Why is this not being reported?


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
Current Data Provides Support that the China Coronavirus Reacts Significantly to Sun and Heat — Look at the Numbers from the Southern States!

Current Data Provides Support that the China Coronavirus Reacts Significantly to Sun and Heat — Look at the Numbers from the Southern States!

I have read that the virus is negatively affected by heat, but in a lab controlled setting, so scientists still aren’t sure how much warmer weather will have a desired impact
Current Data Provides Support that the China Coronavirus Reacts Significantly to Sun and Heat — Look at the Numbers from the Southern States!

Because no one who thinks for themselves is going to take anything splayed out on an alt-right website as gospel. Especially not to play up the latest Trump supporter narrative in an attempt to drive home the latest wedge they are trying to sell. North vs South. Honestly, each time I think Trump and his supporters can't dig the hole any deeper, they exceed my expectations. This has already been looked at.
Why We Can’t Trust Warm Weather To Stop Coronavirus
JFC, OP thinks Jim the Fuck Hoft is a "source". SMGDFH

I've been posting for literally months here about UV light from the increased summer sun deactivates viruses, which is why seasonal flu is "seasonal". Jim The Fuck Hoft never mentions UV light because he's a fucking dolt. It's LIGHT --- not "heat". We haven't had heat here in the South yet anyway.

Jim the Fuck Hoft --- Epidemiologist :rofl:

Good CHRIST get a clue.
Current Data Provides Support that the China Coronavirus Reacts Significantly to Sun and Heat — Look at the Numbers from the Southern States!

I have read that the virus is negatively affected by heat, but in a lab controlled setting, so scientists still aren’t sure how much warmer weather will have a desired impact

Part of what spurred me to investigate the effect of UV was hearing that scientists were studying the virus in the lab, having deactivated it. Of course the obvious question was, "you can deactivate it? How?" And the answer was they bathe it in ultraviolet light.
Clueless Jim the Fuck Hoft sez:

>> 6. The virus will likely burn off in the summer like other viruses (bold in the original) <<

Viruses do not "burn off", fucking idiot.

I would write this directly to Clueless Jim the Fuck Hoft on his page, but he's banned me. Jim the Fuck Hoft doesn't allow anyone to call out his contrived head-up-the-ass bullshit. He's got Gullibles to mine.
Current Data Provides Support that the China Coronavirus Reacts Significantly to Sun and Heat — Look at the Numbers from the Southern States!

I have read that the virus is negatively affected by heat, but in a lab controlled setting, so scientists still aren’t sure how much warmer weather will have a desired impact
Heat only shortens the life span becasue it evaporates the water surrounding the virus which kills it.

The real game changer is UV radiation from the sun as it kills the thiamine links (it actually fuses the links together) in the RNA and DNA structures rendering the virus incapable of replication. Longer days means less infections as people are also not in close contact outside.

The staying indoors is very counter productive to good health.
Current Data Provides Support that the China Coronavirus Reacts Significantly to Sun and Heat — Look at the Numbers from the Southern States!

Summer weather doesn't seem to have done the trick in Florida, though. It's pretty much summer there all year. Maybe it will help up north, where I am beginning to see the first patches of green grass in my lawn, but snow flurries predicted later on.

What I've been waiting to hear is the temperature that actually kills the virus. One poster who put up a homemade mask said they disinfect it by putting it in the microwave for two minutes. Maybe aiming your blow dryer straight at the contents of your purse after a shopping trip would work? Mine at least gets pretty darned hot if it's really close to you.
In every scenario modeled, they found that warm weather did not halt transmission. That was because, in the case of the common cold, a large segment of the population typically gets sick and develops immunity by spring. With SARS-CoV-2, however, enough of the population will likely remain vulnerable, allowing it to spread even if transmission is reduced in warmer months.

Current Data Provides Support that the China Coronavirus Reacts Significantly to Sun and Heat — Look at the Numbers from the Southern States!

Why didn't it stop it from spreading in Australia and New Zealand where it was in the middle of summer when the virus arrived? Why didn't that stop it in the equatorial nations where it's summer all year?
Current Data Provides Support that the China Coronavirus Reacts Significantly to Sun and Heat — Look at the Numbers from the Southern States!

Its 34 degrees here.
Why is the OP using temperature data from May 2019? ... this has been being reported by the commercial media, we've still months if not years before this passes scientific standards for reporting ... peppermint tea cures all viruses, not just that but drinking peppermint tea cures poverty in the peppermint growing regions of the world ... win-win for everybody ...
Current Data Provides Support that the China Coronavirus Reacts Significantly to Sun and Heat — Look at the Numbers from the Southern States!

Why didn't it stop it from spreading in Australia and New Zealand where it was in the middle of summer when the virus arrived? Why didn't that stop it in the equatorial nations where it's summer all year?
Remember there is no acquired immunity for anyone! This thing will spread like wild fire no matter what the temp is. Once we get to 50% of the populace with immunity it will be much harder to transmit it.
Current Data Provides Support that the China Coronavirus Reacts Significantly to Sun and Heat — Look at the Numbers from the Southern States!

Why didn't it stop it from spreading in Australia and New Zealand where it was in the middle of summer when the virus arrived? Why didn't that stop it in the equatorial nations where it's summer all year?
Remember there is no acquired immunity for anyone! This thing will spread like wild fire no matter what the temp is. Once we get to 50% of the populace with immunity it will be much harder to transmit it.
Agreed. End the shut down and let's get immune. I am and I feel great.
Remember there is no acquired immunity for anyone
That is absolutely NOT TRUE. More leftist hysteria. Stay under that bed!

"Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) is a disinfection method that uses short-wavelength ultraviolet (ultraviolet C or UVC) light to kill or inactivate microorganisms by destroying nucleic acids and disrupting their DNA, leaving them unable to perform vital cellular functions.[1] UVGI is used in a variety of applications, such as food, air, and water purification. "

Current Data Provides Support that the China Coronavirus Reacts Significantly to Sun and Heat — Look at the Numbers from the Southern States!

Because no one who thinks for themselves is going to take anything splayed out on an alt-right website as gospel. Especially not to play up the latest Trump supporter narrative in an attempt to drive home the latest wedge they are trying to sell. North vs South. Honestly, each time I think Trump and his supporters can't dig the hole any deeper, they exceed my expectations. This has already been looked at.
Why We Can’t Trust Warm Weather To Stop Coronavirus
Says no one thinks for themselves and then posts a link. lmao
Current Data Provides Support that the China Coronavirus Reacts Significantly to Sun and Heat — Look at the Numbers from the Southern States!

Because no one who thinks for themselves is going to take anything splayed out on an alt-right website as gospel. Especially not to play up the latest Trump supporter narrative in an attempt to drive home the latest wedge they are trying to sell. North vs South. Honestly, each time I think Trump and his supporters can't dig the hole any deeper, they exceed my expectations. This has already been looked at.
Why We Can’t Trust Warm Weather To Stop Coronavirus
Says no one thinks for themselves and then posts a link. lmao

You missed the "alt-right website" part. I know. Trump supporters < Reading comprehension.
Warm weather still won't halt the spread of the virus.

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