Soon You'll be Paying £20 for a Pint of Beer Under Biden

A foolish and thoughtless past has led inexorably to an absurd present and highly doubtful future. No real surprise.
At my butcher....USDA Prime 1.50" thick Porterhouse.....$17.99 a pound.....Roughly 2.25# so figure around $40.00 with tax.....Talk about savoring every morsel.
Yeah, they haven't figured out how to make a plant based steak yet. Doubt they ever will. I figure that is the next move by the new greens--no natural meat.
I've paid $18.00 for a bottle of Mexican Cake Imperial Stout, 1 pt 6 oz.

But that's an exceptional brew. And I don't drink it like Coca Cola

In fact, I have 5 bottles of it as I type this...
Talk about crying in your beer. This won't go over well with the public.

---Cost of Beer Must Rise to £20 a Pint, Industry Tsar Warns---

I've no love lost for Bi9den, but he has nothing to do with this.

The thread title is retarded...

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