So why do Christians worship The False Messiah (Lucifer)?


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
So why do Christians worship Lucifer?

Because they forget that they are the 1/3 deceived, that even the elect who impose this charade is deceived. They forget that their own character said this would happen when he said: "They will come in my name saying I am christ and deceiving many" and that you have to be a 'fool for Christ'.
Because they don't notice and read proper tenses as in plurality from singular, past to present or future. Because they don't understandtalking about another to come third person tense from one refering to himself.
How hard is it to read that if Jesus is saying he too will see son of man come to the right hand of G0d that means Jesus is not the one he is seeing, it's another who's son of man. Just as he refers in Rev 1:13 that he is
'LIKE unto' son of man not that he himself is son of man. Christians are like unto christ but they aren't christ themselves. How hard is it to read simple lines like that in their proper tense? Really seriously how hard is it? Do we need tutors for 2 Billion people and hold their hands and walk them through their errors?
Lastly if they would only use half their brain, why would you claim Jesus is the same G0d as the one of Israel, but then reject and convert YHWH worshipers like Jews and Jehovah's Witness to Jesus instead of YHWH unless you are inadvertantly admiting Jesus isn't YHWH at all and is the thief of YHWH by saying through me instead of????\
Seriously just how brainwashed you are should not matter to this simple logic right in front of you. Lucifer comes as the first fallen messiah saying me me me and steals from both Moshiach and Moshiach's G0d and thus his ideology of Life truth and knowledge is suppressed by the worshipers of death, lies and ignorance.

You can rationsally show them how they themselves would and could not accept and believe their own beliefs when asked to do so which means they have to see it for how others not in their cult see it.
Shining a mirror on their own beliefs even takes time to sink in if not an immediate wakening it can take years to register and deprogram them.

Just ask them to ask themselves: would you belief a person coming into this forum saying they rose from the dead or were born a virgin? answer is always no if they are honest, therefore that same standard they would even disbelive such nonsense then now they know why others think it's crazy. They would be the first to argue against that ewhich they claim is all light (knowledge and truth), they would bash it, they would reject it, they would persecute it because their human ego would not stand the judgment that truth and knowledge shines on the imperfect person who's ignorance and inadequacies would be exposed thus pride would reject such a harsh reveaing upon their true selves.
Nobody else could be Messiah, nobody they would believe could be a man god therefore they themselves are non believers in their own nonsense.
So why do Christians worship Lucifer?

Because they forget that they are the 1/3 deceived, that even the elect who impose this charade is deceived. They forget that their own character said this would happen when he said: "They will come in my name saying I am christ and deceiving many" and that you have to be a 'fool for Christ'.
Because they don't notice and read proper tenses as in plurality from singular, past to present or future. Because they don't understandtalking about another to come third person tense from one refering to himself.
How hard is it to read that if Jesus is saying he too will see son of man come to the right hand of G0d that means Jesus is not the one he is seeing, it's another who's son of man. Just as he refers in Rev 1:13 that he is
'LIKE unto' son of man not that he himself is son of man. Christians are like unto christ but they aren't christ themselves. How hard is it to read simple lines like that in their proper tense? Really seriously how hard is it? Do we need tutors for 2 Billion people and hold their hands and walk them through their errors?
Lastly if they would only use half their brain, why would you claim Jesus is the same G0d as the one of Israel, but then reject and convert YHWH worshipers like Jews and Jehovah's Witness to Jesus instead of YHWH unless you are inadvertantly admiting Jesus isn't YHWH at all and is the thief of YHWH by saying through me instead of????\
Seriously just how brainwashed you are should not matter to this simple logic right in front of you. Lucifer comes as the first fallen messiah saying me me me and steals from both Moshiach and Moshiach's G0d and thus his ideology of Life truth and knowledge is suppressed by the worshipers of death, lies and ignorance.

You can rationsally show them how they themselves would and could not accept and believe their own beliefs when asked to do so which means they have to see it for how others not in their cult see it.
Shining a mirror on their own beliefs even takes time to sink in if not an immediate wakening it can take years to register and deprogram them.

Just ask them to ask themselves: would you belief a person coming into this forum saying they rose from the dead or were born a virgin? answer is always no if they are honest, therefore that same standard they would even disbelive such nonsense then now they know why others think it's crazy. They would be the first to argue against that ewhich they claim is all light (knowledge and truth), they would bash it, they would reject it, they would persecute it because their human ego would not stand the judgment that truth and knowledge shines on the imperfect person who's ignorance and inadequacies would be exposed thus pride would reject such a harsh reveaing upon their true selves.
Nobody else could be Messiah, nobody they would believe could be a man god therefore they themselves are non believers in their own nonsense.

Sounds like you are with all of this head education without the heart knowledge...Just pointing out that your lack of knowledge and self perceptions are wrong with what a true Christian is.

Obviously you are tied up with the religion of a christian, not the faith and spirit of a christian.

Our eyes / heart are blinded until you receive the Holy Spirit who then shows you the truth.
Even the disciples had lack of faith until Jesus died on the cross and His spirit rose again .
Odd concept, but this is to be expected from any of the male dominator god religions vomited up in the middle east; these incoherent strands of beliefs that attempt to tie things together. But one must remember, these are all authoritarian systems.

In the christian world view for example, you are born into this world with original sin; you are damaged goods upon arrival, fucked for getting here. So you must submit to this male dominator god. This is a problem of perception, this notion of the creator in human form. You must fear your god, you must fear your Lucifer, and submit to the hierarchy of the church, which is just another corporate entity guarding the gates of heaven against entry by the undeserving.

Then this male dominator god who made/owns everything gives you the human, not all of you mind you, just the "chosen" ones, dominion over everything you see; land, water, anything you can extract from the earth, all the plant and animal life on the planet - including humans - is yours to use for the glorification of this god, which means basically you; you are the god of whatever property you can exert force over. So you invent missionaries as scouts.
So why do Christians worship Lucifer?

Because they forget that they are the 1/3 deceived, that even the elect who impose this charade is deceived. They forget that their own character said this would happen when he said: "They will come in my name saying I am christ and deceiving many" and that you have to be a 'fool for Christ'.
Because they don't notice and read proper tenses as in plurality from singular, past to present or future. Because they don't understandtalking about another to come third person tense from one refering to himself.
How hard is it to read that if Jesus is saying he too will see son of man come to the right hand of G0d that means Jesus is not the one he is seeing, it's another who's son of man. Just as he refers in Rev 1:13 that he is
'LIKE unto' son of man not that he himself is son of man. Christians are like unto christ but they aren't christ themselves. How hard is it to read simple lines like that in their proper tense? Really seriously how hard is it? Do we need tutors for 2 Billion people and hold their hands and walk them through their errors?
Lastly if they would only use half their brain, why would you claim Jesus is the same G0d as the one of Israel, but then reject and convert YHWH worshipers like Jews and Jehovah's Witness to Jesus instead of YHWH unless you are inadvertantly admiting Jesus isn't YHWH at all and is the thief of YHWH by saying through me instead of????\
Seriously just how brainwashed you are should not matter to this simple logic right in front of you. Lucifer comes as the first fallen messiah saying me me me and steals from both Moshiach and Moshiach's G0d and thus his ideology of Life truth and knowledge is suppressed by the worshipers of death, lies and ignorance.

You can rationsally show them how they themselves would and could not accept and believe their own beliefs when asked to do so which means they have to see it for how others not in their cult see it.
Shining a mirror on their own beliefs even takes time to sink in if not an immediate wakening it can take years to register and deprogram them.

Just ask them to ask themselves: would you belief a person coming into this forum saying they rose from the dead or were born a virgin? answer is always no if they are honest, therefore that same standard they would even disbelive such nonsense then now they know why others think it's crazy. They would be the first to argue against that ewhich they claim is all light (knowledge and truth), they would bash it, they would reject it, they would persecute it because their human ego would not stand the judgment that truth and knowledge shines on the imperfect person who's ignorance and inadequacies would be exposed thus pride would reject such a harsh reveaing upon their true selves.
Nobody else could be Messiah, nobody they would believe could be a man god therefore they themselves are non believers in their own nonsense.

Sounds like you are with all of this head education without the heart knowledge...Just pointing out that your lack of knowledge and self perceptions are wrong with what a true Christian is.

Obviously you are tied up with the religion of a christian, not the faith and spirit of a christian.

Our eyes / heart are blinded until you receive the Holy Spirit who then shows you the truth.
Even the disciples had lack of faith until Jesus died on the cross and His spirit rose again .

The problem with the so-called faith and spirit of a christian is that this comes from a religious perceptual reality and not a spiritual perceptual reality, this is why it had to be spread through violence and coersion. Discounting the head while praising the "knowledge of the heart" is a means of queiting the questioning, the christian's role is to submit and not question. Do not think, believe. Bow down. It is an authoritarian system.
Odd concept, but this is to be expected from any of the male dominator god religions vomited up in the middle east; these incoherent strands of beliefs that attempt to tie things together. But one must remember, these are all authoritarian systems.

In the christian world view for example, you are born into this world with original sin; you are damaged goods upon arrival, fucked for getting here. So you must submit to this male dominator god. This is a problem of perception, this notion of the creator in human form. You must fear your god, you must fear your Lucifer, and submit to the hierarchy of the church, which is just another corporate entity guarding the gates of heaven against entry by the undeserving.

Then this male dominator god who made/owns everything gives you the human, not all of you mind you, just the "chosen" ones, dominion over everything you see; land, water, anything you can extract from the earth, all the plant and animal life on the planet - including humans - is yours to use for the glorification of this god, which means basically you; you are the god of whatever property you can exert force over. So you invent missionaries as scouts.

As humans we think that we have all of this control over everything while in reality we don't..
The only thing that we have power over is how we react to things in life.
Odd concept, but this is to be expected from any of the male dominator god religions vomited up in the middle east; these incoherent strands of beliefs that attempt to tie things together. But one must remember, these are all authoritarian systems.

In the christian world view for example, you are born into this world with original sin; you are damaged goods upon arrival, fucked for getting here. So you must submit to this male dominator god. This is a problem of perception, this notion of the creator in human form. You must fear your god, you must fear your Lucifer, and submit to the hierarchy of the church, which is just another corporate entity guarding the gates of heaven against entry by the undeserving.

Then this male dominator god who made/owns everything gives you the human, not all of you mind you, just the "chosen" ones, dominion over everything you see; land, water, anything you can extract from the earth, all the plant and animal life on the planet - including humans - is yours to use for the glorification of this god, which means basically you; you are the god of whatever property you can exert force over. So you invent missionaries as scouts.

As humans we think that we have all of this control over everything while in reality we don't..
The only thing that we have power over is how we react to things in life.

Perhaps that is why the notion of god/gods was invented.
So why do Christians worship Lucifer?

Because they forget that they are the 1/3 deceived, that even the elect who impose this charade is deceived. They forget that their own character said this would happen when he said: "They will come in my name saying I am christ and deceiving many" and that you have to be a 'fool for Christ'.
Because they don't notice and read proper tenses as in plurality from singular, past to present or future. Because they don't understandtalking about another to come third person tense from one refering to himself.
How hard is it to read that if Jesus is saying he too will see son of man come to the right hand of G0d that means Jesus is not the one he is seeing, it's another who's son of man. Just as he refers in Rev 1:13 that he is
'LIKE unto' son of man not that he himself is son of man. Christians are like unto christ but they aren't christ themselves. How hard is it to read simple lines like that in their proper tense? Really seriously how hard is it? Do we need tutors for 2 Billion people and hold their hands and walk them through their errors?
Lastly if they would only use half their brain, why would you claim Jesus is the same G0d as the one of Israel, but then reject and convert YHWH worshipers like Jews and Jehovah's Witness to Jesus instead of YHWH unless you are inadvertantly admiting Jesus isn't YHWH at all and is the thief of YHWH by saying through me instead of????\
Seriously just how brainwashed you are should not matter to this simple logic right in front of you. Lucifer comes as the first fallen messiah saying me me me and steals from both Moshiach and Moshiach's G0d and thus his ideology of Life truth and knowledge is suppressed by the worshipers of death, lies and ignorance.

You can rationsally show them how they themselves would and could not accept and believe their own beliefs when asked to do so which means they have to see it for how others not in their cult see it.
Shining a mirror on their own beliefs even takes time to sink in if not an immediate wakening it can take years to register and deprogram them.

Just ask them to ask themselves: would you belief a person coming into this forum saying they rose from the dead or were born a virgin? answer is always no if they are honest, therefore that same standard they would even disbelive such nonsense then now they know why others think it's crazy. They would be the first to argue against that ewhich they claim is all light (knowledge and truth), they would bash it, they would reject it, they would persecute it because their human ego would not stand the judgment that truth and knowledge shines on the imperfect person who's ignorance and inadequacies would be exposed thus pride would reject such a harsh reveaing upon their true selves.
Nobody else could be Messiah, nobody they would believe could be a man god therefore they themselves are non believers in their own nonsense.

Sounds like you are with all of this head education without the heart knowledge...Just pointing out that your lack of knowledge and self perceptions are wrong with what a true Christian is.

Obviously you are tied up with the religion of a christian, not the faith and spirit of a christian.

Our eyes / heart are blinded until you receive the Holy Spirit who then shows you the truth.
Even the disciples had lack of faith until Jesus died on the cross and His spirit rose again .

The problem with the so-called faith and spirit of a christian is that this comes from a religious perceptual reality and not a spiritual perceptual reality, this is why it had to be spread through violence and coersion. Discounting the head while praising the "knowledge of the heart" is a means of queiting the questioning, the christian's role is to submit and not question. Do not think, believe. Bow down. It is an authoritarian system.

This is a very understanding view from someone who has not been touched by the Holy Spirit.
There is a spiritual realm all around us, that we don't see with our eyes, but our spirit connects to.
It is not about rules, or religion
Jesus gave His life to make the bridge from sin to God, to question only makes the faith stronger when it is answered..
We do not have to summit to anything, we are making a choice everyday just like a husband and wife make to stay and work on the relationship everyday. it is not easy, but it is rewarding..
Do you summit to your spouse? No unless if you are in a dysfunctional relationship.
So why do Christians worship Lucifer?

Because they forget that they are the 1/3 deceived, that even the elect who impose this charade is deceived. They forget that their own character said this would happen when he said: "They will come in my name saying I am christ and deceiving many" and that you have to be a 'fool for Christ'.
Because they don't notice and read proper tenses as in plurality from singular, past to present or future. Because they don't understandtalking about another to come third person tense from one refering to himself.
How hard is it to read that if Jesus is saying he too will see son of man come to the right hand of G0d that means Jesus is not the one he is seeing, it's another who's son of man. Just as he refers in Rev 1:13 that he is
'LIKE unto' son of man not that he himself is son of man. Christians are like unto christ but they aren't christ themselves. How hard is it to read simple lines like that in their proper tense? Really seriously how hard is it? Do we need tutors for 2 Billion people and hold their hands and walk them through their errors?
Lastly if they would only use half their brain, why would you claim Jesus is the same G0d as the one of Israel, but then reject and convert YHWH worshipers like Jews and Jehovah's Witness to Jesus instead of YHWH unless you are inadvertantly admiting Jesus isn't YHWH at all and is the thief of YHWH by saying through me instead of????\
Seriously just how brainwashed you are should not matter to this simple logic right in front of you. Lucifer comes as the first fallen messiah saying me me me and steals from both Moshiach and Moshiach's G0d and thus his ideology of Life truth and knowledge is suppressed by the worshipers of death, lies and ignorance.

You can rationsally show them how they themselves would and could not accept and believe their own beliefs when asked to do so which means they have to see it for how others not in their cult see it.
Shining a mirror on their own beliefs even takes time to sink in if not an immediate wakening it can take years to register and deprogram them.

Just ask them to ask themselves: would you belief a person coming into this forum saying they rose from the dead or were born a virgin? answer is always no if they are honest, therefore that same standard they would even disbelive such nonsense then now they know why others think it's crazy. They would be the first to argue against that ewhich they claim is all light (knowledge and truth), they would bash it, they would reject it, they would persecute it because their human ego would not stand the judgment that truth and knowledge shines on the imperfect person who's ignorance and inadequacies would be exposed thus pride would reject such a harsh reveaing upon their true selves.
Nobody else could be Messiah, nobody they would believe could be a man god therefore they themselves are non believers in their own nonsense.

Sounds like you are with all of this head education without the heart knowledge...Just pointing out that your lack of knowledge and self perceptions are wrong with what a true Christian is.

Obviously you are tied up with the religion of a christian, not the faith and spirit of a christian.

Our eyes / heart are blinded until you receive the Holy Spirit who then shows you the truth.
Even the disciples had lack of faith until Jesus died on the cross and His spirit rose again .

The problem with the so-called faith and spirit of a christian is that this comes from a religious perceptual reality and not a spiritual perceptual reality, this is why it had to be spread through violence and coersion. Discounting the head while praising the "knowledge of the heart" is a means of queiting the questioning, the christian's role is to submit and not question. Do not think, believe. Bow down. It is an authoritarian system.

This is a very understanding view from someone who has not been touched by the Holy Spirit.
There is a spiritual realm all around us, that we don't see with our eyes, but our spirit connects to.
It is not about rules, or religion
Jesus gave His life to make the bridge from sin to God, to question only makes the faith stronger when it is answered..
We do not have to summit to anything, we are making a choice everyday just like a husband and wife make to stay and work on the relationship everyday. it is not easy, but it is rewarding..
Do you summit to your spouse? No unless if you are in a dysfunctional relationship.

Religion is about guilt, sin, and blame. Spirituality is about responsibility.

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