So Why Will Our Liberal Leaders Refuse To Televise Donald Trump? What Facts Could He Possibly Bring Up For The World To See?

I wish the Loser's paranoidal excuse-contrivers had not abandoned their "Ray Epps: The Man Who Controls Weak Minds!" confection to explain why Trump's goons attacked the Congress and outnumbered police defending democracy to prevent the peaceful transfer of power following the certification of the election by all fifty states.

That one was hilarious, but not one of the Trump goons who were identified, apprehended, and prosecuted wanted to mount the defense of mental feebleness.

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"Savage outnumbered police, and poop in the Capitol!
Your master is now pleasuring himself by watching you on tv!"
Maybe you can explain - as the FBI cannot - why Epps is not charged with anything?
no one wants to deflect blame, just place it where it belongs-----------on dems, libs and rinos. the assholes that are destroying our constitution and country.

<sob> It wasn’t Republicans who attacked the Capitol and Trump told everyone to be peaceful :206:

It’s the fault of Dems, Libs and RINOs for not stopping us from attacking the Capitol
<sob> It wasn’t Republicans who attacked the Capitol and Trump told everyone to be peaceful :206:

It’s the fault of Dems, Libs and RINOs for not stopping us from attacking the Capitol
Obama is of the Carpetbaggers and Scalawags to his own. Never worked an honest day in his life. Biden is of the Carpetbaggers and Scalawags to all. He also never worked an honest day in his life.
Obama is of the Carpetbaggers and Scalawags to his own. Never worked an honest day in his life. Biden is of the Carpetbaggers and Scalawags to all. He also never worked an honest day in his life.
And you have ZERO proof of any of this. This is just more of the empty attacks flung at Obama and Biden.

You do not seem to live in the US, much less care about what goes on in Congress, not to know how many honest days the two of them have worked.

Keep throwing pasta to the wall. This latest pasta throwing is just as messy and worthless as all the other ones.

Say something which really can be verified.
<sob> It wasn’t Republicans who attacked the Capitol and Trump told everyone to be peaceful :206:

It’s the fault of Dems, Libs and RINOs for not stopping us from attacking the Capitol
Jan 6 was organized and encouraged by the FBI, the DC mayor, and Pelosi using the capital police as pawns. No one was injured or killed except one innocent female veteran who did not violate any laws. The 2020 election was not an election, it was a coup of the US government and it was successful in putting its senile puppet in the white house and preventing Trump from a second term where he would have exposed more of the corruption in DC in both parties. That coup changed the USA forever and you morons think it was a good thing, your country is destroyed and you celebrate. liberalism is a mental disease, you prove it with every post.
And you have ZERO proof of any of this. This is just more of the empty attacks flung at Obama and Biden.

You do not seem to live in the US, much less care about what goes on in Congress, not to know how many honest days the two of them have worked.

Keep throwing pasta to the wall. This latest pasta throwing is just as messy and worthless as all the other ones.

Say something which really can be verified.
what he said is 100% true, ignoring the truth does not make it go away.
<sob> It wasn’t Republicans who attacked the Capitol and Trump told everyone to be peaceful :206:

It’s the fault of Dems, Libs and RINOs for not stopping us from attacking the Capitol
They have a whole fantasy created around Jan 6. And of course, they are blameless. And victims.

It's the alternate universe. Its walls are now impenetrable.
And you have ZERO proof of any of this. This is just more of the empty attacks flung at Obama and Biden.

You do not seem to live in the US, much less care about what goes on in Congress, not to know how many honest days the two of them have worked.

Keep throwing pasta to the wall. This latest pasta throwing is just as messy and worthless as all the other ones.

Say something which really can be verified.
Just like the Russia Russia Russia LIES you fucking HYPOCRITE!!!
Just like the Russia Russia Russia LIES you fucking HYPOCRITE!!!
[It was proven, by a Bipartisan committee that Russia was involved in the 2016 election. They did try to interfere in that election.]
A GOP-led Senate panel released a report Tuesday that details extensive contacts between Trump campaign advisers and Russian intelligence in 2016.
FADEL: Now, that sounds a lot like what Special Counsel Robert Mueller determined in his report last year as well.

LUCAS: Right. This report is, to a large extent, something that reaches the same conclusion that Mueller did on the question of Russia's interference. And the committee didn't draw a conclusion on whether the Trump campaign conspired or colluded with Russia. What the committee did instead was lay out the facts that they found and then kind of leave it to the reader to make up their own mind. Some committee Republicans, in an annex to the report, declared that there was no evidence that the Trump campaign colluded. Democratic members, in contrast, called Russia's actions and the Trump team's openness to them, quote, "one of the single most grave counterintelligence threats in modern American history." So there was a bit of a bipartisan divide on that matter.

FADEL: So what's new in this? What can the public actually take away that's new from this report?

LUCAS: So the report documents the extensive connections between folks in the Trump campaign and Russia, some of which we already knew. But it goes into greater depth, most notably probably on Paul Manafort. The report calls Manafort a, quote, "grave counterintelligence threat." It notes that Manafort had access to sensitive information and that he was willing to share it with people who had ties to Russian intelligence. Crucially, the report says that includes one of Manafort's closest aides, a man by the name of Konstantin Kilimnik who the committee says is a Russian intelligence officer. The report says that Manafort secretly shared internal campaign information with Kilimnik. It also says that Manafort and Kilimnik began in 2016 to push the false line, the falsity that it was Ukraine and not Russia that interfered in the U.S. election, which, of course, was to Russia's advantage.

(full article online)

Now prove the allegations about Obama and Biden and all the other allegations any of you keep throwing against the wall.


“The Committee found that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the Russian effort to hack computer networks and accounts affiliated with the Democratic Party and leak
information damaging to Hillary Clinton...”

“Moscow’s intent was to harm the Clinton Campaign, tarnish an expected Clinton presidential administration, help the Trump Campaign after Trump became the presumptive Republican nominee, and undermine the U.S. democratic process.”


Paul Manafort, Trump’s one-time 2016 campaign chairman, engaged with a “Russian intelligence officer” named Konstantin Kilimnik and Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska, with whom it said Moscow coordinates foreign influence operations.

“On numerous occasions, Manafort sought to secretly share internal Campaign information with Kilimnik...

“Manafort’s presence on the Campaign and proximity to Trump created opportunities for Russian intelligence services to exert influence over, and acquire confidential information on, the Trump Campaign.

“Taken as a whole, Manafort’s high-level access and willingness to share information with individuals closely affiliated with the Russian intelligence services, particularly Kilimnik and associates of Oleg Deripaska, represented a grave counterintelligence threat.”


Russian interference in U.S. politics has continued at least until January 2020.

The panel “observed numerous Russian-government actors from late 2016 until at least January 2020 consistently spreading overlapping false narratives which sought to discredit investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 elections and spread false information about the events of 2016.”

Manafort and Kilimnik specifically sought to promote the claim that Ukraine, not Russia, interfered in the 2016 election.


WikiLeaks published thousands of emails hacked from Clinton’s campaign and a top aide, sparking extensive negative media coverage about the Democratic nominee before the 2016 vote.

(full article online)

Your proof that there was no Russia involvement is?????
[It was proven, by a Bipartisan committee that Russia was involved in the 2016 election. They did try to interfere in that election.]
A GOP-led Senate panel released a report Tuesday that details extensive contacts between Trump campaign advisers and Russian intelligence in 2016.
FADEL: Now, that sounds a lot like what Special Counsel Robert Mueller determined in his report last year as well.

LUCAS: Right. This report is, to a large extent, something that reaches the same conclusion that Mueller did on the question of Russia's interference. And the committee didn't draw a conclusion on whether the Trump campaign conspired or colluded with Russia. What the committee did instead was lay out the facts that they found and then kind of leave it to the reader to make up their own mind. Some committee Republicans, in an annex to the report, declared that there was no evidence that the Trump campaign colluded. Democratic members, in contrast, called Russia's actions and the Trump team's openness to them, quote, "one of the single most grave counterintelligence threats in modern American history." So there was a bit of a bipartisan divide on that matter.

FADEL: So what's new in this? What can the public actually take away that's new from this report?

LUCAS: So the report documents the extensive connections between folks in the Trump campaign and Russia, some of which we already knew. But it goes into greater depth, most notably probably on Paul Manafort. The report calls Manafort a, quote, "grave counterintelligence threat." It notes that Manafort had access to sensitive information and that he was willing to share it with people who had ties to Russian intelligence. Crucially, the report says that includes one of Manafort's closest aides, a man by the name of Konstantin Kilimnik who the committee says is a Russian intelligence officer. The report says that Manafort secretly shared internal campaign information with Kilimnik. It also says that Manafort and Kilimnik began in 2016 to push the false line, the falsity that it was Ukraine and not Russia that interfered in the U.S. election, which, of course, was to Russia's advantage.

(full article online)

Now prove the allegations about Obama and Biden and all the other allegations any of you keep throwing against the wall.

You assholes keep throwing that WEAK ASS Senate OPINION with no teeth around like you didn't even need the Muller investigation. Those contacts were PROPER PROTOCAL you IDIOT!
You assholes keep throwing that WEAK ASS Senate OPINION with no teeth around like you didn't even need the Muller investigation. Those contacts were PROPER PROTOCAL you IDIOT!
Could I have some past sauce with that pasta, please?
You can allege it , but you cannot prove that he did not.
voter fraud in the swing states has been proven and people have gone to jail for it. Would a true vote count change the result? Sadly we shall never know. But bask in the glory of senile old joe boy as he stumbles and mumbles us into a nuclear war. you idiots asked for it, but we will all get it due to your stupidity.

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