Somebody Bring in a Dark Horse, PLEASE

Trump 26 percent
Huckabee 17 percent
Mitt Romney 15
Newt Gingrich 11
Sarah Palin 8
Ron Paul 5
Michelle Bachman and Tim Pawlenty have 4 percent each

I can't foresee anything that would cause me to vote for ANY of these clowns.

Are there any other viable choices that the MSM is neglecting to report on???

Your two best hopes whould be Jeb Bush or Chris Christie and they are even unsure of whether they can beat Obama. This group doesn't stand a chance, Obama stands to raise a billion dollars.

Democrats are looking at the congress now to get it back, they're pretty sure about the president.

It is really really hard to defeat a sitting president. Remember that Clinton had the help from Perot, who bled off support from Bush I. Most of the prime contenders who are young enough are more than willing to wait for 2016.
Trump 26 percent
Huckabee 17 percent
Mitt Romney 15
Newt Gingrich 11
Sarah Palin 8
Ron Paul 5
Michelle Bachman and Tim Pawlenty have 4 percent each

I can't foresee anything that would cause me to vote for ANY of these clowns.

Are there any other viable choices that the MSM is neglecting to report on???

Any of those would be better than the clown you voted for in the last presidential election.
Apparently, same back at ya!!
Trump 26 percent
Huckabee 17 percent
Mitt Romney 15
Newt Gingrich 11
Sarah Palin 8
Ron Paul 5
Michelle Bachman and Tim Pawlenty have 4 percent each

I can't foresee anything that would cause me to vote for ANY of these clowns.

Are there any other viable choices that the MSM is neglecting to report on???

The only one that believes in "science" is "Mitt Romney". Hilarious.
If the choice is one of those I honestly don't know what I'll do. My vote - if I decided to even vote - would again be a vote against Obama, rather than for the particular candidate.

I'm not a fan of any listed. And The Donald won't run, imo. He's just puffing up his chest making squawking noises. He's very good at that.
Trump 26 percent
Huckabee 17 percent
Mitt Romney 15
Newt Gingrich 11
Sarah Palin 8
Ron Paul 5
Michelle Bachman and Tim Pawlenty have 4 percent each

I can't foresee anything that would cause me to vote for ANY of these clowns.

Are there any other viable choices that the MSM is neglecting to report on???

The only one that believes in "science" is "Mitt Romney". Hilarious.

Romneycare versus Obamacare....that should be boring as hell!
Trump 26 percent
Huckabee 17 percent
Mitt Romney 15
Newt Gingrich 11
Sarah Palin 8
Ron Paul 5
Michelle Bachman and Tim Pawlenty have 4 percent each

I can't foresee anything that would cause me to vote for ANY of these clowns.

Are there any other viable choices that the MSM is neglecting to report on???

Your two best hopes whould be Jeb Bush or Chris Christie and they are even unsure of whether they can beat Obama. This group doesn't stand a chance, Obama stands to raise a billion dollars.

Democrats are looking at the congress now to get it back, they're pretty sure about the president.
Jeb Bush is awesome and, IMO, the man for the job.
He's as leery of American's "Bush-itis" as I am.
2016 would prob be better for him.....

Having left the Republican Party, the only Republican I would vote for is Jeb Bush. He is not an ideological conservative. He understands that there is a role for government and that it must be run in a fiscally responsible way. He would not support abolishing SS or Medicare or any other far right wing ideas. What is so impressive about Jeb, is that he actually understands how to govern and make things work. That all being said, I don't think he could win because of his name. It's really a shame.

As for who could win, I think there is only one person, and he has already said he won't run. He is the only really likable conservative Republican I can think of who doesn't come with loads of baggage, and that is John Thune.
Trump 26 percent
Huckabee 17 percent
Mitt Romney 15
Newt Gingrich 11
Sarah Palin 8
Ron Paul 5
Michelle Bachman and Tim Pawlenty have 4 percent each

I can't foresee anything that would cause me to vote for ANY of these clowns.

Are there any other viable choices that the MSM is neglecting to report on???

Your two best hopes whould be Jeb Bush or Chris Christie and they are even unsure of whether they can beat Obama. This group doesn't stand a chance, Obama stands to raise a billion dollars.

Democrats are looking at the congress now to get it back, they're pretty sure about the president.

It is really really hard to defeat a sitting president. Remember that Clinton had the help from Perot, who bled off support from Bush I. Most of the prime contenders who are young enough are more than willing to wait for 2016.

I just don't think that even matters. None of the Repubs would do well in the general against Obama.

In 2016, they might have Hillary to worry about.
Your two best hopes whould be Jeb Bush or Chris Christie and they are even unsure of whether they can beat Obama. This group doesn't stand a chance, Obama stands to raise a billion dollars.

Democrats are looking at the congress now to get it back, they're pretty sure about the president.
Jeb Bush is awesome and, IMO, the man for the job.
He's as leery of American's "Bush-itis" as I am.
2016 would prob be better for him.....

Having left the Republican Party, the only Republican I would vote for is Jeb Bush. He is not an ideological conservative. He understands that there is a role for government and that it must be run in a fiscally responsible way. He would not support abolishing SS or Medicare or any other far right wing ideas. What is so impressive about Jeb, is that he actually understands how to govern and make things work. That all being said, I don't think he could win because of his name. It's really a shame.

As for who could win, I think there is only one person, and he has already said he won't run. He is the only really likable conservative Republican I can think of who doesn't come with loads of baggage, and that is John Thune.
I'll have to look him up (after I get through with your other links) ;)
But if he isn't running.........
If the choice is one of those I honestly don't know what I'll do. My vote - if I decided to even vote - would again be a vote against Obama, rather than for the particular candidate.

I'm not a fan of any listed. And The Donald won't run, imo. He's just puffing up his chest making squawking noises. He's very good at that.
The only good thing I can say about The Donald is he's firing up the base.
He's out there, early, setting the bar for topics that are going to be at the front of people's minds when the "real" candidates start their stumping.
Trump 26 percent
Huckabee 17 percent
Mitt Romney 15
Newt Gingrich 11
Sarah Palin 8
Ron Paul 5
Michelle Bachman and Tim Pawlenty have 4 percent each

I can't foresee anything that would cause me to vote for ANY of these clowns.

Are there any other viable choices that the MSM is neglecting to report on???

What do you know, the only guy who said he is actually running for president is at the top of that poll.....................................

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