So YOU blame the Bush administration for deficits?---REALLY? How about some FACTS.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
The Washington Post babbled again today about Obama inheriting a huge deficit from Bush, blah blah blah. Amazingly enough, a lot of people swallow this nonsense.

Here is a short civics lesson.
Budgets do not come from the White House. They come from Congress, and the party that controlled Congress since January 2007 is the Democrat Party. They controlled the budget process for FY 2008 and FY 2009, as well as FY 2010 and FY 2011. In that first year, they had to contend with George Bush, which caused them to compromise on spending, when Bush somewhat belatedly got tough on spending increases. For FY 2009, though, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid bypassed George Bush entirely, passing continuing resolutions to keep government running until Barack Obama could take office--while sticking nonsense spending bills (last minute or middle of the night earmarks & other goodies into bills.)

At that time, they passed a massive 450 BILLION dollar omnibus spending bill to complete the FY 2009 budgets which Bush refused to sign. Obama gleefully signed that which had over 9000 earmarks & political pay-backs included in it. Obama referred to this bill as "last years" business--:lol::lol: The very week after Obama signed off on the 787 BILLION dollar stimulus bill that wasn't--which included 64 million in bonuses for AIG & 200+ million for Fannie/Freddie bonuses--gratitude of the American taxpayer. This the bill that no one read before signing off on it.

And where was Barack Obama during the 2007--2008 full year budget? He was a member of that very Senate that passed all of these massive spending bills.

Let's remember what the deficits looked like during that period:

If the Democrats inherited any deficit, it was the FY 2007 deficit, the last of the Republican budgets. That deficit was the lowest in five years, and the fourth straight decline in deficit spending. After that, Democrats in Congress took control of spending, and that includes Barack Obama, who voted for the budgets. If Obama inherited anything, he inherited it from himself.

In a nutshell, what Obama is saying is--"I inherited a deficit that I voted for and then I voted to expand that deficit four-fold since I took office on January 20 2009." This President in one single year has spent more--than the cost of ALL WARS combined in United States History!

It is estimated that each & every household in America today is in debt $100,000 to the Federal Government's tab.

How's all that hopey & changey workin for ya?--:lol::lol:


450 BILLION for 9000 earmarks that Bush refused to sign--:lol::lol::lol:
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Your right. Most forget that the Congress has controll of the purse strings. Not the Prez. The Congress can accept the budget the Prez presents, or send it back.

Thanks for reminding me of that.
The Washington Post babbled again today about Obama inheriting a huge deficit from Bush, blah blah blah. Amazingly enough, a lot of people swallow this nonsense.

Here is a short civics lesson.
Budgets do not come from the White House. They come from Congress, and the party that controlled Congress since January 2007 is the Democrat Party. They controlled the budget process for FY 2008 and FY 2009, as well as FY 2010 and FY 2011. In that first year, they had to contend with George Bush, which caused them to compromise on spending, when Bush somewhat belatedly got tough on spending increases. For FY 2009, though, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid bypassed George Bush entirely, passing continuing resolutions to keep government running until Barack Obama could take office--while sticking nonsense spending bills (last minute or middle of the night earmarks & other goodies into bills.)

At that time, they passed a massive 450 BILLION dollar omnibus spending bill to complete the FY 2009 budgets which Bush refused to sign. Obama gleefully signed that which had over 9000 earmarks & political pay-backs included in it. Obama referred to this bill as "last years" business--:lol::lol: The very week after Obama signed off on the 787 BILLION dollar stimulus bill that wasn't--which included 64 million in bonuses for AIG & 200+ million for Fannie/Freddie bonuses--gratitude of the American taxpayer. This the bill that no one read before signing off on it.

And where was Barack Obama during the 2007--2008 full year budget? He was a member of that very Senate that passed all of these massive spending bills.

Let's remember what the deficits looked like during that period:

If the Democrats inherited any deficit, it was the FY 2007 deficit, the last of the Republican budgets. That deficit was the lowest in five years, and the fourth straight decline in deficit spending. After that, Democrats in Congress took control of spending, and that includes Barack Obama, who voted for the budgets. If Obama inherited anything, he inherited it from himself.

In a nutshell, what Obama is saying is--"I inherited a deficit that I voted for and then I voted to expand that deficit four-fold since I took office on January 20 2009."

How's all that hopey & changey workin for ya?--:lol::lol:

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450 BILLION for 9000 earmarks that Bush refused to sign--:lol::lol::lol:
So, how do you propose to get this information out to the People?
The Democrats have controlled Congress for years. Congress spends the money. Most people in America are completely ignorant as to how our Government actually works. This can be attributed to our failing Public Schools. Third World Nations with far less resources are now passing our country in education. But hey our kids can shove a condom on a cucumber and sing songs of praise to Chairman O. The Democrats could have cut spending any time they wanted to. They have controlled the purse-strings for years. The Democrats rely pretty heavily on the ignorance of most average Americans. Oh well,it is what it is i guess.
The Democrats have controlled spending for years. This was true even when Bush was the President. They could have cut spending any time they wanted to. Obviously they chose not to. This is just fact.
Bush, not Congress, signed and/or proposed Medicare Drug, No Child Left Behind, Sarbanes-Oxley, not to mention massive unfunded increases in defense and DHS

the guy was a huge fiscal liberal, to defend him now is to support borrow-and-spend Socialism, where we distribute wealth from the future in order to overspend now

Obama is also a fiscal liberal, but his smug attitude is pissing off everyone in Congress, and whether he's got another 3 years or another 7, his ego is going to get bruised badly

but that does not mean you should defend Bush's horrible record
Actually it was the Republicans who balanced the budget during the Clinton years. I know Slick Willy likes to run around taking all the credit but it really was a Republican-led Congress who forced the balancing of the budget. Again,most people don't understand this because they really are ignorant. Our Publican Schools are a failure. Most Americans don't even understand the basics of how our Government works. The Democrats could have balanced the budget even when George Bush was President. Obviously they chose not to. The Democrats have been a miserable failure. Nuff said.
Actually it was the Republicans who balanced the budget during the Clinton years. I know Slick Willy likes to run around taking all the credit but it really was a Republican-led Congress who forced the balancing of the budget. Again,most people don't understand this because they really are ignorant. Our Publican Schools are a failure. Most Americans don't even understand the basics of how our Government works. The Democrats could have balanced the budget even when George Bush was President. Obviously they chose not to. The Democrats have been a miserable failure. Nuff said.


The CBO gave the majority of the credit for the surplus to the 1993 budget reduction act which passed without ONE single R vote, Gore came in to break the tie in the senate.
I speak of the debt not individual deficits on budgets than can be massaged to look different for different groups.
Cato Institute - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In the years immediately following the Republican Revolution, the Cato Institute was often seen as a standard-bearer of the U.S. conservative political movement. Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan, credited with reshaping and rejuvenating the Republican Party, and key contributors to the late-20th century conservative movement, were heavily influenced by libertarian ideals.
However, the Cato Institute officially resists being labeled as part of the conservative movement because "conservative smacks of an unwillingness to change, of a desire to preserve the status quo".[23] Such tensions have become increasingly evident in recent years, as the Institute has become sharply critical of current Republican leaders.[24] The growing division may be attributable to Republican officeholders' growing support of policies promoting government intervention in the economy and society, increased budgetary spending, and neoconservative foreign policies.
Cato scholars have also been critical of the expansion of executive power under President George W. Bush[25], and the Iraq War.[26] In 2006 and 2007, Cato published two books critical of the Republican Party's perceived abandonment of the limited-government ideals that swept them into power in 1994.[27][28] For their part, only a minority of Republican congressmen supported President George W. Bush’s 2005 proposal to partially privatize Social Security, an idea strongly backed by the Institute. And in the 109th Congress, President Bush's immigration plan—which was based on a proposal by Cato scholar Dan Griswold[29]—went down to defeat largely due to the eventual opposition of conservative Republican congressmen.[30]
The Democrats have controlled spending for years. This just can't be disputed. They even controlled spending while Bush was still President. They have simply failed miserably. It doesn't matter how much people try to spin this. The Democrats control the purse-strings and have for a while. People just need to be more informed as to how our Government actually works. Unfortunately our Public Schools have turned our children into a bunch of sexualized brain-dead zombies. They don't even know the basics of how our Government works. They sure can slap that condom on a cucumber in record time though or sing songs of praise to Chairman O. How sad.
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The Democrats have controlled Congress for years. Congress spends the money. Most people in America are completely ignorant as to how our Government actually works. This can be attributed to our failing Public Schools. Third World Nations with far less resources are now passing our country in education. But hey our kids can shove a condom on a cucumber and sing songs of praise to Chairman O. The Democrats could have cut spending any time they wanted to. They have controlled the purse-strings for years. The Democrats rely pretty heavily on the ignorance of most average Americans. Oh well,it is what it is i guess.

If you are referring to the design in the constitution, you're correct. But it's been such a long time since budgets were generated as per constitutional edict. Actually, I can't recall a congress in my adult lifetime that has generated a federal budget. The normal course of business is that the POTUS sends congress a budget. It's happening that way now, it happened that way under Bush, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, LBJ, and JFK. I have no recollection of how it was done under Ike, or Truman. But I know from history, it was done this way under FDR. and I was educated in public schools.

So, if people think the POTUS generates the budgets, then they are right and public schools, faililng or not, have zero to do with that.

BTW, the reason the Democrats have controlled spending for all the years the GOP didn't, is because the people wanted it that way.
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The Democrats have controlled spending for years. This just can't be disputed. They even controlled spending while Bush was still President. They have simply failed miserably. It doesn't matter how much people try to spin this. The Democrats control the purse-strings and have for a while. People just need to be more informed as to how our Government actually works. Our Public Schools have turned our children into a bunch of sexualized brain-dead zombies. They don't even know the basics of how our Government works. They sure can slap that condom on a cucumber in record time though or sing songs of praise to Chairman O. How sad.

You are a lying fact adverse POS.

You refuse facts and pretend to KNOW shit you have no idea about.....oh and your also a racist.

You have NO creidibility with anyone but your brain dead clones.

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