Son wins US lawsuit against parents who threw out his porn collection

If more kids moved in with their parents explain how this would be a bad thing. You can't. It means he doesn't have kids, he isn't paying rent, and he isn't collecting UC. All 3 mean wins for the nation. Yet you think he should be out there raising a family. That is plain wrong in every facet.
YOu mean other than being subject to computer viruses and possible stings by law enforcement who like to slip illegal subject matter in there to try to entrap people?
For once you have an intelligent comment -- that happens to be equally applicable to other information that may or may not be considered porn at all -- and who the fuck else would know or care if anybody had any respect for anybody else's privacy?

Just as I assume you've got private parts on your own body you don't always display for public view.

Maybe it's time to clean out the locker room on your PC or re-install Windows or Linux or something like that.
If they had sold it instead of throwing it away, then the money could have been used to rent his own place.

No reason to believe he wasn't already paying rent. They did claim to be landlords.
If they had sold it instead of throwing it away, then the money could have been used to rent his own place.
Hell. The thing is, no landlord in town wants the porn on his property after that fiasco. It's too much civil and criminal liability for the landlord to take on if some kid who's ever surfed porn is going to rent an apartment. He'll have to be served with a civil commitment for involuntary mental hospitalization for that, blah blah blah and all the old ladies on the block are busy talking smack.
Guys it:

1. Doesn't matter that it was porn.
2. Doesn't matter that it was 30 grand worth.
3. Doesn't matter that you can get it free on the internet.
4. Doesn't matter that he was living in his parents house.
5. Doesn't matter that he wasn't paying rent.

The shit belonged to him and his parents had no right to do what they did. I hope they learned a lesson. If my parents destroyed 30grand worth of my stuff you bet I'd be suing the shit out of them. Being my parents doesn't give them the right to destroy my stuff. I work hard for my money and I can buy whatever the fuck I want to. What kind of whackjobs are you people? Maybe the shit you buy with your welfare checks doesn't mean anything to you, but I'm not on welfare and earn every dime I make. So nobody has a right to destroy anything of mine. Just ask the girl that was texting and hit me on my motorcycle. By the time I got done suing her I had a brand new crotch rocket in the driveway and enough money in the bank for 3 more. And that was after the lawyer took his fee.
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YOu mean other than being subject to computer viruses and possible stings by law enforcement who like to slip illegal subject matter in there to try to entrap people?

Watching too many television movies again, eh Joe. Governments got better things to do then try to slip illegal evidence into somebody's computer while he's watching porn. Anybody worried about viruses buys an Apple. I've owned Apple computers for over 20 years and never been hit with any virus once.
Doesn't matter. The parents told other people their son had a porn collection, thereby ruining his life, trashing his home, and wrecking his career. That's not something parents do when they want their children to succeed or survive in this life.

Where does it say that? Not in the OP. He's the joker that made this public with his lawsuit. He obviously lost his home so there was nothing to trash, that's why he was living with his parents for nearly a year. Wrecking his career? What career?
I really think the $29,000 is a bit on the high side and b.s., also because they can't prove what was thrown out. And it wouldn't be worth that much used either.
I really think the $29,000 is a bit on the high side and b.s., also because they can't prove what was thrown out. And it wouldn't be worth that much used either.

How do you "use" porn?

Nevermind, forget I asked.
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Watching too many television movies again, eh Joe. Governments got better things to do then try to slip illegal evidence into somebody's computer while he's watching porn. Anybody worried about viruses buys an Apple. I've owned Apple computers for over 20 years and never been hit with any virus once.
Nope. I don't buy any of that Apple shit and I don't buy Ralph Nader. Here in FNSB guys or even gals with no prior criminal history who aren't doing anything wrong are routinely hit all of a sudden with a plant-and-bust federal felony charge of possession of child pornography, perhaps in conjunction with a felony felon in possession of an illegal gun charge or something like that put a person in fed pen for 20+ years with nary a hearing or appeal.

People have generators and they live out in the woods. There's a government.
I think there is only so sentimental one can get with porn. With purchase price, you have to come up with receipts. Market price? Who possible can determine that? It's porn. All porn is pretty much the same.

Collector's Guide to Vintage Porn Magazines
Vintage adult magazines have emerged as a particularly collectible form of erotica in recent years. Other types of tangible erotic media such as 8mm films, VHS tapes, and DVDs have more limited appeal considering that they are dependent on specific technology for viewing, and are therefore subject to obsolescence. Magazines, on the other hand, do not require any device to view and generally last longer and endure in better condition. This has led to an increase in demand and an upward pricing trend, especially for more scarce and sought-after titles. This guide is intended to provide an introduction to the art and science of collecting vintage adult magazines, describing the different types of magazines and the major factors that contribute to their value and desirability.

I really think the $29,000 is a bit on the high side and b.s., also because they can't prove what was thrown out. And it wouldn't be worth that much used either.

To have 29K of porn it would have to be enough to take three full bedrooms. Although I probably would pay a good buck to see Christina Anstead from the show Flip or Flop in a porn movie.
To have 29K of porn it would have to be enough to take three full bedrooms.
Not necessarily, say a DVD costs $29 a pop, that's 1000, which is a lot but could fit into one tall bookcase maybe. More complicated with the magazines.
I really think the $29,000 is a bit on the high side and b.s., also because they can't prove what was thrown out. And it wouldn't be worth that much used either.

To have 29K of porn it would have to be enough to take three full bedrooms. Although I probably would pay a good buck to see Christina Anstead from the show Flip or Flop in a porn movie.

I really think the $29,000 is a bit on the high side and b.s., also because they can't prove what was thrown out. And it wouldn't be worth that much used either.

To have 29K of porn it would have to be enough to take three full bedrooms. Although I probably would pay a good buck to see Christina Anstead from the show Flip or Flop in a porn movie.


I don't think so. Married twice already.
To have 29K of porn it would have to be enough to take three full bedrooms.
Not necessarily, say a DVD costs $29 a pop, that's 1000, which is a lot but could fit into one tall bookcase maybe. More complicated with the magazines.

Years ago, maybe when we didn't have the technology we have today. Anybody willing to pay 30 bucks for a DVD for something they can see for nothing all over the internet doesn't spend their money very well.

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