So You Say Voter Fraud Doesn't Change Races?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 13, 2012
Near Magnolia, TX
I just heard about this yesterday and considering the current conversations going back and forth I think it's appropriate to bring it to the boards attention.

In the '08 campaign, Republican Sen. Norm Coleman was running for re-election against Democrat Al Franken. It was impossibly close; on the morning after the election, after 2.9 million people had voted, Coleman led Franken by 725 votes.

Franken and his Democratic allies dispatched an army of lawyers to challenge the results. After the first canvass, Coleman's lead was down to 206 votes. That was followed by months of wrangling and litigation. In the end, Franken was declared the winner by 312 votes. He was sworn into office in July 2009, eight months after the election.

During the controversy a conservative group called Minnesota Majority began to look into claims of voter fraud. Comparing criminal records with voting rolls, the group identified 1,099 felons -- all ineligible to vote -- who had voted in the Franken-Coleman race.

York: When 1,099 felons vote in race won by 312 ballots

Read more at the link, not only did voter fraud give Franken the win, it gave America maobamacare.

Your thoughts?
The mantra of the fabian socialist is that the end justifies the means....cheating is justified if it furthers the cause of hook or crook. That is why they want to disarm the public because then rigging the ballot boxes would have no consequences. 95 percent of the populace have no fucking clue about what they are really up against.....
debunked years ago GOP Voter Fraud Hucksters Latest Lie: Felons Made Franken U.S. Senator

tell you what since your such a fan of bullshit racist propaganda why dont you try googling your ridiculous nonsense before posting it, that way you'll look less like a drooling illiterate inbred neo nazi

So the best you got is some alt-left hate site. Run along illiterate child.

LOL, your evidence was some sort of study done by a CONSERVATIVE group.
debunked years ago GOP Voter Fraud Hucksters Latest Lie: Felons Made Franken U.S. Senator

tell you what since your such a fan of bullshit racist propaganda why dont you try googling your ridiculous nonsense before posting it, that way you'll look less like a drooling illiterate inbred neo nazi

So the best you got is some alt-left hate site. Run along illiterate child.

LOL, your evidence was some sort of study done by a CONSERVATIVE group.

Well that, the prosecutions and the excuses made by the regressive prosecutors, saying well they just didn't know they had to ask for their voting rights back. Put that together with ballots suddenly being found in the trunks of cars during the recount, it's pretty clear the election was stolen by fraud.

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