So why are schools closing when as of 6/21/21 among the 74 million school age children (under 18) there were ONLY 209 deaths?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
According to this web site:
Among states reporting,
children were 0.00%-0.25% of all COVID-19 deaths,
and 7 states reported zero child deaths.

Now the biased MSM doesn't tell you but as of today of the
694,637 COVID deaths in USA
0.0300% (from above) total deaths under age 18.. 209.

That's it! And yet we have school closings?

At least 1,000 US schools have closed due to Covid since late July: report​

At least 1,000 schools across 31 states have closed down due to COVID-19 since classes began to resume in late July,
The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday, citing data service Burbio.

OK...OK.. so we haven't heard only 209 deaths..

BUT wait... from the above website:
  • Among states reporting, children ranged from 1.6%-4.2% of their total cumulated hospitalizations,
So how many hospitalized COVID cases in USA:... 24,246 Hospitalized cases... hmmm so 4.2% under age 18 or 1,018 hospitalized.
Hmmm... so less than 209 deaths, 1,018 hospitalized of under 18 and yet we have schools closing?

Have these schools followed the FACTS?
Now here's a FACT:
  • The Clark County school district in Nevada announced a plan to phase in students for in-person learning after a rise in student suicides, The New York Times reported.
  • The district has seen 18 suicides in nine months since it closed schools in March of last year.
By the way the number of COVID deaths in Nevada under age 18 so far from 2020-today...
How many dead kids (not to mention teachers and staff) are enough for you?

And how many children committing suicide is enough for you? This is extremely alarming and yet people like evidently don't care how the children are responding. Evidently I care more about the thousands of children that are not committing suicide that will be grossly affected in future years....all because dummies like you don't seem to care about the majority of the 74 million children under age 18! Pathetic that you are so brainwashed by the totally biased MSM!

Youth Depression, Suicide Increasing During Pandemic Response​

School closures, stay-at-home orders, and shutdowns of businesses deemed “non-essential” are contributing to surging rates of depression and suicide among young people, as well as rising incidences of drug overdosesand related deaths. In the Clark County, Nevada school district, 18 students took their lives during the nine months of school closures, Arizona suicides were up 67 percent in 2020 compared to the previous year for children ages 12 to 17, and statewide childhood suicides had also increased since 2019.

More “Covid Suicides” than Covid Deaths in Kids​

Covid accounted for barely 1.2% of all deaths in the under-25 age group. Graphically, that’s the solid red line along the bottom of the graph below — the one you would probably miss if I didn’t draw attention to it. The distance between that and the solid pink line across the top that caught your eye?
That represents the other 98.8% of deaths that had nothing to do with Covid.

More Children Are Dying By Suicide Recently, Study Shows​

Suicide is the second leading cause of death for youth in the United States,
but suicide attempts and death in younger children have also been rising in recent years.
Now a new study in JAMA Network Open outlines the risk factors linked to suicide in kids aged 11 and younger. NPR's Rhitu Chatterjee reports.
This is especially relevant now, he says, given how the pandemic has affected children. Most were disconnected from supports and services at school. Many, especially kids in communities of color, lost parents and relatives to COVID-19. And he says...

NG: For children appearing in emergency departments with a mental health condition is increased 24% for the ages of 5 to 11.

Child Suicides Rising During Lockdown​

Among the many dangers the coronavirus pandemic has brought, parents really need to be on the lookout for one in particular: an increased risk of suicide among vulnerable teens.

"We've seen an upsurge in really bad suicide attempts," and the pandemic is likely behind that increase, said Dr. Taranjeet Jolly, an adult and pediatric psychiatrist at Penn State Health's Milton S. Hershey Medical Center.
According to this web site:
Among states reporting,
children were 0.00%-0.25% of all COVID-19 deaths,
and 7 states reported zero child deaths.

Now the biased MSM doesn't tell you but as of today of the
694,637 COVID deaths in USA
0.0300% (from above) total deaths under age 18.. 209.

That's it! And yet we have school closings?

At least 1,000 US schools have closed due to Covid since late July: report​

At least 1,000 schools across 31 states have closed down due to COVID-19 since classes began to resume in late July,
The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday, citing data service Burbio.

OK...OK.. so we haven't heard only 209 deaths..

BUT wait... from the above website:
  • Among states reporting, children ranged from 1.6%-4.2% of their total cumulated hospitalizations,
So how many hospitalized COVID cases in USA:... 24,246 Hospitalized cases... hmmm so 4.2% under age 18 or 1,018 hospitalized.
Hmmm... so less than 209 deaths, 1,018 hospitalized of under 18 and yet we have schools closing?

Have these schools followed the FACTS?
Now here's a FACT:
  • The Clark County school district in Nevada announced a plan to phase in students for in-person learning after a rise in student suicides, The New York Times reported.
  • The district has seen 18 suicides in nine months since it closed schools in March of last year.
By the way the number of COVID deaths in Nevada under age 18 so far from 2020-today...

And how many children committing suicide is enough for you? This is extremely alarming and yet people like evidently don't care how the children are responding. Evidently I care more about the thousands of children that are not committing suicide that will be grossly affected in future years....all because dummies like you don't seem to care about the majority of the 74 million children under age 18! Pathetic that you are so brainwashed by the totally biased MSM!

Youth Depression, Suicide Increasing During Pandemic Response​

School closures, stay-at-home orders, and shutdowns of businesses deemed “non-essential” are contributing to surging rates of depression and suicide among young people, as well as rising incidences of drug overdosesand related deaths. In the Clark County, Nevada school district, 18 students took their lives during the nine months of school closures, Arizona suicides were up 67 percent in 2020 compared to the previous year for children ages 12 to 17, and statewide childhood suicides had also increased since 2019.

More “Covid Suicides” than Covid Deaths in Kids​

Covid accounted for barely 1.2% of all deaths in the under-25 age group. Graphically, that’s the solid red line along the bottom of the graph below — the one you would probably miss if I didn’t draw attention to it. The distance between that and the solid pink line across the top that caught your eye?
That represents the other 98.8% of deaths that had nothing to do with Covid.

More Children Are Dying By Suicide Recently, Study Shows​

Suicide is the second leading cause of death for youth in the United States,
but suicide attempts and death in younger children have also been rising in recent years.
Now a new study in JAMA Network Open outlines the risk factors linked to suicide in kids aged 11 and younger. NPR's Rhitu Chatterjee reports.
This is especially relevant now, he says, given how the pandemic has affected children. Most were disconnected from supports and services at school. Many, especially kids in communities of color, lost parents and relatives to COVID-19. And he says...

NG: For children appearing in emergency departments with a mental health condition is increased 24% for the ages of 5 to 11.

Child Suicides Rising During Lockdown​

Among the many dangers the coronavirus pandemic has brought, parents really need to be on the lookout for one in particular: an increased risk of suicide among vulnerable teens.

"We've seen an upsurge in really bad suicide attempts," and the pandemic is likely behind that increase, said Dr. Taranjeet Jolly, an adult and pediatric psychiatrist at Penn State Health's Milton S. Hershey Medical Center.

And yet you fight against getting them back in school safely

Go figure
According to this web site:
Among states reporting,
children were 0.00%-0.25% of all COVID-19 deaths,
and 7 states reported zero child deaths.

Now the biased MSM doesn't tell you but as of today of the
694,637 COVID deaths in USA
0.0300% (from above) total deaths under age 18.. 209.

That's it! And yet we have school closings?

At least 1,000 US schools have closed due to Covid since late July: report​

At least 1,000 schools across 31 states have closed down due to COVID-19 since classes began to resume in late July,
The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday, citing data service Burbio.

OK...OK.. so we haven't heard only 209 deaths..

BUT wait... from the above website:
  • Among states reporting, children ranged from 1.6%-4.2% of their total cumulated hospitalizations,
So how many hospitalized COVID cases in USA:... 24,246 Hospitalized cases... hmmm so 4.2% under age 18 or 1,018 hospitalized.
Hmmm... so less than 209 deaths, 1,018 hospitalized of under 18 and yet we have schools closing?

Have these schools followed the FACTS?
Now here's a FACT:
  • The Clark County school district in Nevada announced a plan to phase in students for in-person learning after a rise in student suicides, The New York Times reported.
  • The district has seen 18 suicides in nine months since it closed schools in March of last year.
By the way the number of COVID deaths in Nevada under age 18 so far from 2020-today...
What about all those adults in the schools? What about allowing virus mutations by continued spread?

In a Florida school district 13 people died with the first three weeks of school.
What about all those adults in the schools? What about allowing virus mutations by continued spread?

In a Florida school district 13 people died with the first three weeks of school.
Pretty damn simple! Understand the FACTS Otto!
1) Actually 94% of COVID deaths are because the patient was:
a) Obese , or b) diabetic, or c)smoker, d) had some other issue.
Several comorbidities, such as hypertension, ischemic heart disease, and obesity were present in the vast majority of patients. Our findings reveal that causes of death were directly related to COVID-19 in the majority of decedents, while they appear not to be an immediate result of preexisting health conditions and comorbidities. We therefore suggest that the majority of patients had died of COVID-19 with only contributory implications of preexisting health conditions to the mechanism of death.
2) What is the average age of school teacher and is an important question regarding "deaths"...44.5. check the link!
total USA deaths 658,754
a) under age 17 439 or 0.000666%
b) age 40-49 23,501 or 3.%
So those teachers age 44.5 or 3% of them should have been vaccinated, or not suffer from comorbidity.
Screen Shot 2021-09-21 at 4.53.17 PM.png

1) Actually 94% of COVID deaths are because the patient was:
a) Obese , or b) diabetic, or c)smoker, d) had some other issue.
Several comorbidities, such as hypertension, ischemic heart disease, and obesity were present in the vast majority of patients.
You're describing most of the nation.

What you aren't describing (and what this thread is about) are kids.

And many have died.

So how are we supposed to feel when we send them off to school (in a school filled with unmasked covid spreaders) and that kid ends up dead?
You're describing most of the nation.

What you aren't describing (and what this thread is about) are kids.

And many have died.

So how are we supposed to feel when we send them off to school (in a school filled with unmasked covid spreaders) and that kid ends up dead?
How many kids have died! under age 17 439 or 0.000666%
How many kids have died since 2/2020 to 09/21 from drugs?
Total Overdose Deaths4,777


A national survey showed that almost 20% of the students had been offered, sold or given an illegal drug by someone on school property. (Centers for Disease Control, Youth Behavioral Survey, 2017).
So nearly 10 times the amount of drug deaths 4,777 in teen drug overdose from distribution in schools and you get excited about 439 deaths?
You close the schools because of 439 deaths but look the other way with 4,777 drug deaths?
Totally screwed up those of you that want schools closed due to COVID...
439 COVID deaths under age 18 and most were because of comorbidity...obesity,diabetes, smoking, etc.

CDC Study Documents Rise in Adolescent Suicide Attempts During Pandemic​

The increase started in May 2020 with a particularly alarming spike among girls aged 12–17 from February to March 2021.
And you want schools to close because of 439 COVID deaths?

You're describing most of the nation.

What you aren't describing (and what this thread is about) are kids.

And many have died.

So how are we supposed to feel when we send them off to school (in a school filled with unmasked covid spreaders) and that kid ends up dead?
How are you to "feel"???? Did you ever try to follow the science? Have YOU ever looked to see the condition of the people that died from COVID?
0-17 years deaths 439 .0.066%
50 and Older...deaths 622,362 or 94%
So you want your feelings to be better... deal with the FACTS...
Even the teachers at average of 40-49 deaths 3.5% and they should wear masks vaccinated YES! Social distance YES... but this idiocy of canceling schools? HOW grossly unscientific!
Screen Shot 2021-09-21 at 7.40.03 PM.png
You're describing most of the nation.

What you aren't describing (and what this thread is about) are kids.

And many have died.

So how are we supposed to feel when we send them off to school (in a school filled with unmasked covid spreaders) and that kid ends up dead?
You wrote "And many have died". Is 4,177 too many?
Is 1 too many? 439 died. And most died because of obesity, diabetes, breathing issues.
But is 439 too many to keep kids from committing suicide? More kids have died from Suicide the COVID!
At Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis, the number of children and teens hospitalized after suicide attempts went up from 67 in 2019 to 108 in 2020. And October 2020 saw a 250% increase in these numbers over the previous October, says Hillary Blake, a pediatric psychologist at the hospital.
More fucking stupid, unsupported bullshit from the uneducated?
Why else would they be closing schools? Why else would the teachers demand and get the very first rounds of the vaccine? Why else would they after being vaccines demand the kids wear masks? Why would they demand more money before going back to teaching in the classroom? It’s all teacher union bullshit.

If anything good was to come of this virus fiasco I sure hope that teachers unions get eliminated. Them and the department of education are fucking worthless and both need to go.
According to this web site:
Among states reporting,
children were 0.00%-0.25% of all COVID-19 deaths,
and 7 states reported zero child deaths.

Now the biased MSM doesn't tell you but as of today of the
694,637 COVID deaths in USA
0.0300% (from above) total deaths under age 18.. 209.

That's it! And yet we have school closings?

At least 1,000 US schools have closed due to Covid since late July: report​

At least 1,000 schools across 31 states have closed down due to COVID-19 since classes began to resume in late July,
The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday, citing data service Burbio.

OK...OK.. so we haven't heard only 209 deaths..

BUT wait... from the above website:
  • Among states reporting, children ranged from 1.6%-4.2% of their total cumulated hospitalizations,
So how many hospitalized COVID cases in USA:... 24,246 Hospitalized cases... hmmm so 4.2% under age 18 or 1,018 hospitalized.
Hmmm... so less than 209 deaths, 1,018 hospitalized of under 18 and yet we have schools closing?

Have these schools followed the FACTS?
Now here's a FACT:
  • The Clark County school district in Nevada announced a plan to phase in students for in-person learning after a rise in student suicides, The New York Times reported.
  • The district has seen 18 suicides in nine months since it closed schools in March of last year.
By the way the number of COVID deaths in Nevada under age 18 so far from 2020-today...
Their not telling you half the kids in the hospital aren't in for Covid, they just tested positive during their stay
Stop the spread is the main issue. The death toll is just the product of deciding what is the best way to proceed when faced with a problem.

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