($0-$4,400), Harvard estimates total billed and unbilled costs of about $73,800-$78,200 per year to attend the prestigious school — up from $71,650-$76,650 the previous year.

The school reports that about 70% of Harvard students receive some form of financial aid.
Maybe the people handing out the money could have a better idea of what they are doing?
Sounds like Admin did a careless, shittyass job.

who in 'admin' is handing out the money?

That would be the 'failed' trump admin. It's not a secret.
My daughter can't get unemployment from her "self-employed" business that was shut down due to non-essential, but Harvard and Standford get loans.

Bottom line, this TRUMP admin has no idea what they are doing, they fuck up daily.
Take your unemployment money concerns up with your state government.

It is filed through your local unemployment office website.

The Small business loans are filed through local banks and their is a LONG waiting list for approval. Since funds were held up for 12 days.
View attachment 326643

Harvard denies that they received PPP money. Trump said they did.
Who are you going to believe? LOL

“Harvard did not apply for, nor has it received any funds through the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) for small businesses,” the university tweeted. “Reports saying otherwise are inaccurate.”

"But according to Harvard, it never received the funds in the first place."

View attachment 326643

Harvard denies that they received PPP money. Trump said they did.
Who are you going to believe? LOL

“Harvard did not apply for, nor has it received any funds through the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) for small businesses,” the university tweeted. “Reports saying otherwise are inaccurate.”

"But according to Harvard, it never received the funds in the first place."

Cool - Did all the red state colleges who received CARE Funds (NOT PPP) give the money back too, or do you only care about the liberal ones?
View attachment 326643

Harvard denies that they received PPP money. Trump said they did.
Who are you going to believe? LOL

“Harvard did not apply for, nor has it received any funds through the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) for small businesses,” the university tweeted. “Reports saying otherwise are inaccurate.”

"But according to Harvard, it never received the funds in the first place."

What’s the most number of people you ever managed and were they in the same building as you?
That just question #1.
View attachment 326643

Harvard denies that they received PPP money. Trump said they did.
Who are you going to believe? LOL

“Harvard did not apply for, nor has it received any funds through the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) for small businesses,” the university tweeted. “Reports saying otherwise are inaccurate.”

"But according to Harvard, it never received the funds in the first place."

Cool - Did all the red state colleges who received CARE Funds (NOT PPP) give the money back too, or do you only care about the liberal ones?

The ones who have 40 billion dollar grants.
View attachment 326643

Harvard denies that they received PPP money. Trump said they did.
Who are you going to believe? LOL

“Harvard did not apply for, nor has it received any funds through the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) for small businesses,” the university tweeted. “Reports saying otherwise are inaccurate.”

"But according to Harvard, it never received the funds in the first place."

Cool - Did all the red state colleges who received CARE Funds (NOT PPP) give the money back too, or do you only care about the liberal ones?

The ones who have 40 billion dollar grants.

You think Texas colleges don't get bigly grants from their wealthy grads. ALL colleges do, it ain't just Hah-vad.
View attachment 326643

Harvard denies that they received PPP money. Trump said they did.
Who are you going to believe? LOL

“Harvard did not apply for, nor has it received any funds through the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) for small businesses,” the university tweeted. “Reports saying otherwise are inaccurate.”

"But according to Harvard, it never received the funds in the first place."

Cool - Did all the red state colleges who received CARE Funds (NOT PPP) give the money back too, or do you only care about the liberal ones?
dont change the topic,,,
if you have an example of one start a thread on them and I will do the same as I did here,,,
View attachment 326643

Harvard denies that they received PPP money. Trump said they did.
Who are you going to believe? LOL

“Harvard did not apply for, nor has it received any funds through the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) for small businesses,” the university tweeted. “Reports saying otherwise are inaccurate.”

"But according to Harvard, it never received the funds in the first place."

Cool - Did all the red state colleges who received CARE Funds (NOT PPP) give the money back too, or do you only care about the liberal ones?

The ones who have 40 billion dollar grants.

You think Texas colleges don't get bigly grants from their wealthy grads. ALL colleges do, it ain't just Hah-vad.
grants from private citizens is a little different than getting a small business loan from the government when you are not a small business,,,
View attachment 326643

Harvard denies that they received PPP money. Trump said they did.
Who are you going to believe? LOL

“Harvard did not apply for, nor has it received any funds through the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) for small businesses,” the university tweeted. “Reports saying otherwise are inaccurate.”

"But according to Harvard, it never received the funds in the first place."

Cool - Did all the red state colleges who received CARE Funds (NOT PPP) give the money back too, or do you only care about the liberal ones?

The ones who have 40 billion dollar grants.

You think Texas colleges don't get bigly grants from their wealthy grads. ALL colleges do, it ain't just Hah-vad.

Name the ones that got CARE funds.
View attachment 326643

Harvard denies that they received PPP money. Trump said they did.
Who are you going to believe? LOL

“Harvard did not apply for, nor has it received any funds through the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) for small businesses,” the university tweeted. “Reports saying otherwise are inaccurate.”

"But according to Harvard, it never received the funds in the first place."

Cool - Did all the red state colleges who received CARE Funds (NOT PPP) give the money back too, or do you only care about the liberal ones?

The ones who have 40 billion dollar grants.

You think Texas colleges don't get bigly grants from their wealthy grads. ALL colleges do, it ain't just Hah-vad.

Name the ones that got CARE funds.

Sure - That took all of 1.7 seconds!
View attachment 326643

Harvard denies that they received PPP money. Trump said they did.
Who are you going to believe? LOL

“Harvard did not apply for, nor has it received any funds through the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) for small businesses,” the university tweeted. “Reports saying otherwise are inaccurate.”

"But according to Harvard, it never received the funds in the first place."

Cool - Did all the red state colleges who received CARE Funds (NOT PPP) give the money back too, or do you only care about the liberal ones?

The ones who have 40 billion dollar grants.

You think Texas colleges don't get bigly grants from their wealthy grads. ALL colleges do, it ain't just Hah-vad.

Name the ones that got CARE funds.

Sure - That took all of 1.7 seconds!
close them down,,,

unless of course the money is needed for the students,,,

the difference with harvard is they are already funded for the next 50 yrs and dont need extra help,,,

I didnt see are those small business loans or just aid packages??/
I will have to read further and see
View attachment 326643

Harvard denies that they received PPP money. Trump said they did.
Who are you going to believe? LOL

“Harvard did not apply for, nor has it received any funds through the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) for small businesses,” the university tweeted. “Reports saying otherwise are inaccurate.”

"But according to Harvard, it never received the funds in the first place."

Cool - Did all the red state colleges who received CARE Funds (NOT PPP) give the money back too, or do you only care about the liberal ones?

The ones who have 40 billion dollar grants.

You think Texas colleges don't get bigly grants from their wealthy grads. ALL colleges do, it ain't just Hah-vad.

Name the ones that got CARE funds.

Sure - That took all of 1.7 seconds!
thats funny,,I dont see anywhere that those are small business loans like the one harvard got,,,
View attachment 326643

Harvard denies that they received PPP money. Trump said they did.
Who are you going to believe? LOL

“Harvard did not apply for, nor has it received any funds through the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) for small businesses,” the university tweeted. “Reports saying otherwise are inaccurate.”

"But according to Harvard, it never received the funds in the first place."

Cool - Did all the red state colleges who received CARE Funds (NOT PPP) give the money back too, or do you only care about the liberal ones?

The ones who have 40 billion dollar grants.

You think Texas colleges don't get bigly grants from their wealthy grads. ALL colleges do, it ain't just Hah-vad.

Name the ones that got CARE funds.

Sure - That took all of 1.7 seconds!
thats funny,,I dont see anywhere that those are small business loans like the one harvard got,,,

Harvard got CARE Funds - Not PPP. Same with all the colleges in Texas. Jesus, Trumptards surely are fact adverse!
View attachment 326643

Harvard denies that they received PPP money. Trump said they did.
Who are you going to believe? LOL

“Harvard did not apply for, nor has it received any funds through the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) for small businesses,” the university tweeted. “Reports saying otherwise are inaccurate.”

"But according to Harvard, it never received the funds in the first place."

Cool - Did all the red state colleges who received CARE Funds (NOT PPP) give the money back too, or do you only care about the liberal ones?

The ones who have 40 billion dollar grants.

You think Texas colleges don't get bigly grants from their wealthy grads. ALL colleges do, it ain't just Hah-vad.

Name the ones that got CARE funds.

Sure - That took all of 1.7 seconds!
thats funny,,I dont see anywhere that those are small business loans like the one harvard got,,,

Harvard got CARE Funds - Not PPP. Same with all the colleges in Texas. Jesus, Trumptards surely are fact adverse!
if thats true it brings us back to whether they needed it,,
and with over 40 billion in the bank I dont see where they needed it,,,I dont see where any of the others have such a big bank account do you???

and if they did then they shouldnt get the money either,,,we should help the poor not the rich,,,

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