So, you say you would let us keep 10 round magazines? You are liars...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Here we have a bill from Oregon...banning all magazines that hold more than 5 bullets. The anti gunners can't help themeselves...they can lie all day long that they only want "common sense" gun laws, but their irrational fear of guns will drive them to ban them when they get the power. Here we see the lie that is the "we will let you keep your 10 round magazines." By banning anything over 5, they are banning all semi automatic rifles, pistols and shotguns.....a back door ban without having to expose themselves to a ban against the actual guns...

Instead of making a law that would actually impact criminals...this law is directed at law abiding gun owners who have committed no crime, they have not used their gun to harm anyone...but they will become criminals for mere possession of a piece of equipment that has been in existence since the creation of guns capable of semi auto fire.......

We know what you want, we know who you are......lie all you want, your lies are known to us....

Prohibits possession of magazine with capacity to hold more than five rounds of ammunition. Provides that person in possession of such magazine must sell or otherwise dispose of magazine within 180 days of effective date of Act. Punishes unlawful possession of magazine capable of holding more than five rounds by maximum of 364 days’ imprisonment, $6,250 fine, or both
Also...most revolvers hold 6 bullets....this now scoops them would also end concealed carry, since almost all of the compact and sub compact guns hold more than 5 bullets........

this is a back door gun ban...and it needs to be stopped.....

This is exactly what the Judge in California pointed out when he put a stay on the California magazine ban...

(n) a slippery slope
What is clear from the preliminary evidence presented is that individuals who intend to engage in mass gun violence typically make plans. They use multiple weapons and come loaded with extra ammunition.
They pick the place and the time and do much harm before police can intervene. Persons with violent intentions have used large capacity magazines, machine guns, hand grenades and pipe bombs, notwithstanding laws criminalizing their possession or use.
Trying to legislatively outlaw the commonly possessed weapon de jour is like wearing flip flops on a slippery slope.
A downhill slide is not hard to foresee.
Tragically, when 30-round magazines are banned, attackers will use 15 or 17- round magazines.
If magazines holding more than 10 rounds are banned they will use multiple 10-round magazines.

If all semi-automatic weapons are banned they will use
shotguns and revolvers.

All of these scenarios already occur.

Because revolvers and handguns are the quintessential home defense weapon protected by the Second Amendment and specifically approved in Heller, and because the average defensive gun use involves firing 2.2 rounds (according to the State’s experts), states could rationalize a ban on possession of rounds in excess of three per weapon.

Criminals intent on 13 violence would then equip themselves with multiple weapons.
The State could then rationalize a one-weapon-per-individual law.

Since “merely” brandishing a firearm is usually effective as a defense to criminal attack (according to the State’s experts), it could be argued that a one-revolver-with-one-round-per-individual ban is a reasonable experiment in state police power as a means to protect citizens and law enforcement officers from gun violence.

Statutes disarming law-abiding responsible citizen gun owners reflect an opinion on gun policy.

Courts are not free to impose their own policy choices on sovereign states.

But as Heller explains, the Second Amendment takes certain policy choices and removes them beyond the realm of debate. Disarming California’s law-abiding citizenry is not a constitutionally-permissible policy choice.
Liberals are all lying gun banners and I wish they would all die.
A new gun in town!

And if this bullshit somehow becomes law, cops will happily enforce it.
Here we have a bill from Oregon...banning all magazines that hold more than 5 bullets. The anti gunners can't help themeselves...they can lie all day long that they only want "common sense" gun laws, but their irrational fear of guns will drive them to ban them when they get the power. Here we see the lie that is the "we will let you keep your 10 round magazines." By banning anything over 5, they are banning all semi automatic rifles, pistols and shotguns.....a back door ban without having to expose themselves to a ban against the actual guns...

Instead of making a law that would actually impact criminals...this law is directed at law abiding gun owners who have committed no crime, they have not used their gun to harm anyone...but they will become criminals for mere possession of a piece of equipment that has been in existence since the creation of guns capable of semi auto fire.......

We know what you want, we know who you are......lie all you want, your lies are known to us....

Prohibits possession of magazine with capacity to hold more than five rounds of ammunition. Provides that person in possession of such magazine must sell or otherwise dispose of magazine within 180 days of effective date of Act. Punishes unlawful possession of magazine capable of holding more than five rounds by maximum of 364 days’ imprisonment, $6,250 fine, or both
/----/ I'm sure armed robbers and gang members will comply with the new restrictions. I'm sure of it.
We already know bed wetting liberals are lying if they're communicating at all.

The objective of the regressive global collectivists has NOTHING to do with a reduction in violence.

The opposite is more likely to be true in fact. If these pieces of shit had the ability to liquidate us as opposition the violence would make Mao and Stalin look like The Boondock Saints.

It took those commies decades to snuff out 100 million people. The modern left would do that in months.

The simplicity and ignorance of the liberal mind shines in the sunlight, it's why kool aid has become a year round drink, and pot is now legal, they need it to justify their lack of thought. So when was the last time a perpetrator employing the use of a gun with a magazine containing over 5 rounds followed the law? Only in Oregon does such nonsense exist, oh how hard it is to outdo the rest of the nut cases.
Because everyone knows it is high capacity that is dangerous. Not the size or power of the cartridge.

Everyone who knows that, is wrong.
The simplicity and ignorance of the liberal mind shines in the sunlight, it's why kool aid has become a year round drink, and pot is now legal, they need it to justify their lack of thought. So when was the last time a perpetrator employing the use of a gun with a magazine containing over 5 rounds followed the law? Only in Oregon does such nonsense exist, oh how hard it is to outdo the rest of the nut cases.
/——-/ A stoned population is easier to control.
The goal, and Hillary said it during her campaign, is Australia and UK style gun bans, and confiscation. They will whittle away our rights to own guns, AND ammunition to the point where it is either just plainly illegal, or not worth the hassle. The popular strategy is to now ban all semi auto firearms which are the most common in the U.S.
Here we have a bill from Oregon...banning all magazines that hold more than 5 bullets. The anti gunners can't help themeselves...they can lie all day long that they only want "common sense" gun laws, but their irrational fear of guns will drive them to ban them when they get the power. Here we see the lie that is the "we will let you keep your 10 round magazines." By banning anything over 5, they are banning all semi automatic rifles, pistols and shotguns.....a back door ban without having to expose themselves to a ban against the actual guns...

Instead of making a law that would actually impact criminals...this law is directed at law abiding gun owners who have committed no crime, they have not used their gun to harm anyone...but they will become criminals for mere possession of a piece of equipment that has been in existence since the creation of guns capable of semi auto fire.......

We know what you want, we know who you are......lie all you want, your lies are known to us....

Prohibits possession of magazine with capacity to hold more than five rounds of ammunition. Provides that person in possession of such magazine must sell or otherwise dispose of magazine within 180 days of effective date of Act. Punishes unlawful possession of magazine capable of holding more than five rounds by maximum of 364 days’ imprisonment, $6,250 fine, or both

I see only one thing that won't hold up in court and that is the locking trigger guards. Heller V will be used to throw that out. Otherwise, everything else may stand.

I do find the 5 round a bit troubling. We have a 15 round in this state. I notice one person trying to make a point that revolvers have at least 6. I looked at new revolvers and most only held 5. But the law is for detachable mags, not cylinders. So the revolver is exempt.

But that proposed law does follow Heller V DC pretty close with the exception of the trigger locks so most of it will go through if that's what Oregon wants.
Here we have a bill from Oregon...banning all magazines that hold more than 5 bullets. The anti gunners can't help themeselves...they can lie all day long that they only want "common sense" gun laws, but their irrational fear of guns will drive them to ban them when they get the power. Here we see the lie that is the "we will let you keep your 10 round magazines." By banning anything over 5, they are banning all semi automatic rifles, pistols and shotguns.....a back door ban without having to expose themselves to a ban against the actual guns...

Instead of making a law that would actually impact criminals...this law is directed at law abiding gun owners who have committed no crime, they have not used their gun to harm anyone...but they will become criminals for mere possession of a piece of equipment that has been in existence since the creation of guns capable of semi auto fire.......

We know what you want, we know who you are......lie all you want, your lies are known to us....

Prohibits possession of magazine with capacity to hold more than five rounds of ammunition. Provides that person in possession of such magazine must sell or otherwise dispose of magazine within 180 days of effective date of Act. Punishes unlawful possession of magazine capable of holding more than five rounds by maximum of 364 days’ imprisonment, $6,250 fine, or both

I see only one thing that won't hold up in court and that is the locking trigger guards. Heller V will be used to throw that out. Otherwise, everything else may stand.

I do find the 5 round a bit troubling. We have a 15 round in this state. I notice one person trying to make a point that revolvers have at least 6. I looked at new revolvers and most only held 5. But the law is for detachable mags, not cylinders. So the revolver is exempt.

But that proposed law does follow Heller V DC pretty close with the exception of the trigger locks so most of it will go through if that's what Oregon wants.

I wondered about revolvers. Thanks
Here we have a bill from Oregon...banning all magazines that hold more than 5 bullets. The anti gunners can't help themeselves...they can lie all day long that they only want "common sense" gun laws, but their irrational fear of guns will drive them to ban them when they get the power. Here we see the lie that is the "we will let you keep your 10 round magazines." By banning anything over 5, they are banning all semi automatic rifles, pistols and shotguns.....a back door ban without having to expose themselves to a ban against the actual guns...

Instead of making a law that would actually impact criminals...this law is directed at law abiding gun owners who have committed no crime, they have not used their gun to harm anyone...but they will become criminals for mere possession of a piece of equipment that has been in existence since the creation of guns capable of semi auto fire.......

We know what you want, we know who you are......lie all you want, your lies are known to us....

Prohibits possession of magazine with capacity to hold more than five rounds of ammunition. Provides that person in possession of such magazine must sell or otherwise dispose of magazine within 180 days of effective date of Act. Punishes unlawful possession of magazine capable of holding more than five rounds by maximum of 364 days’ imprisonment, $6,250 fine, or both
Progressives are all a bunch of spineless pieces of shit

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