some folks say Woodrow Wilson is the worst president in history. some say Obama. what do you think?!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
The Racist Legacy of Woodrow Wilson

"Wilson was also a Leftist busybody tyrant who permanently reversed America’s non-interventionist foreign policy and set us on a course for 100 years of international failure, death, and debt. Maybe the worst president of all time."

Wilson believed God’s plan for him was to become president of the United States, and he might have been right.

The Racist Legacy of Woodrow Wilson

"Wilson was also a Leftist busybody tyrant who permanently reversed America’s non-interventionist foreign policy and set us on a course for 100 years of international failure, death, and debt. Maybe the worst president of all time."

Wilson believed God’s plan for him was to become president of the United States, and he might have been right.


I would somewhat agree... except that.... I honestly believe it was unavoidable. The US simply due to it's economic and military strength, was destined to be involved in world affairs. I don't think there is any way it could have played out differently.

Over the long haul, Hoover and FDR were the worst two presidents in all of American history, by a wide margin.

The government expansion and interventionism of Obama, was merely building on Hoover/FDR's garbage legacy.

In recent history, it would be either Carter or Obama, and me leaning more towards Obama at this point.

Carter was weak, and yet implemented many bad policies that we are still dealing with today. He caused international problems, while putting in place laws that damage the economy even now.

Obama did all of that, plus he significantly damaged cultural cohesion and race relations.

So in the long run, Hoover/FDR are still the worst. In the short run, Obama I think has nudged out Carter for worst president.
Wilson created the Federal Reserve. Truman unleashed the National Security Act and all that came with it. There's a lot of candidates for that title. Depends on what you think "worst" means to you.
No, actually most will say Andrew Johnson.
Yep, he was NOT a good president. According to accounts I've read, he was so drunk when he was sworn in after Lincoln's assassination, he could barely stand up. And he was the first president to be impeached. So, like you, I would choose Andrew Johnson as THE worst president ever. Obama would be my runner up.
No, actually most will say Andrew Johnson.
Yep, he was NOT a good president. According to accounts I've read, he was so drunk when he was sworn in after Lincoln's assassination, he could barely stand up. And he was the first president to be impeached. So, like you, I would choose Andrew Johnson as THE worst president ever. Obama would be my runner up.

Not to mention some think that Johnson may have had a hand in Lincoln's assassination, especially since his so-called planned murderer lost his nerve and did not try to kill him.
Worst in modern history

Bush 43
The Racist Legacy of Woodrow Wilson

"Wilson was also a Leftist busybody tyrant who permanently reversed America’s non-interventionist foreign policy and set us on a course for 100 years of international failure, death, and debt. Maybe the worst president of all time."

Wilson believed God’s plan for him was to become president of the United States, and he might have been right.

Trump is definitely the worst. You are welcome for the assistance.
Obama is definitely in the top 5 worst president's list. ... :cool:
Obama is definitely in the top 5 worst president's list. ... :cool:
Obama is definitely in the top 5 worst president's list. ... :cool:
Obama is definitely in the top 5 worst president's list. ... :cool:
Top best. You are welcome for
Obama is definitely in the top 5 worst president's list. ... :cool:
Top 5 best. Happy I could correct that for you.
No, actually most will say Andrew Johnson.
Yep, he was NOT a good president. According to accounts I've read, he was so drunk when he was sworn in after Lincoln's assassination, he could barely stand up. And he was the first president to be impeached. So, like you, I would choose Andrew Johnson as THE worst president ever. Obama would be my runner up.

Not to mention some think that Johnson may have had a hand in Lincoln's assassination, especially since his so-called planned murderer lost his nerve and did not try to kill him.
Thanks for the info.
No, actually most will say Andrew Johnson.
Yep, he was NOT a good president. According to accounts I've read, he was so drunk when he was sworn in after Lincoln's assassination, he could barely stand up. And he was the first president to be impeached. So, like you, I would choose Andrew Johnson as THE worst president ever. Obama would be my runner up.
What was wrong with Obama? He was handed a country in dire shape and turned it around. guess he was not the right color for you, because he did a great job as President.
President Lincoln was, in my opinion, the worst president.

A wiser person could have found another way to deal with the South.

The Civil War not only took the lives of at least 600,000 young men, but it resulted in Reconstruction and then segregation and then the Civil Rights movement and then today's ethnic unpleasantness and tension.

Personally, he was a very nice person; politically, he was a dud.
Definitely 44 hands down.
No one else ever required Americans to buy a product from private companies so those companies could make a profit.
President Lincoln was, in my opinion, the worst president.

A wiser person could have found another way to deal with the South.

The Civil War not only took the lives of at least 600,000 young men, but it resulted in Reconstruction and then segregation and then the Civil Rights movement and then today's ethnic unpleasantness and tension.

Personally, he was a very nice person; politically, he was a dud.

Lincoln saved the Union

No President has come close
No, actually most will say Andrew Johnson.
Yep, he was NOT a good president. According to accounts I've read, he was so drunk when he was sworn in after Lincoln's assassination, he could barely stand up. And he was the first president to be impeached. So, like you, I would choose Andrew Johnson as THE worst president ever. Obama would be my runner up.
What was wrong with Obama? He was handed a country in dire shape and turned it around. guess he was not the right color for you, because he did a great job as President.
You mean other then confiscating reporters computers and emails?
Bombing a Doctors Without Borders hospital. Selling guns to drug dealers. Using the I.R.S. as his personal brown shirt squad. Writing an EO that even he admitted might not be legal. Explaining that he would have more flexibility after the election to Putins fellow. Requiring Americans to buy insurance just to increase those companies bottom line.
Need I go on?

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