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Social Security Will Be Insolvent in 10 Years

Inflation didn't drop under Reagan. Only idiots who can't do arithmetic keep claiming that. Those are the same ignorant puppets who keep claiming Biden 'shut down the Keystone pipeline', lol i.e. dumbass parrots.
Inflation didn't drop under Reagan. Only idiots who can't do arithmetic keep claiming that. Those are the same ignorant puppets who keep claiming Biden 'shut down the Keystone pipeline', lol i.e. dumbass parrots.

Inflation didn't drop under Reagan.


Are you lying, or are you a moron?
Inflation didn't drop under Reagan.

View attachment 817791

Are you lying, or are you a moron?

Poor Todd, doesn't know any math, so he doesn't knw the difference between a drop in inflation and mere decrease in the rate of inflation. This is what happens when public schools fail to teach the basics; you get Todd.

And, Reagan had nothing to do with it; Paul Volcker was a Carter appointee, another fact uneducated halfwits with high self-esteem like Todd never knew. He simply jacked up interest rates to over 20%, i.e. essentially legalized loan sharking rates. But Todd wouldn't think 20% interests rates is 'inflation', cuz, you know 'Reagan N Stuff!'.
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Poor Todd, doesn't know any math, so he doesn't knw the difference between a drop in inflation and mere decrease in the rate of inflation. This is what happens when public schools fail to teach the basics; you get Todd.

And, Reagan had nothing to do with it; Paul Volcker was a Carter appointee, another fact uneducated halfwits with high self-esteem like Todd never knew. He simply jacked up interest rates to over 20%, i.e. essentially legalized loan sharking rates. But Todd wouldn't think 20% interests rates is 'inflation', cuz, you know 'Reagan N Stuff!'.

By all means, explain what a "drop in inflation" means.

I'm sure it will be as amusing as your pie chart post and your other stupid errors.
shouldn't all have to pay 12% of their pay to Social Security. The base rate guy, his employer & Why MillionAir's and Billionaires should not have to pay? Heck lots of them end up broke and needing State aide Cards. Sure, they hide their incomes with Rents, Bank loans and losses. But they still make millions every year. Money to buy Busses, private planes and Yachts. Of course, its lawyers and their fees that keep them from paying big to Social Security. Haha their times coming. Minorities do not count in the future of stuff.
shouldn't all have to pay 12% of their pay to Social Security. The base rate guy, his employer & Why MillionAir's and Billionaires should not have to pay? Heck lots of them end up broke and needing State aide Cards. Sure, they hide their incomes with Rents, Bank loans and losses. But they still make millions every year. Money to buy Busses, private planes and Yachts. Of course, its lawyers and their fees that keep them from paying big to Social Security. Haha their times coming. Minorities do not count in the future of stuff.
Yeah those rich successful people are the reason you suck at life

Everyone pays the say rate into SS on their first 140k…well i take that back, employees don’t they only pay half, their employer picks up the other half for them

Self employed people, owners of a company etc they pay a higher rate, the full amount
Yeah those rich successful people are the reason you suck at life

Everyone pays the say rate into SS on their first 140k…well i take that back, employees don’t they only pay half, their employer picks up the other half for them

Self employed people, owners of a company etc they pay a higher rate, the full amount
I believe the Democrats under Kennedy dipped into Social Security. now the constant argument about $140,000 as the drop off point is just arcanely dumb in my opinion. Since there are millions of Millionaires, 1000's of Billionaire + and the retirement roll gaining numbers does it not make some sense to raise the chopping off point to the 1st Million for millionaire gross just to start ...A Billion to start for the Billionaires. .. How can you save for retirement with runaway inflation and no SS. They flaunt their wealth with huge luxury Yachts. If they leave to their private island just follow the money trail, it always leads to unscrupulous endeavors if they exist. Sure, some get breaks, get rewards the most never have a chance for. Opportunity Knocks or it never does. Talent is equal across the USA / The World but that doesn't make it fair with opportunities.
I believe the Democrats under Kennedy dipped into Social Security. now the constant argument about $140,000 as the drop off point is just arcanely dumb in my opinion. Since there are millions of Millionaires, 1000's of Billionaire + and the retirement roll gaining numbers does it not make some sense to raise the chopping off point to the 1st Million for millionaire gross just to start ...A Billion to start for the Billionaires. .. How can you save for retirement with runaway inflation and no SS. They flaunt their wealth with huge luxury Yachts. If they leave to their private island just follow the money trail, it always leads to unscrupulous endeavors if they exist. Sure, some get breaks, get rewards the most never have a chance for. Opportunity Knocks or it never does. Talent is equal across the USA / The World but that doesn't make it fair with opportunities.
Millionaires and billionaires don’t make that much in income a year. The cap is based on income not wealth.

You save for retirement, even during xidenflation, just like you did before. Put the same percentage away. It’s certainly tougher over the past couple years
Millionaires and billionaires don’t make that much in income a year. The cap is based on income not wealth.

You save for retirement, even during xidenflation, just like you did before. Put the same percentage away. It’s certainly tougher over the past couple years
Did you know that Biden didn`t do anything to cause GLOBAL inflation? The pandemic was Global too. :rolleyes:
Did you know that Biden didn`t do anything to cause GLOBAL inflation? The pandemic was Global too. :rolleyes:
Of course he did....the policies of the United States impact the world, we are the largest economy.

Xiden's war on the working class, ripped across the entire globe. He did build Putin, the Taliban, Cartels, Hamas, and China back better though
Of course he did....the policies of the United States impact the world, we are the largest economy.

Xiden's war on the working class, ripped across the entire globe. He did build Putin, the Taliban, Cartels, Hamas, and China back better though
Other than our never-ending wars, which of our policies impact the rest of the world?
A follow up question, child: What`s a Xiden?
One more: How old are you kiddo?
I believe the Democrats under Kennedy dipped into Social Security. now the constant argument about $140,000 as the drop off point is just arcanely dumb in my opinion. Since there are millions of Millionaires, 1000's of Billionaire + and the retirement roll gaining numbers does it not make some sense to raise the chopping off point to the 1st Million for millionaire gross just to start ...A Billion to start for the Billionaires. .. How can you save for retirement with runaway inflation and no SS. They flaunt their wealth with huge luxury Yachts. If they leave to their private island just follow the money trail, it always leads to unscrupulous endeavors if they exist. Sure, some get breaks, get rewards the most never have a chance for. Opportunity Knocks or it never does. Talent is equal across the USA / The World but that doesn't make it fair with opportunities.
According to wiki there are only 735 billionaires in the US. We rank 15th in the world.

Are you going to raise the benefits to those millionaires and billionaires to coincide with their contributions? That would result in a dog chasing its tail.
I checked a Local Bank Business. Wholly owned, 10 very modern buildings. Near $13,000,000,000
Valuation. Everyone doing well. That just in one shopping area. Then you got a dozen or more banking Companies also in the Same shopping area. Valued at $100's of Billions. Thats just in one shopping area. Most every normal working family living in the area, one's monies absorbed into those financial institutions. Now, ya got the Banks, the Federal Government, the State Government and the Federal Reserve controlling most all the monies of the Working people of the USA.

What President said OH, My God, What have I done? Was his last name Wilson, same guy on the Island with Tom Hanks. Haha

How Else can a Potus and Congress blow over $4 trillion a year deeper in Debt for our decedents?
Looking at $34,000,000,000,000, What's the Bond interest rate on that. maybe over $1,000,000,000,000? 160,000,000 Jobs most living paycheck to paycheck.
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I'll bet most every POTUS has muttered it.
Wilson 1st ww war, league of nations, FDR new deal, ww11. Truman, nukes, Eisenhower, Korea, Kennedy, bay of pigs, Johnson Vietnam, Nixon break in, Ronnie, tear down the wall, Jimmy 3 mile, Bill & Monika, Bush and Iraq, nother Bush and Iraq again +, O & Debt = +, The Donald and more, The big guy and Family business +. on and on, .....
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275,000,000 mass migration, largest in recorded history may generate over $8,000,000,000,000 gain in the Economy.
AS of now most all are out of work, hungry, thirst, tired, maybe weak but probably ok.
Heard the plan is to tax up to $255,000 and drop taxing SS recipients.

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