some folks say Woodrow Wilson is the worst president in history. some say Obama. what do you think?!

liberals say Wilson saved America from the greed of the rich.

conservatives say he was a cold, stiff academic who got poor Americans addicted to welfare
liberals say Wilson saved America from the greed of the rich.

conservatives say he was a cold, stiff academic who got poor Americans addicted to welfare

Wilson led us through WWI and was instrumental in the forming of the League of Nations

He also created the Federal Reserve which stabilized our currency.
No, actually most will say Andrew Johnson.
Yep, he was NOT a good president. According to accounts I've read, he was so drunk when he was sworn in after Lincoln's assassination, he could barely stand up. And he was the first president to be impeached. So, like you, I would choose Andrew Johnson as THE worst president ever. Obama would be my runner up.
What was wrong with Obama? He was handed a country in dire shape and turned it around. guess he was not the right color for you, because he did a great job as President.
He was a corporatist, a war monger and he trampled on the COTUS.
He was horrible.
President Lincoln was, in my opinion, the worst president.

A wiser person could have found another way to deal with the South.

The Civil War not only took the lives of at least 600,000 young men, but it resulted in Reconstruction and then segregation and then the Civil Rights movement and then today's ethnic unpleasantness and tension.

Personally, he was a very nice person; politically, he was a dud.

Lincoln saved the Union

No President has come close
And the way he did it was precisely the reason why he was the worst.
The Racist Legacy of Woodrow Wilson

"Wilson was also a Leftist busybody tyrant who permanently reversed America’s non-interventionist foreign policy and set us on a course for 100 years of international failure, death, and debt. Maybe the worst president of all time."

Wilson believed God’s plan for him was to become president of the United States, and he might have been right.

Wilson was an American hero compared to Obama.
Wilson let the banksters run America

Yeah Dishonest Abe was the worst. Responsible for 850k dead Americans and destruction of half the nation. Committed treason for which he should have been hung in 1861. Followed by the war criminal Dirty Harry, for his numerous war crimes.
President Lincoln was, in my opinion, the worst president.

A wiser person could have found another way to deal with the South.

The Civil War not only took the lives of at least 600,000 young men, but it resulted in Reconstruction and then segregation and then the Civil Rights movement and then today's ethnic unpleasantness and tension.

Personally, he was a very nice person; politically, he was a dud.

Lincoln saved the Union

No President has come close
And the way he did it was precisely the reason why he was the worst.
Desperate times called for desperate measures.

Lincoln preserved the union
"The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin ... would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities, an intricate knot of GermANS, Irish, EngLISH, ETC"- Theodore Roosevelt...TR didn't allow blacks at his convention
Wilson believed it was the government's job to educate children, basically compulsory education, it was indoctrination in reality. schoolchildren belonged not to parents but to the state.

"Our problems is to make students as unlike their fathers as we can." woodrow wilson

"a tax supported compulsory education system is The complete model of the totalitarian state" - President Reagan
Wilson was dyslexic, didn't learn the alphabet until age 9, didn't learn to read until age 12, yet he overcame those obstacles and became...THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!

TR had asthma, poor eyesight and poor general health, and slept on a chair...yet he overcame those obstacles and became...THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!

this is fun!

one more!

FDR had polio, yet he overcame those obstacles and became...THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STAAAAAAAATES!

anyone wanna do Obama? we know the obstacle Barack H Obama had!
No, actually most will say Andrew Johnson.
Yep, he was NOT a good president. According to accounts I've read, he was so drunk when he was sworn in after Lincoln's assassination, he could barely stand up. And he was the first president to be impeached. So, like you, I would choose Andrew Johnson as THE worst president ever. Obama would be my runner up.
What was wrong with Obama? He was handed a country in dire shape and turned it around. guess he was not the right color for you, because he did a great job as President.
He didn't achieve ANYTHING of worth during his 8 years as president. He DID accomplish TWO things - He somehow made race relations between blacks and whites in our country WORSE, and he succeeded in making our black communities hate our police even more. Way to go, Kenyan-born miscreant! And of course, being hand picked and groomed by George Soros, he started our country on the path to becoming a globalist and socialist sh*thole. I hope this answers your question.
". . . the teachings of the Bible are so interwoven and entwined with our whole civic and social life that it would be literally . . . impossible for us to figure to ourselves what that life would be if these teachings were removed.” –Theodore Roosevelt
Ron Paul: "If we are not even decide...what we wish to eat or drink, how much freedom do we...have left?"

Theodore Roosevelt launched the FDA in 1906! it gives the government the power to decide what we drink and eat!
Wilson believed it was the government's job to educate children, basically compulsory education, it was indoctrination in reality. schoolchildren belonged not to parents but to the state.

"Our problems is to make students as unlike their fathers as we can." woodrow wilson

"a tax supported compulsory education system is The complete model of the totalitarian state" - President Reagan
Education of the masses......what a socialistic concept
Ron Paul: "If we are not even decide...what we wish to eat or drink, how much freedom do we...have left?"

Theodore Roosevelt launched the FDA in 1906! it gives the government the power to decide what we drink and eat!

Like Ron Paul said.......Let em die

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