Solar Output Shifts... Major Wavelength Changes Observed - Suns surface is cooling...


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
Well here it is...

Dr. David Archibald of Solar Helios Observatory (SHO) is noting a major shift in the plasma temperature of the suns surface. Its cooling off.. This means the energy leaving the sun is in a much longer wavelength and has less energy.


With major ash clouds and SO4 levels from Volcanoes circumferencing the Northeren Hemisphere and globe were in for a fast cooling.

Figure 1: Temperature of the solar wind plasma

As Figure 1 shows, the temperature of the solar wind has hit a new low for the instrument record. As it is energy from the Sun that keeps the Earth from looking like Pluto, the lower plasma temperature indicates that the Sun’s surface is cooling. Surely the Earth’s surface will follow.

We knew this was coming because we are overdue for our next glacial cycle. The rate of temperature drop is making it very clear the sun is going to sleep. So much for AGW....

Solar Plasma Temperature is plunging – should we worry? – Watts Up With That?
Well here it is...

Dr. David Archibald of Solar Helios Observatory (SHO) is noting a major shift in the plasma temperature of the suns surface. Its cooling off.. This means the energy leaving the sun is in a much longer wavelength and has less energy.

View attachment 483736

With major ash clouds and SO4 levels from Volcanoes circumferencing the Northeren Hemisphere and globe were in for a fast cooling.

Figure 1: Temperature of the solar wind plasma

As Figure 1 shows, the temperature of the solar wind has hit a new low for the instrument record. As it is energy from the Sun that keeps the Earth from looking like Pluto, the lower plasma temperature indicates that the Sun’s surface is cooling. Surely the Earth’s surface will follow.

We knew this was coming because we are overdue for our next glacial cycle. The rate of temperature drop is making it very clear the sun is going to sleep. So much for AGW....

Solar Plasma Temperature is plunging – should we worry? – Watts Up With That?
Tell Prof to google Maunder Minimum the sun is overdue. Also called the little ice age..
Well here it is...

Dr. David Archibald of Solar Helios Observatory (SHO) is noting a major shift in the plasma temperature of the suns surface. Its cooling off.. This means the energy leaving the sun is in a much longer wavelength and has less energy.

View attachment 483736

With major ash clouds and SO4 levels from Volcanoes circumferencing the Northeren Hemisphere and globe were in for a fast cooling.

Figure 1: Temperature of the solar wind plasma

As Figure 1 shows, the temperature of the solar wind has hit a new low for the instrument record. As it is energy from the Sun that keeps the Earth from looking like Pluto, the lower plasma temperature indicates that the Sun’s surface is cooling. Surely the Earth’s surface will follow.

We knew this was coming because we are overdue for our next glacial cycle. The rate of temperature drop is making it very clear the sun is going to sleep. So much for AGW....

Solar Plasma Temperature is plunging – should we worry? – Watts Up With That?
Tell Prof to google Maunder Minimum the sun is overdue. Also called the little ice age..
If the current trend continues we will be much colder than that very quickly.. A Dalton event is very likely.
Maybe we should release some gas into the atmosphere to help keep the planet warm.

Seriously though... The amount of shit we don't know, or even know to ask, is mind boggling on topics like this. It's extremely likely we don't even know the right questions yet, let alone have the correct answers.
Well here it is...

Dr. David Archibald of Solar Helios Observatory (SHO) is noting a major shift in the plasma temperature of the suns surface. Its cooling off.. This means the energy leaving the sun is in a much longer wavelength and has less energy.

View attachment 483736

With major ash clouds and SO4 levels from Volcanoes circumferencing the Northeren Hemisphere and globe were in for a fast cooling.

Figure 1: Temperature of the solar wind plasma

As Figure 1 shows, the temperature of the solar wind has hit a new low for the instrument record. As it is energy from the Sun that keeps the Earth from looking like Pluto, the lower plasma temperature indicates that the Sun’s surface is cooling. Surely the Earth’s surface will follow.

We knew this was coming because we are overdue for our next glacial cycle. The rate of temperature drop is making it very clear the sun is going to sleep. So much for AGW....

Solar Plasma Temperature is plunging – should we worry? – Watts Up With That?
Tell Prof to google Maunder Minimum the sun is overdue. Also called the little ice age..
If the current trend continues we will be much colder than that very quickly.. A Dalton event is very likely.

That is my thought as well, Maunder minimum level, too early to know since there are still some more large El-Nino phases left to deal with, but the oceans are going to be getting a smaller recharge rate in the future,
Well here it is...

Dr. David Archibald of Solar Helios Observatory (SHO) is noting a major shift in the plasma temperature of the suns surface. Its cooling off.. This means the energy leaving the sun is in a much longer wavelength and has less energy.

View attachment 483736

With major ash clouds and SO4 levels from Volcanoes circumferencing the Northeren Hemisphere and globe were in for a fast cooling.

Figure 1: Temperature of the solar wind plasma

As Figure 1 shows, the temperature of the solar wind has hit a new low for the instrument record. As it is energy from the Sun that keeps the Earth from looking like Pluto, the lower plasma temperature indicates that the Sun’s surface is cooling. Surely the Earth’s surface will follow.

We knew this was coming because we are overdue for our next glacial cycle. The rate of temperature drop is making it very clear the sun is going to sleep. So much for AGW....

Solar Plasma Temperature is plunging – should we worry? – Watts Up With That?

Billy Bob, in the WUWT article, why do all the solar data graphs run from 1965 to present but the Southern Hemisphere temperature data, which they imply is correlated, only run for eight months of 2020? Perhaps cause over the same period as his solar data, the global temps look like this:


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Well here it is...

Dr. David Archibald of Solar Helios Observatory (SHO) is noting a major shift in the plasma temperature of the suns surface. Its cooling off.. This means the energy leaving the sun is in a much longer wavelength and has less energy.

View attachment 483736

With major ash clouds and SO4 levels from Volcanoes circumferencing the Northeren Hemisphere and globe were in for a fast cooling.

Figure 1: Temperature of the solar wind plasma

As Figure 1 shows, the temperature of the solar wind has hit a new low for the instrument record. As it is energy from the Sun that keeps the Earth from looking like Pluto, the lower plasma temperature indicates that the Sun’s surface is cooling. Surely the Earth’s surface will follow.

We knew this was coming because we are overdue for our next glacial cycle. The rate of temperature drop is making it very clear the sun is going to sleep. So much for AGW....

Solar Plasma Temperature is plunging – should we worry? – Watts Up With That?

Billy Bob, in the WUWT article, why do all the solar data graphs run from 1965 to present but the Southern Hemisphere temperature data, which they imply is correlated, only run for eight months of 2020? Perhaps cause over the same period as his solar data, the global temps look like this:

View attachment 483855

Where is the data to support that?

Most of this Environmental wacko data have been fabricated and and don't mean jackshit. We have documented proof that the Principle Climate Scientists, NASA, NOAA and the UN purposely lied, fabricated and cherry picked data.

If this shit was real then there would have been no need to lie so much about it, would there?

How much is man made and not from the natural post glacial warming that we have been experiencing for the last 10K years?

When are you stupid uneducated Moon Bats ever going to pull your heads out of your ass and learn that this AGW vullshit is nothing more than a scam?

You Libtard freaks don't know any more about Climate Science than you know about Economics, History, Biology, Ethics or the Constitution.
Ah ... I see the problem ... it's the middle of Spring heading towards Summer here in the Northern Hemisphere ... so of course it's the middle of Spring heading towards Summer in the Southern Hemisphere ... for what possible reason could the Southern Hemisphere be in the middle of Fall heading towards Winter? ... just crazy talk thinking falling temperatures Down Under this time of year ... no way does Australia celebrate Christmas at the beginning of their Summer ... that's against the Laws of God ... [giggle] ...

Dr. David Archibald of Solar Helios Observatory (SHO) ...

None of the information I've found on the internet connects Dr Archibald to the SOHO satellite operations team ... he's a geologist who worked for Exxon many years, and it now a prolific author in subjects from cancer research, climate change and global economies ... and is currently a fellow at Institute of World Politics {Cite} ... although I respect his knowledge across many subjects, it appears astrophysics isn't one of them ...

Wein's Law (in part) says that the wavelength of peak energy from any regular star depends on surface temperature alone ... if the temperature of our own Sun was decreasing, then this peak wavelength will be increasing (i.e. frequency will be decreasing) ... this is not being observed ...

The journal Energy and Environment has published a few of Dr Archibald's scientific papers in these matters ... from the abstract of Archibald (2006), we find the prediction of a 1.5ºC decrease in average global temperatures by year 2020 ... however, actual data over this time period shows an increase in temperatures of 0.5ºC {Cite} ... only missed it by 2ºC, but still obviously wrong ...

You folks need to buy his books ... he'll tell you what you want to hear whether it's true or not ... that's money well spent, right? ...

Remember: if a claim violates even just one Law of Nature ... it's wrong ... and the OP here is violating Wein's Law unless he can explain in every little detail why he's not violating it ...
Ah ... I see the problem ... it's the middle of Spring heading towards Summer here in the Northern Hemisphere ... so of course it's the middle of Spring heading towards Summer in the Southern Hemisphere ... for what possible reason could the Southern Hemisphere be in the middle of Fall heading towards Winter? ... just crazy talk thinking falling temperatures Down Under this time of year ... no way does Australia celebrate Christmas at the beginning of their Summer ... that's against the Laws of God ... [giggle] ...

Dr. David Archibald of Solar Helios Observatory (SHO) ...

None of the information I've found on the internet connects Dr Archibald to the SOHO satellite operations team ... he's a geologist who worked for Exxon many years, and it now a prolific author in subjects from cancer research, climate change and global economies ... and is currently a fellow at Institute of World Politics {Cite} ... although I respect his knowledge across many subjects, it appears astrophysics isn't one of them ...

Wein's Law (in part) says that the wavelength of peak energy from any regular star depends on surface temperature alone ... if the temperature of our own Sun was decreasing, then this peak wavelength will be increasing (i.e. frequency will be decreasing) ... this is not being observed ...

The journal Energy and Environment has published a few of Dr Archibald's scientific papers in these matters ... from the abstract of Archibald (2006), we find the prediction of a 1.5ºC decrease in average global temperatures by year 2020 ... however, actual data over this time period shows an increase in temperatures of 0.5ºC {Cite} ... only missed it by 2ºC, but still obviously wrong ...

You folks need to buy his books ... he'll tell you what you want to hear whether it's true or not ... that's money well spent, right? ...

Remember: if a claim violates even just one Law of Nature ... it's wrong ... and the OP here is violating Wein's Law unless he can explain in every little detail why he's not violating it ...
SO we have some conflicting information and data...

We know from the empirical record that we always see a spike in temperature prior to cooling. As the sun cools we indeed see a Spike in energy before quickly going towards zero. Wein's laws conflicts with other observed phenomena. Violating the laws of nature? Not hardly. As cooling begins there is indeed a spike in energy which quickly wanes and energy decreases in the longer wave length.

Ultraviolet catastrophe - Wikipedia

The ultraviolet catastrophe, also called the Rayleigh–Jeans catastrophe, was the prediction of late 19th century/early 20th century classical physics that an ideal black body at thermal equilibrium will emit radiation in all frequency ranges, emitting more energy as the frequency increases. By calculating the total amount of radiated energy (i.e., the sum of emissions in all frequency ranges), it can be shown that a black body is likely to release an arbitrarily high amount of energy. This would cause all matter to instantaneously radiate all of its energy until it is near absolute zero – indicating that a new model for the behaviour of black bodies was needed. The term "ultraviolet catastrophe" was first used in 1911 by Paul Ehrenfest, but the concept originated with the 1900 statistical derivation of the Rayleigh–Jeans law. The phrase refers to the fact that the Rayleigh–Jeans law accurately predicts experimental results at radiative frequencies below 10 GHz, but begins to diverge with empirical observations as these frequencies reach the ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Since the first appearance of the term, it has also been used for other predictions of a similar nature, as in quantum electrodynamics and such cases as ultraviolet divergence.


As plasma cools it does indeed spike in temperature but then quickly recedes to its new power level after the stored energy is expended. Are we violating Weins laws or are we diverging as has been observed? Is the law accurate when observations say it is not?
SO we have some conflicting information and data...

We know from the empirical record that we always see a spike in temperature prior to cooling. As the sun cools we indeed see a Spike in energy before quickly going towards zero. Wein's laws conflicts with other observed phenomena. Violating the laws of nature? Not hardly. As cooling begins there is indeed a spike in energy which quickly wanes and energy decreases in the longer wave length.

Let's see this empirical data ... I'm not aware of any circumstance where temperature decreases when energy increases ... by definition, temperature is the measure of (kinetic) energy, if something is gaining energy, then temperature will go up ... keep in mind, any exception to this will need to somehow relate to a single main sequence type G2 star, one that is average as average can be ... I know there's such things as Cephid variables, novae and type 1a supernovae, but all these are binary systems, the processes there don't occur at our own Sun ...

Ultraviolet catastrophe - Wikipedia

The ultraviolet catastrophe, also called the Rayleigh–Jeans catastrophe, was the prediction of late 19th century/early 20th century classical physics that an ideal black body at thermal equilibrium will emit radiation in all frequency ranges, emitting more energy as the frequency increases. By calculating the total amount of radiated energy (i.e., the sum of emissions in all frequency ranges), it can be shown that a black body is likely to release an arbitrarily high amount of energy. This would cause all matter to instantaneously radiate all of its energy until it is near absolute zero – indicating that a new model for the behaviour of black bodies was needed. The term "ultraviolet catastrophe" was first used in 1911 by Paul Ehrenfest, but the concept originated with the 1900 statistical derivation of the Rayleigh–Jeans law. The phrase refers to the fact that the Rayleigh–Jeans law accurately predicts experimental results at radiative frequencies below 10 GHz, but begins to diverge with empirical observations as these frequencies reach the ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Since the first appearance of the term, it has also been used for other predictions of a similar nature, as in quantum electrodynamics and such cases as ultraviolet divergence.

Not sure why you're bringing up antiquated theories ... Max Planck proved the energy states in an atom are not smooth ... and any theory based on the assumption of smoothness is wrong ... these energy states are quantized, meaning an atom can only hold very specific energy states, and never exist outside these specific states ... and this is the reason we don't observe the UV catastrophe ... indeed it would be fair to say the whole of Quantum Mechanics started out by explaining why we don't observe this ...

I'm sorry ... Wein's Law is derived from Planck's Law and QM ... not Rayleigh–Jean's Law and Classical Physics ...

As plasma cools it does indeed spike in temperature but then quickly recedes to its new power level after the stored energy is expended. Are we violating Weins laws or are we diverging as has been observed? Is the law accurate when observations say it is not?

As above ... cooling matter and rising temperatures are mutually exclusive ... by definition ... it also sounds like you're using the words "power" and "energy" interchangeably ... ya can't do that, they are related, but are two different things ... the Sun's power level is 1,360 (± 5) W/m^2 and has been constant during the instrumentation era, and is called the Solar Constant ... the wavelength of peak energy from the Sun has also remained constant through this period to three significant digits ...

Yes, we can measure these values to a far more accurate level ... unfortunately we only measure temperature on Earth to the nearest whole kelvin, which is only three digits ... [shrugs shoulders] ... them are the rules, and I had no part making them up ...


The OP is about the Solar Wind ... this isn't just energy, it's matter that contains energy ... matter plays no roll in the radiative transfer of energy; and the Solar Wind is much better described as the convective transfer of energy ... the Sun adds energy to a hydrogen atom, then flings the hydrogen atom (and it's energy) out into space ... what the atom crashed into then absorbs that energy, whether it's Earth, Mars ... or out of the solar system into an exoplanet as a cosmic ray ... some of this energy is radiated in transit, but it's a tiny tiny part of the radiative energy we receive from the Sun ... i.e. this radiation is safely ignored when discussing the environment here on Earth ...
SO we have some conflicting information and data...

We know from the empirical record that we always see a spike in temperature prior to cooling. As the sun cools we indeed see a Spike in energy before quickly going towards zero. Wein's laws conflicts with other observed phenomena. Violating the laws of nature? Not hardly. As cooling begins there is indeed a spike in energy which quickly wanes and energy decreases in the longer wave length.

Let's see this empirical data ... I'm not aware of any circumstance where temperature decreases when energy increases ... by definition, temperature is the measure of (kinetic) energy, if something is gaining energy, then temperature will go up ... keep in mind, any exception to this will need to somehow relate to a single main sequence type G2 star, one that is average as average can be ... I know there's such things as Cephid variables, novae and type 1a supernovae, but all these are binary systems, the processes there don't occur at our own Sun ...

Ultraviolet catastrophe - Wikipedia

The ultraviolet catastrophe, also called the Rayleigh–Jeans catastrophe, was the prediction of late 19th century/early 20th century classical physics that an ideal black body at thermal equilibrium will emit radiation in all frequency ranges, emitting more energy as the frequency increases. By calculating the total amount of radiated energy (i.e., the sum of emissions in all frequency ranges), it can be shown that a black body is likely to release an arbitrarily high amount of energy. This would cause all matter to instantaneously radiate all of its energy until it is near absolute zero – indicating that a new model for the behaviour of black bodies was needed. The term "ultraviolet catastrophe" was first used in 1911 by Paul Ehrenfest, but the concept originated with the 1900 statistical derivation of the Rayleigh–Jeans law. The phrase refers to the fact that the Rayleigh–Jeans law accurately predicts experimental results at radiative frequencies below 10 GHz, but begins to diverge with empirical observations as these frequencies reach the ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Since the first appearance of the term, it has also been used for other predictions of a similar nature, as in quantum electrodynamics and such cases as ultraviolet divergence.

Not sure why you're bringing up antiquated theories ... Max Planck proved the energy states in an atom are not smooth ... and any theory based on the assumption of smoothness is wrong ... these energy states are quantized, meaning an atom can only hold very specific energy states, and never exist outside these specific states ... and this is the reason we don't observe the UV catastrophe ... indeed it would be fair to say the whole of Quantum Mechanics started out by explaining why we don't observe this ...

I'm sorry ... Wein's Law is derived from Planck's Law and QM ... not Rayleigh–Jean's Law and Classical Physics ...

As plasma cools it does indeed spike in temperature but then quickly recedes to its new power level after the stored energy is expended. Are we violating Weins laws or are we diverging as has been observed? Is the law accurate when observations say it is not?

As above ... cooling matter and rising temperatures are mutually exclusive ... by definition ... it also sounds like you're using the words "power" and "energy" interchangeably ... ya can't do that, they are related, but are two different things ... the Sun's power level is 1,360 (± 5) W/m^2 and has been constant during the instrumentation era, and is called the Solar Constant ... the wavelength of peak energy from the Sun has also remained constant through this period to three significant digits ...

Yes, we can measure these values to a far more accurate level ... unfortunately we only measure temperature on Earth to the nearest whole kelvin, which is only three digits ... [shrugs shoulders] ... them are the rules, and I had no part making them up ...


The OP is about the Solar Wind ... this isn't just energy, it's matter that contains energy ... matter plays no roll in the radiative transfer of energy; and the Solar Wind is much better described as the convective transfer of energy ... the Sun adds energy to a hydrogen atom, then flings the hydrogen atom (and it's energy) out into space ... what the atom crashed into then absorbs that energy, whether it's Earth, Mars ... or out of the solar system into an exoplanet as a cosmic ray ... some of this energy is radiated in transit, but it's a tiny tiny part of the radiative energy we receive from the Sun ... i.e. this radiation is safely ignored when discussing the environment here on Earth ...

Stick to your guns about seeing the data with Billy Bob.
Well here it is...

Dr. David Archibald of Solar Helios Observatory (SHO) is noting a major shift in the plasma temperature of the suns surface. Its cooling off.. This means the energy leaving the sun is in a much longer wavelength and has less energy.

View attachment 483736

With major ash clouds and SO4 levels from Volcanoes circumferencing the Northeren Hemisphere and globe were in for a fast cooling.

Figure 1: Temperature of the solar wind plasma

As Figure 1 shows, the temperature of the solar wind has hit a new low for the instrument record. As it is energy from the Sun that keeps the Earth from looking like Pluto, the lower plasma temperature indicates that the Sun’s surface is cooling. Surely the Earth’s surface will follow.

We knew this was coming because we are overdue for our next glacial cycle. The rate of temperature drop is making it very clear the sun is going to sleep. So much for AGW....

Solar Plasma Temperature is plunging – should we worry? – Watts Up With That?

Billy Bob, in the WUWT article, why do all the solar data graphs run from 1965 to present but the Southern Hemisphere temperature data, which they imply is correlated, only run for eight months of 2020? Perhaps cause over the same period as his solar data, the global temps look like this:

View attachment 483855

Where is the data to support that?

Most of this Environmental wacko data have been fabricated and and don't mean jackshit. We have documented proof that the Principle Climate Scientists, NASA, NOAA and the UN purposely lied, fabricated and cherry picked data.

If this shit was real then there would have been no need to lie so much about it, would there?

How much is man made and not from the natural post glacial warming that we have been experiencing for the last 10K years?

When are you stupid uneducated Moon Bats ever going to pull your heads out of your ass and learn that this AGW vullshit is nothing more than a scam?

You Libtard freaks don't know any more about Climate Science than you know about Economics, History, Biology, Ethics or the Constitution.

If you had simply used the provided link you would have instantly seen " Source data NOAA-NCDC State of the Climate: Global Analysis [Web + data download] ". These data have NOT been fabricated. You do NOT have documented proof that anyone at NASA, NOAA or the UN purposely lied, fabricated or cherry-picked data. Here is temperature data for the last 10,000 years. Tell us you see nothing different between the overall trend and the trend over the last century or so at the far right side of the graph.


Well here it is...

Dr. David Archibald of Solar Helios Observatory (SHO) is noting a major shift in the plasma temperature of the suns surface. Its cooling off.. This means the energy leaving the sun is in a much longer wavelength and has less energy.

View attachment 483736

With major ash clouds and SO4 levels from Volcanoes circumferencing the Northeren Hemisphere and globe were in for a fast cooling.

Figure 1: Temperature of the solar wind plasma

As Figure 1 shows, the temperature of the solar wind has hit a new low for the instrument record. As it is energy from the Sun that keeps the Earth from looking like Pluto, the lower plasma temperature indicates that the Sun’s surface is cooling. Surely the Earth’s surface will follow.

We knew this was coming because we are overdue for our next glacial cycle. The rate of temperature drop is making it very clear the sun is going to sleep. So much for AGW....

Solar Plasma Temperature is plunging – should we worry? – Watts Up With That?

Billy Bob, in the WUWT article, why do all the solar data graphs run from 1965 to present but the Southern Hemisphere temperature data, which they imply is correlated, only run for eight months of 2020? Perhaps cause over the same period as his solar data, the global temps look like this:

View attachment 483855

Where is the data to support that?

Most of this Environmental wacko data have been fabricated and and don't mean jackshit. We have documented proof that the Principle Climate Scientists, NASA, NOAA and the UN purposely lied, fabricated and cherry picked data.

If this shit was real then there would have been no need to lie so much about it, would there?

How much is man made and not from the natural post glacial warming that we have been experiencing for the last 10K years?

When are you stupid uneducated Moon Bats ever going to pull your heads out of your ass and learn that this AGW vullshit is nothing more than a scam?

You Libtard freaks don't know any more about Climate Science than you know about Economics, History, Biology, Ethics or the Constitution.

If you had simply used the provided link you would have instantly seen " Source data NOAA-NCDC State of the Climate: Global Analysis [Web + data download] ". These data have NOT been fabricated. You do NOT have documented proof that anyone at NASA, NOAA or the UN purposely lied, fabricated or cherry-picked data. Here is temperature data for the last 10,000 years. Tell us you see nothing different between the overall trend and the trend over the last century or so at the far right side of the graph.

View attachment 485594

This the type of shit I was talking about.

'"Data from the UK Met Office".

Where in the hell did they get their data and how much of it was fabricated or cherry picked by the Climate Scientists that admitted in the Climategate emails that they lied?

The UK Met is like our NOAA that have been caught time and again yielding to Libtard Environmental Wacko pressure to make up AGW shit. The dishonesty is despicable. Just like our NOAA they are good at predicting weather but have lost their credibility when it comes to climate.

This is the reason why I don't discuss AGW with the Environmental Wackos anymore. Just like you just did they post articles from sources that have been proven to be false like it was fact. Then I have to spend a considerable amount of time to track down the falsification and then the stupid Moon Bats will ignore the facts that I present. I have done it a lot in the past but don't bother anymore.

AGW is not fact based. It is a religion for stupid uneducated Moon Bats that just don't have the capacity to think for themselves. Like the man said "there is a sucker born every minute". You have been suckered into the scam.

You need to pull your head out of you Moon Bat ass. The global warming that is happening nowadays is natural post glacial warming and the contribution by humans is minimal. All the real data shows it. In fact many of the Environmental Wackos will admit it if cornered.

My gas guzzling Tundra pick up truck is not going to kill you.
My gas guzzling Tundra pick up truck is not going to kill you.

I'm getting 26 mpg out of my Tacoma ... do you really need that V8 on a 1/2 ton chassis? ...

No I don't need one.

I am retired and really don't put much mileage on my truck. Mostly I use it to drive to the shooting range each week and to go to Lowes. My 2013 Tundra only has 28K miles on it.

For what I use it for the 6 cyl engine would have been fine. A Tacoma or other small truck would have been adequate.

However, I bought the big engine on a big truck because I could. It is called Liberty.

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