Someone to investigate I.R.S. scandal.

I can't believe they didn't make Issa in charge, MORONS. THERE is NO SCANDAL, BRAINWASHED DINGBATS- NOT A SINGLE GOP group was denied, the huge number of new TP groups and cuts in IRS funding by PUBS explains any delay. GET A FFECKING LIFE AND READ SOMETHING, HATER DUPES...
Do the rightie kooks not understand that this is why they lose elections?

Everyone now correctly just assumes that every word they say about Obama is a lie, given that in the past, every word they've said about Obama has turned out to be a lie.
Do the rightie kooks not understand that this is why they lose elections?

Everyone now correctly just assumes that every word they say about Obama is a lie, given that in the past, every word they've said about Obama has turned out to be a lie.

You mean like when the right said Obama's claim if you like your insurance you can keep it Period was a lie?
Poor D. Issa, so many investigations so few (have their been any?) results. Is there another source, it's not that I distrust the Washington Examiner, but, is there another source?

The administration was forced to appoint a special investigator. Is that enough result for you? The fact they went for a political hack indicates they are scared to death and want to deep six the investigation.
Of course you wouldn't get all that because it requires some intelligence.

Typical rightwing BS - I can just see it, the DOJ breaks the law by handpicking a prosecutor outside the normal queue - the outcome isn't what righties hope and pray for, then-----then the rightwing whines about the DOJ handpicking the wrong prosecutor and demands a do-over -pewsh!-

This entire exercise is a waste of taxpayer money but-----but WTH, breaking the law is how the rightwing rolls...

Limits on Political Campaigning for 501(c)(3) Nonprofits |

In order to maintain tax-exempt status, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations cannot engage in political campaigning. Nonprofits with 501(c)(3) tax exempt status should be ever vigilant about this prohibition -- a violation could result in severe consequences.

The federal tax law is very strict on the issue of political campaigning: A 501(c)(3) organization is absolutely forbidden to directly or indirectly participate in any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office. Violation of this prohibition could lead the IRS to completely revoke your organization's tax-exempt status or impose excise taxes on your organization.

Why are libtards so stupid? Can't see truth when slapped upside their stupid heads.
Holder is the best.

I'm about to head for the game -go Seahawks- but one last message before I go...

I'm not familiar enough with Attorney General history to know if you're right or wrong about AG Holder being "the best". I'd like to take your word for it but you've lost a lot of credibility by self identifying yourself as the "welfare queen". Maybe you can recover some credibility by proving you are, in fact, the "welfare queen" - maybe not.
I apologize if it's embarrassing for you (I'm just the messenger) to have been caught depicting a BLACK for a WHITE? Why would you do that?

"Forty-five years before she became the welfare queen, Linda Taylor was a little girl on a farm in Mississippi County, Ark. The 1930 census identifies her as Martha Miller, one of three children of Joe Miller, a cotton farmer. Joe’s wife was Lidy Miller (written in other documents as Lyde or Lydie).

Though her Uncle Hubert testified that Taylor was born in Summit, Ala., the census says her place of birth is Tennessee. She’s listed as 4 years old in 1930 and 13 in the 1940 survey, meaning she was born sometime between 1925 and 1927. As of 1940, the 13-year-old girl had attended school, but had gone only so far as the second grade. And in the box labeled “color or race,” she’s marked with a “W” for white, just like everyone else in her family." ~ By Josh Levin

For the righties on this board who probably missed it - it's not a scandal for people to be diligent about doing their job, OTOH it is a scandal when people purposely screw up the commute of thousands of people for political vendetta. Check this out ☞ Limits on Political Campaigning for 501(c)(3) Nonprofits |
Do the rightie kooks not understand that this is why they lose elections?

Everyone now correctly just assumes that every word they say about Obama is a lie, given that in the past, every word they've said about Obama has turned out to be a lie.

Actually every word said about Obama was the truth. When the congressman yelled "You lie!" during Obama's speech, it turned out, yes he was lying.
Nobody's burying anything- your phony scandals are total BS...LOL

If Fast and Furious was "phony", then why did Obama have them sealed via "executive privilege"?

If Benghazi investigation is "phony", why are certain witnesses hidden from Congress? And let's ask the families of the 4 dead Americans if they think the deaths of their loved ones was "phony".

Stupid Liberals.
The administration was forced to appoint a special investigator. Is that enough result for you? The fact they went for a political hack indicates they are scared to death and want to deep six the investigation.
Of course you wouldn't get all that because it requires some intelligence.

Typical rightwing BS - I can just see it, the DOJ breaks the law by handpicking a prosecutor outside the normal queue - the outcome isn't what righties hope and pray for, then-----then the rightwing whines about the DOJ handpicking the wrong prosecutor and demands a do-over -pewsh!-

This entire exercise is a waste of taxpayer money but-----but WTH, breaking the law is how the rightwing rolls...

Limits on Political Campaigning for 501(c)(3) Nonprofits |

In order to maintain tax-exempt status, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations cannot engage in political campaigning. Nonprofits with 501(c)(3) tax exempt status should be ever vigilant about this prohibition -- a violation could result in severe consequences.

The federal tax law is very strict on the issue of political campaigning: A 501(c)(3) organization is absolutely forbidden to directly or indirectly participate in any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office. Violation of this prohibition could lead the IRS to completely revoke your organization's tax-exempt status or impose excise taxes on your organization.

Why are libtards so stupid? Can't see truth when slapped upside their stupid heads.

The problem is that their heads are buried so far up their asses, they can't feel a thing.

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