Somebody can explain this DEI thing to me.

There you have it America, black people can't be racist.

Can Hispanics or Asians be racist?

It's sickening to read the disegenuous crap from white supremacists trying to call somebody black a racist. That's evil. And it's why some blacks call whitees ddeevvilss.
It's sickening to read the disegenuous crap from white supremacists trying to call somebody black a racist. That's evil. And it's why some blacks call whitees ddeevvilss.
WEF shills like this do nothing but gaslight.

I'll ask again.

Can Hispanics or Asians be racist?
WEF shills like this do nothing but gaslight.

I'll ask again.

Can Hispanics or Asians be racist?
Let me clarify tthis for you, simp.

When ANY NON WHITE GROUP has done what whites have done, come ask me that questiion..

Now go study the psychological effects of white racism on non white people. Some of the words might be too much for you, so have a dictionary ready.
Let me clarify tthis for you, simp.

When ANY NON WHITE GROUP has done what whites have done, come ask me that questiion..

Now go study the psychological effects of white racism on non white people. Some of the words might be too much for you, so have a dictionary ready.
So only white people can be racist?
So only white people can be racist?
What I believe is that blacks in America did not create a system providing blacks preference only because of color and have tried maintaning that system for going on 248 years.

But whites have.
What have whites done that non-whites have not?
Non whites in America did not create a system providing themselves preference only because of color and have tried maintaning that system for going on 248 years.

But whites have.
Whites were slaves in North Africa before blacks were in the U.S.
Non whites in America did not create a system providing themselves preference only because of color and have tried maintaning that system for going on 248 years.

But whites have. This topic is not about Africa.. Besides, Europeans owned the white slaves on the Barbary Coast.
Nothing but propaganda and talking points. Fun fact, I was never a slave owner and you were never a slave. I bet if you look back on your life honestly you will admit that you may have been screwed at times , but the only one who ever stopped you was you

LOL, so otto105 "I disagree" was a slave owner, so there you go, IM2 , take it up with him, LOL, vermin
You should never be taken seriously.

Well, no, of course not. Get a job, take responsibility for your own life, grow a pair, stop being a sissy. It's like I'm your parent, huh? Who needs that? Of course you don't take that seriously, Democrats are offering free shit, and lots of it!!!!!! Fuck tomorrow, live for today, that's what you always say, racist vermin
Bullshit. Don't try that "you never were a slave" bullshit after trying to blame todays democratic party for slavery. If you took at look at America honestly you know white racism is a problem and there is no doubt in my mind that you're a part of the problem.

Understand this, your ass didn't fight in the Revolutionary War, but you recognize that war as a reason for our existence today. Your ass didn't fiight in the Civil War but whites like you want us to thank you because your ancestors fought in that war. Whites like you talk out of both sides of your mouth. It's time you STFU and moved on, because I'm above your paygrade.

And here we go with yet ANOTHER double standard. Get back to me when you grow a pair and hold yourself and your team to your standard. Because until then, all you have are lame politically motivated racist attacks, vermin
And here we go with yet ANOTHER double standard. Get back to me when you grow a pair and hold yourself and your team to your standard. Because until then, all you have are lame politically motivated racist attacks, vermin
My pair is just fine. Slavery doesn't have a damn thing to do with DEI and when you pull that "I am not responsible for the past" garbage by telling me how I was not a slave, you're going to get told what I told you. You don't know what responsibility is. If you did, you would not deny the 247 years where whites have received racial preferences and the 187 years where whites were given preference by written law. If you knew what responsibility was you could recognize how all that has made it so that as a group whites have the most of everything far beyond their proporion of the population. All you are is another white idiot full of fake victimhood who convienently has amnesia about American history.
Well, no, of course not. Get a job, take responsibility for your own life, grow a pair, stop being a sissy. It's like I'm your parent, huh? Who needs that? Of course you don't take that seriously, Democrats are offering free shit, and lots of it!!!!!! Fuck tomorrow, live for today, that's what you always say, racist vermin
How about you give me the website to the Democratic Free Black Stuff Administration, because I have never seen all this free shit Democrats are giving to people.

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