Somebody can explain this DEI thing to me.

My pair is just fine. Slavery doesn't have a damn thing to do with DEI and when you pull that "I am not responsible for the past" garbage by telling me how I was not a slave, you're going to get told what I told you. You don't know what responsibility is. If you did, you would not deny the 247 years where whites have received racial preferences and the 187 years where whites were given preference by written law. If you knew what responsibility was you could recognize how all that has made it so that as a group whites have the most of everything far beyond their proporion of the population. All you are is another white idiot full of fake victimhood who convienently has amnesia about American history.

Fun fact, you were never a slave, grow a pair, like you were a Democrat woman. Vermin.

Try again. Who is responsible for you? Hint, it's you. No one has ever stopped you except you, ever. Everyone has setbacks, no one did shit for me I didn't do for myself. That's how life works, cry baby.

Grow a pair and take responsibility for yourself and stop asking Nancy to do it, even if she does have a pair bigger than yours
Fun fact, you were never a slave, grow a pair, like you were a Democrat woman. Vermin.

Try again. Who is responsible for you? Hint, it's you. No one has ever stopped you except you, ever. Everyone has setbacks, no one did shit for me I didn't do for myself. That's how life works, cry baby.

Grow a pair and take responsibility for yourself and stop asking Nancy to do it, even if she does have a pair bigger than yours
Well I was involved in a racial discrimination suit 30 years after such discrimination was supposed to be stopped that got a manager removed. DEI has nothing to do with slavery and the fact you try that dumb line shows that you really have no logical argument on this matter. So grow a pair and recognize the advantages the government has historically given to whites.
Because it seems more like an empty slogan by 90-year-old brainwashed Noam Chomsky with brain cancer or washed-up linguist/intellectual would support. It's clearly propaganda. It means nothing. (D) iversity? No, it's Conformity. (I)nclusion: except for the people that don't conform to their ideals, so they exclude them. (E) quity! What is even THAT? We are all the same. So, Shaquile O'Neal is just like Stephen Hawking...Whatever.

All animals, including people, are inherently racist, tribal, discriminatory, biased, etc.
It is only by deliberate intellectual effort that we can over come these instincts that are very harmful to any large social order.

Sure that requires "conformity" because there have to be universal standard of acceptance that everyone can count on, for society to succeed.

Sure that means "exclusion" of those who would deliberately disrupt the desired social order, by harming others who have done nothing wrong. The difference is you only harm those who have demonstrated their intent to harm others. You do not just harm over race, religion, political affiliation, etc.

Equity is not sameness of outcome, but sameness of opportunities. Of course everyone has different skills, interests, goals, ability, etc., and that can never be uniform. But people should not be arbitrarily denied or assumed to be unable simply due to their group membership.

For example, in the Harvard case with president Gay, the people wanting her fired were trying to extort her to censor students, which is clearly illegal. Students are adults and their political beliefs are protected and illegal to censor.
M'kay, vermin
White trash can't find the free stuff he claims democrats are giving away. But those tax cuts the republicans offer the rich white trash ignores.
All animals, including people, are inherently racist, tribal, discriminatory, biased, etc.
It is only by deliberate intellectual effort that we can over come these instincts that are very harmful to any large social order.

Sure that requires "conformity" because there have to be universal standard of acceptance that everyone can count on, for society to succeed.

Sure that means "exclusion" of those who would deliberately disrupt the desired social order, by harming others who have done nothing wrong. The difference is you only harm those who have demonstrated their intent to harm others. You do not just harm over race, religion, political affiliation, etc.

Equity is not sameness of outcome, but sameness of opportunities. Of course everyone has different skills, interests, goals, ability, etc., and that can never be uniform. But people should not be arbitrarily denied or assumed to be unable simply due to their group membership.

For example, in the Harvard case with president Gay, the people wanting her fired were trying to extort her to censor students, which is clearly illegal. Students are adults and their political beliefs are protected and illegal to censor.
No, all animals are not inherently racist.
Well I was involved in a racial discrimination suit 30 years after such discrimination was supposed to be stopped that got a manager removed. DEI has nothing to do with slavery and the fact you try that dumb line shows that you really have no logical argument on this matter. So grow a pair and recognize the advantages the government has historically given to whites.

So what you're saying is anyone who has ever had a problem with a black person can blame you.

Of COURSE you're not, it's yet again your racist double standards, vermin
White trash can't find the free stuff he claims democrats are giving away. But those tax cuts the republicans offer the rich white trash ignores.

You're just babbling your endless double standards, vermin. When you have one standard and you apply it to yourself too, let me know
After ~50 years of affirmative action and/or quotas blacks still fall behind so we must keep the successful down in order to boost the incompetent.

And we see this in any number of Biden's pathetic black women court appointments; as well as other women minorities appointed by Biden (think judge Pan, who is a fool).

I disagree.
I see whites being tutored, traveled, sent to expensive camps, etc., that is a huge advantage compared to an inner city family that just barely survives.
It should not be that way.
Doing well on standardized testing is a skill that can easily be taught, is taught in the suburbs, but not in the inner cities.
I see the discrimination all the time.
I can tell what the potential of people are, and the current system is more often wrong than right, and needs far more affirmative action.
We do NOT want dynasties.
We want individuals to be judges on their potential, not on how they have been coached.
"Equity" means that if you have $2 they will take $1 and then you will be equal.
Basically, "equity" means the unproductive people stealing from the productive people.
Yep because Democrats are very charitable,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,with other people's money, those rich liberal bastards in Washington and Hollywood are the least Charitable on Earth!
Democrats denied Ukraine migs from Poland.

Democrats don't care about Ukrainians. They're white.

The reality is that the leadership of the Ukraine in Kyiv is NOT representative of the actual population.
The actual population of the Ukraine is historically ethnic Russian, and Kyiv was violently taken over by ethnic Polish in 2014.
The fact Poland wants to murder all the ethnic Russians in the Ukraine, is well known.
The ethnic Polish are about as racist and fascist as you can get, with the ethnic Polish in Poland and the Ukraine, running the death camps in WWII.
Sending Polish migs to the Ukraine would force Russia to direct even more resources and weapons against Poland and the US, instead of just the limited fighting in the Ukraine now.
Russia has to win this or else their only other alternative it to pre-emptively nuke the US, before the Ukraine can join NATO and install US cruise missile nukes behind Russia's defense screen.
So anyone suggesting weapons be sent to the Ukraine, is just crazy.
It would be the end of the US as we know it.
Communism by any other name. Stinks. We can smell it a mile away.

Communism is what all social animals do instinctively.
With families, tribes, etc., we are NOT profit motivated, but instead share communally, collectively, and cooperatively.
Those who think this at all implies centralized dictatorship, just are totally ignorant as to what communism is, and instead have been wrongly taught to believe that Stalinism is communist, when in the reality Stalinism is totally and completely capitalist, profit motivated.
So what you're saying is anyone who has ever had a problem with a black person can blame you.

Of COURSE you're not, it's yet again your racist double standards, vermin

I see Blacks being unfairly abused all the time.
I also know that Blacks generally do not have the same education, travel, support, extended family, etc. that whites do.

The reality is that there is much greater variation between individuals than there is between races.
The races are almost identical.
And if fact, whites came from Blacks through inbreeding, and Blacks are just the larger grouping.
It is a woke point system favoring diversity
This week's winner is the New England Patriots
They fired Bill Belichick Widely regarded as one of the greatest head coaches of all time, he holds numerous coaching records, including the record of most Super Bowl wins (six) as a head coach, all with the New England Patriots, and promoted inside linebackers coach Jerod Mayo to be their next head coach. making him the youngest coach in the NFL
It is a woke point system favoring diversity
This week's winner is the New England Patriots
They fired Bill Belichick Widely regarded as one of the greatest head coaches of all time, he holds numerous coaching records, including the record of most Super Bowl wins (six) as a head coach, all with the New England Patriots, and promoted inside linebackers coach Jerod Mayo to be their next head coach. making him the youngest coach in the NFL
The WEF/Democrats are pushing DEI to get support for a Chinese style social credit score system for Americans.

Soon, in America, everything you do will depend on a score given to you by the WEF.
I see Blacks being unfairly abused all the time.
I also know that Blacks generally do not have the same education, travel, support, extended family, etc. that whites do.

The reality is that there is much greater variation between individuals than there is between races.
The races are almost identical.
And if fact, whites came from Blacks through inbreeding, and Blacks are just the larger grouping.

Wow, people are unfair to blacks, I've never seen that with any other race, that's terrible! So they can't make it like we can. They should just quit, got it.

So what are the root causes of that? It's just white people and of course the dirty Jews?
Wow, people are unfair to blacks, I've never seen that with any other race, that's terrible! So they can't make it like we can. They should just quit, got it.

So what are the root causes of that? It's just white people and of course the dirty Jews?
Do Asians and Hispanics also hold down the blacks?
Whites were slaves in North Africa before blacks were in the U.S.

All places in history had some slavery of minority races.
That is not awful, since it is better than just killing POWs or convicted criminals.

But the problem only gets out of hand when it becomes too profitable.
And the only times that happened, it was whites abusing Blacks.
Like the Jamaican sugar plantations for rum and the US cotton plantations.

It is worst only when there are large economic systems driving the material greed that impliments it.
Most societies do not get that material, greedy, or impersonal.
All places in history had some slavery of minority races.
That is not awful, since it is better than just killing POWs or convicted criminals.

But the problem only gets out of hand when it becomes too profitable.
And the only times that happened, it was whites abusing Blacks.
Like the Jamaican sugar plantations for rum and the US cotton plantations.

It is worst only when there are large economic systems driving the material greed that impliments it.
Most societies do not get that material, greedy, or impersonal.
You make black people sound inferior to whites.

Do you believe blacks can't be racist like the other WEF/Democrats here?
So what you're saying is anyone who has ever had a problem with a black person can blame you.

Of COURSE you're not, it's yet again your racist double standards, vermin
Nope. But that's the conclusion an idiot would come to. You need to shut up and learn how public policy helped your white ---.

From Ferguson to Baltimore: The Fruits of Government-Sponsored Segregation​


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