Socialism doesn't scare them anymore


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Young people are not happy with the unequal world they’ve inherited. Millennials are embracing Socialism because unfettered capitalism failed them. Many grew up in cars or tenement slums during the great recession when GW Bush's call for "deregulation" allowed financial institutions to peddle toxic mortgage packages to anyone with a pulse, and ratings institutions such as Standard and Poor's looked the other way. As the economy crashed, and things got worse, the right wing refused to agree lend even a small a hand to the many who suffered needlessly, while the few at the top became wealthier still.

Young people, along with women and minorities watched as the economy slowly healed over the next 8 years with President Obama at the helm, and witnessed 30 million Americans who previously had little or no healthcare benefits could now see a doctor without medical bankruptcy in the back of their minds. The right wing screamed SOCIALISM! of course, but they didn't care - They now had medical coverage. They also watched Donald Trump do everything in his power to strip them and their families of that protection, while offering nothing to replace it with except - "Go see your insurance man"

Sorry Republicans - Socialism doesn't scare them anymore... :bye1:

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Young people are not happy with the unequal world they’ve inherited

No. Young people are not happy because success, here in our America, requires years of hard work, sacrifice and personal responsibility. Many of them are unwilling to succeed on their own blood, sweat and tears.

Further, many of today's young people neither understand socialism nor are they aware of its repeated historical abject failures, nor the toll in human lives socialism has claimed. Our youth are not pissed off at capitalism or any other specific economic/governmental system; they're pissed off at and despise human nature.

On one side of the coin of human nature a man can find individual freedom, limitless potential for improvement, the rule of law through personal responsibility and a life of relative stability in a free nation. On the other side of human nature's coin a man becomes a member of a collective group, owns no property, suffers beneath the greed of powerful men as a form of government and is punished for his speech and thought.

When faced with a decision between a life of prosperity through hard work or one of poverty and misery and constant want, most men would fight to the death for a chance at the former. That, in a nutshell, is the sum of the spirit of American men. Men who choose the latter; men who wait for success to find them while living on someone else's dime and raging against society for failing without even trying . . . they are the enemies of America.
Right now, in this day and age we have state capitalism which is throwing free monies to companies to stay afloat along with free money, food, electric and other commodities being given for free and you think that there is no socialism in the USA? What did you do with yer twelve hundred bucks from Uncle Sam?
Trumps covid bail outs place the US as a socialist democracy. Handouts for farmers, handouts for large corporations. Handouts for those affected by the crisis. The detail might need tweeking but the principle is socialism. Now you need to sort out your crazy healthcare. is all about the balance of capitalism and socialist policies. The best bang for the dollar. If you believe that nirvana is possible, the human race is not there yet. I do believe there can be less poverty. But that is going to take a good clean up of the social program system we created.
Young people are not happy with the unequal world they’ve inherited. Millennials are embracing Socialism because unfettered capitalism failed them. Many grew up in cars or tenement slums during the great recession when GW Bush's call for "deregulation" allowed financial institutions to peddle toxic mortgage packages to anyone with a pulse, and ratings institutions such as Standard and Poor's looked the other way. As the economy crashed, and things got worse, the right wing refused to agree lend even a small a hand to the many who suffered needlessly, while the few at the top became wealthier still.

Young people, along with women and minorities watched as the economy slowly healed over the next 8 years with President Obama at the helm, and witnessed 30 million Americans who previously had little or no healthcare benefits could now see a doctor without medical bankruptcy in the back of their minds. The right wing screamed SOCIALISM! of course, but they didn't care - They now had medical coverage. They also watched Donald Trump do everything in his power to strip them and their families of that protection, while offering nothing to replace it with except - "Go see your insurance man"

Sorry Republicans - Socialism doesn't scare them anymore... :bye1:

The Trumpsters jumped the shark with the word "socialism", so badly by over-using it that it worked against them. Young people saw these nuts constantly using the word and started looking into it.

So now the Trumpsters are onto "Marxism", which doesn't appear to be scaring anyone either. Fun to watch, in a weird way.

My favorite, though, was recently when one of them compared Democrats to the Khmer Rouge, which I vigorously applauded for out-of-the-box thinking.
Young people are not happy with the unequal world they’ve inherited

No. Young people are not happy because success, here in our America, requires years of hard work, sacrifice and personal responsibility.

And a huge reliance on the Socialist actions of the Federal Reserve.
Who benefits from these socialist actions by the government and the Fed? It sure appears that the extreme wealthy are the main beneficiaries.
Young people are not happy with the unequal world they’ve inherited

No. Young people are not happy because success, here in our America, requires years of hard work, sacrifice and personal responsibility.

And a huge reliance on the Socialist actions of the Federal Reserve.
Who benefits from these socialist actions by the government and the Fed? It sure appears that the extreme wealthy are the main beneficiaries.

They absolutely are. And they sit around and laugh at those struggling believing they actually have a shot in our fake "capitalistic" system.
Young people are not happy with the unequal world they’ve inherited

No. Young people are not happy because success, here in our America, requires years of hard work, sacrifice and personal responsibility.

And a huge reliance on the Socialist actions of the Federal Reserve.
Who benefits from these socialist actions by the government and the Fed? It sure appears that the extreme wealthy are the main beneficiaries.

They absolutely are. And they sit around and laugh at those struggling believing they actually have a shot in our fake "capitalistic" system.
Yes. Many Americans want to cling to the belief we all can make it big. Just work hard and bingo, you’re rich in America. They can’t bring themselves around to accept what their eyes are telling them. The elites love this foolish people.
Young people are not happy with the unequal world they’ve inherited

No. Young people are not happy because success, here in our America, requires years of hard work, sacrifice and personal responsibility.

And a huge reliance on the Socialist actions of the Federal Reserve.
Who benefits from these socialist actions by the government and the Fed? It sure appears that the extreme wealthy are the main beneficiaries.

They absolutely are. And they sit around and laugh at those struggling believing they actually have a shot in our fake "capitalistic" system.
Yes. Many Americans want to cling to the belief we all can make it big. Just work hard and bingo, you’re rich in America. They can’t bring themselves around to accept what their eyes are telling them. The elites love this foolish people.

Nobody believes that. People understand that capitalism is much more than working hard. It's a matter of taking your money and investing in it, thus creating your own income.

In many instances, people fail, but in the process, learn things. You can work as hard as you desire, but if you are blue collar, you'll never get rich working for somebody else. It's a well known factor.

My favorite economist, and former fill-in host on the Rush Limbaugh show, Dr. Walter E Williams said many times, that when he was teaching college, he would be asked by one or more students "Dr. Williams, what is the secrete to financial success?" To that, Williams always responded that the key to success is pleasing your fellow man.

If you make a good hamburger, you please your fellow man by a few, be it feeding your family or friends. If you take your delicious hamburger, and open your own restaurant, you will please your fellow man by the thousands. If you decide to franchise your restaurant, you will please your fellow man by the millions, and financial success grows equally.
The Trumpsters jumped the shark with the word "socialism", so badly by over-using it that it worked against them. Young people saw these nuts constantly using the word and started looking into it.

Democrats have done the exact same with the word "racism."
The Trumpsters jumped the shark with the word "socialism", so badly by over-using it that it worked against them. Young people saw these nuts constantly using the word and started looking into it.

Democrats have done the exact same with the word "racism."
Yes they have, as I've pointed out many times.

Funny, how the two ends can be so similar in their behaviors.

We'll see how this plays out.
Millennials are embracing Socialism because unfettered capitalism failed them.
The millennials failed themselves

losers in America whether they are black, brown, yellow or white are primarily to blame for their lack of success

And it's all based on how one defines success. Some view making six figures as success. For others, it's millions. For others, it's hundreds of millions.
Young people are not happy with the unequal world they’ve inherited. Millennials are embracing Socialism because unfettered capitalism failed them. Many grew up in cars or tenement slums during the great recession when GW Bush's call for "deregulation" allowed financial institutions to peddle toxic mortgage packages to anyone with a pulse, and ratings institutions such as Standard and Poor's looked the other way. As the economy crashed, and things got worse, the right wing refused to agree lend even a small a hand to the many who suffered needlessly, while the few at the top became wealthier still.

Young people, along with women and minorities watched as the economy slowly healed over the next 8 years with President Obama at the helm, and witnessed 30 million Americans who previously had little or no healthcare benefits could now see a doctor without medical bankruptcy in the back of their minds. The right wing screamed SOCIALISM! of course, but they didn't care - They now had medical coverage. They also watched Donald Trump do everything in his power to strip them and their families of that protection, while offering nothing to replace it with except - "Go see your insurance man"

Sorry Republicans - Socialism doesn't scare them anymore... :bye1:

When I was growing up in the 60's and 70's, if a kid got out of school, did nothing but smoke pot and hung out in his parents basement, they would throw the kid out into the streets. That rarely happens anymore.

Children live with their parents for the longest period of time in our history, some even living at home into their 30's and 40's. Parents today welcome it. They can't find a good paying job because better paying positions often do random drug screenings, and kids are not about to be subjected to that. Pot/ good job? I'll take the pot and live with mom and dad.

So is the failure capitalism, or parenting? You will never reach your full potential as long as somebody else happily supports you.

For those that do go out and work, they still don't want any problems to deal with. I've been a landlord for over 25 years now, and I've never seen the rental market this hot as I have the last six or seven years. Younger people don't want to deal with home ownership, even if they have the money to buy a house for themselves. They just want a nice place to stay, not have to worry about yard work, clearing the snow out of the drive, deal with a broken hot water tank, a leak in the roof, none of it.

This is great for me as a landlord because of supply and demand. The shorter the supply, the higher prices you can get for your rental units. In fact some cities suggested, or even implemented rent control. In many cities, apartments are so high they are almost unaffordable.
Young people are not happy with the unequal world they’ve inherited. Millennials are embracing Socialism because unfettered capitalism failed them. Many grew up in cars or tenement slums during the great recession when GW Bush's call for "deregulation" allowed financial institutions to peddle toxic mortgage packages to anyone with a pulse, and ratings institutions such as Standard and Poor's looked the other way. As the economy crashed, and things got worse, the right wing refused to agree lend even a small a hand to the many who suffered needlessly, while the few at the top became wealthier still.

Young people, along with women and minorities watched as the economy slowly healed over the next 8 years with President Obama at the helm, and witnessed 30 million Americans who previously had little or no healthcare benefits could now see a doctor without medical bankruptcy in the back of their minds. The right wing screamed SOCIALISM! of course, but they didn't care - They now had medical coverage. They also watched Donald Trump do everything in his power to strip them and their families of that protection, while offering nothing to replace it with except - "Go see your insurance man"

Sorry Republicans - Socialism doesn't scare them anymore... :bye1:

It isn't the poor and those who grew up in tenant slums who are the ones pushing socialism. They are nothing but the gullible herd who, if they managed to stay in school at all, swallowed the socialist jiz from the government indoctrination. The socialists who are leading this entire movement have ensured that the young are fed nothing but the lies.

The problem is going to be when these kids, many of whom have not known any real hardships and all who have lived in the prosperity that this country affords even the poorest of us, find out what socialism does to that prosperity they take for granted.

Also, for the record. They are not promoting socialism. They are promoting militant Marxism.

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