Woke Academia and Leveling Downwards


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
On all topics, education especially, the Lefts only answer is to punish those who succeed instead of lifting up those who struggle. We now live in the age where correct answers are oppressive and mathematics is racist. Competence and natural gifts must be suppressed, metrics used to gauge how well a child is learning must be eliminated.

The Lefts effort to destroy America from within has been successful. 80% of blacks and Hispanics fail old competency requirements. The future is a crumbling civilization where no one knows how to repair things, let alone create things. If you want to know what 2050 will look like, watch a Mad Max movie.


During the last 18 months, supercharged by events after George Floyd’s death, the radical Left has expanded and strengthened DEI in universities, and following Karl Marx’s teaching to start with the youngest students, has shifted its focus to the abolition of testing and standards, the evisceration of math curricula, and indoctrination in our K-12 schools. The following is a necessarily abridged summary of recent developments:

• Except to some extent in nine states that have banned racial preferences in higher education admissions, nearly every elite and competitive university in America now has pledged allegiance to making its decisions about admissions and faculty recruitment based on DEI.

• Under pressure from progressive assertions of test bias, over the last few years, many colleges decided that SAT and ACT testing would be optional. Then, to settle a lawsuit alleging racist disparities, in May 2021, the UC system announced it is ceasing the use of ACT and SAT scores. Other colleges promptly followed the UC’s lead. Without scores, there can be no disparities.

• The National Association of Private Schools, the accreditation agency and marketing partner for nearly all private K-12 schools in the United States, now strongly encourages “race-based affinity groups.” Many National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) accreditors, meanwhile, insiston DEI, and NAIS requires each trustee to pledge obeisance to “equity and justice,” regular evaluations, and compliance reporting.

• In April 2020, citing “equity” and its goal to restructure and dismantle “systems and institutions that create the dichotomy of beneficiaries and the oppressed and marginalized,” the Oregon Department of Education eliminated grades and proficiency in reading, writing, and math as requirements for graduation.

• As National Association of Scholars Research Director David Randall recently reported, numerous states now require that K-12 curricula include elements of anti-racism, CRT, or social justice, or have created commissions to develop social justice curricula. At least two states, Delaware and Virginia, mandate a day off for students to participate in protests. There are no firm numbers on the number of school districts, schools, or teachers who are teaching these doctrines, but anecdotal evidence and coverage of school board hearings suggests that the number is not small. Just a few years ago, the number likely was close to nil.

• On September 9, 2020, Education Trust-West, an “advocate for educational justice,” announced its study and toolkit for K-12 math, A Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. In Pathway, Trust-West characterized expecting the right answer, independent practice, teaching in a linear fashion, requiring procedural fluency, and requesting that students show their work as white supremacy. Instead of offering a path for minority students to learn how to do math and come to the correct answer, Pathway instead advocates that schools use numbers to motivate anti-racist discussions of social justice. Pathwayscalls for regular reporting so that administrators can hold teachers accountable.

Pathway’s timing is particularly inapt, coming as the white-black and white-Latino gaps in math performance are narrowing. Though nearly 80% of black and Hispanic eighth graders are not proficient in math or reading, it is tautological that proficiency will not improve if teachers stop teaching correct answers. That there may be many answers, or no answers, to advanced theoretical mathematics is part of the wonder of the subject. Talking about theoretical math may energize students. Denying the earth is round, on the other hand, or that there are right and wrong answers to basic math, will not.

• On May 7, 2021, the Standards Committee of the American Bar Association, which is the accrediting agency for law schools in the United States, proposed that henceforth, law schools must take “inclusive and equitable . . . effective actions that lead to progress “ with respect to “(1) Diversifying the students, faculty, and staff; and (2) Creating an inclusive and equitable environment for students, faculty, and staff.” The ABA proposal observes that even if law schools are legally prohibited from complying, they may lose their accreditations unless they submit. The ABA will require regular evaluations and compliance reporting.

Though many (usually liberal) law professors from top law schools, including Yale, the University of Chicago, and Berkeley, have strongly criticized the ABA proposal, there is no evidence the ABA will relent.

To put the ABA proposal and American Medical Association rules described below into perspective, unqualified or underqualified high school students who may have been admitted to college because of racial preferences and likelyperform poorly there, will be accepted in place of qualified candidates to law and medical school solely because of their complexions.

The ABA proposal also requires law firms that recruit from ABA-accredited law schools to comply with the same standards. If they do so, law firms either will provide over-priced, lower quality service to their clients, or associates from competitive silos and qualified associates from preferential silos will carry the burden. Likely, these capable associates will receive no additional remuneration for fear that pay disparities would be used as evidence in a discrimination lawsuit.

• Four days later, the American Medical Association published its Organizational Strategic Plan to Embed Racial Justice and Advance Health Equity. Quoting generously from Woke academicians, the AMA’s remarkably dogmatic, left-wing plan proclaims “It is common that discussions in the field of equity begin with the recognition that our current state was built on the land and labors of others in ways that violated the fundamental principles of equity. Another distinction of the equity field, which essentially is an extension of this land and labor acknowledgment, is to initiate discussion with recognition of the specific harms of the past including those of the more recent past (termed ‘truth and reconciliation’).” The AMA thereby resolved a hotly contested assertion as “commonly accepted,” and ordered reparations as the remedy. The AMA also called for regular reports and accountability to the broad implementation of equity.

Among the AMA’s many idiotic conclusions is that the use of calculators and artificial intelligence is racist, and that “mandatory anti-racism, structural competence, and equity-explicit training and competencies” must be adopted in medical education, along with “publicly reported equity assessments.” The AMA also demands “just representation of Black, Indigenous and Latinx people in medical school admissions as well as medical school and hospital leadership ranks.” This raises a now-frequently posed question, one that literally gets to the heart of the matter: Do you want an affirmative action medical school graduate performing your open-heart surgery? Two related questions are also important. How is this fair to minority doctors who would succeed without preferences? How will you possibly know whose care you may safely rely upon?

• On the July 4th weekend, the National Educational Association, which represents more than 2.3 million K-12 teachers and nearly one million other school employees, passed a resolution that it is “reasonable and appropriate” to include CRT in K-12 curricula. The NEA announced that it would “provide an already-created, in-depth, study that critiques empire, white supremacy, anti-Blackness, anti-Indigeneity, racism, patriarchy, cisheteropatriarchy, capitalism, ableism, anthropocentrism, and other forms of power and oppression at the intersections of our society, and that we oppose attempts to ban critical race theory and/or The 1619 Project.”

• On July 14, 2021, the California Department of Education issued a Mathematics Framework based on True-West’s Pathway. Chapter 1 of Framework rejects “natural gifts and talents” and calls for de-emphasizing calculus and eliminating classes for gifted children in grades 6-12 to eliminate “inequity.” Chapter 1 specifies that “equity influences all aspects of this document.” The draft Framework directs teachers to use math for political discussions about “marginalized communities” and to move away from focusing on correct methods or answers.

In one of the few (perhaps temporary) victories for sanity, as a result of pushback from parents and educators, the California Education Department has delayed a final decision on its Mathematics Framework until 2022.

• On about August 8, 2021, Oregon disclosed that Governor Brown signed into law a three-year extension of Oregon’s elimination of reading, writing, and math as requirements for graduation.


Profoundly angry, radical, and racist elites are remaking American education from kindergarten through graduate school. Meritocracy is being replaced with demographically-siloed ranking. If a course, test, or standard is too difficult for minority students, or just some minority students (not including Asians, of course), it is either abolished or adulterated to avoid requiring mastery of difficult subjects that have right and wrong answers.

These highly educated and articulate progressives may be angry and vindictive, but they also are well-trained, intelligent, and focused. They have no discernable interest in improving education or in giving underprivileged children the means to rise from poverty. By paying attention to what they say, write, and do, their goals become clear:

• Destroy capitalism. They do not deny this. The 1619 Project describes the alleged “brutality of American capitalism” and incorrectly characterizes slavery as a capitalist enterprise. Black Lives Matter was founded by “trained Marxists.” Building on The Communist Manifesto’s call for “abolition of the family,” until changed last year, BLM’s website set a goal to “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure.” Numerous local chapters of BLM call for abolition of capitalism. It is a testament to BLM and its colleagues that virtually all of our educational elites take their talking points and policies directly from them, regardless of whether they share all of the same goals.

Oregon’s Department of Education characterizes its mission as “the restructuring and dismantling of systems and institutions that create the dichotomy of beneficiaries and the oppressed and marginalized.” True-West and the Gates Foundation see their mission as “dismantling white supremacy” by “making visible the toxic characteristics of white supremacy culture.” These sweeping objectives are far broader than math education.

California’s Mathematics Framework calls for using “real-world problems” to teach math, with a focus on equity and social justice.

“To love capitalism is to end up loving racism,” Kendi opines.

• Power. If children can be deprived of the tools for independent thinking and analysis and made reliant on the State for preferences and hand-outs, the Woke elite become their overlords. The prescription includes all of the well-understood Marxist methods: (i) weaken the masses by abolishing standards, learning, and the means to evaluate performance; (ii) begin instruction at an early age to indoctrinate our children; (iii) implement social engineering of outcomes through DEI; (iii) instill fear through loyalty oaths, reporting, and encouraging colleagues to turn on each other; and (iv) force compliance by threat of massive adverse publicity, boycotts, ostracism, termination of individuals, and loss of accreditation for institutions.

By nearly every measure of competitiveness and prosperity, the U.S. is in decline. That other countries also have their problems is in part attributable to those countries being ahead of the U.S. on the slide to socialism. With the focus in America on destroying our education, particularly K-12, we will soon make up for lost time.

To date, eight states have passed laws barring the teaching of CRT and discriminatory concepts, and at least 10 other states have taken some action, or are considering doing so. That is not enough.

To gently update Edmund Burke for gender equality, the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing.

Marxists and Marxist philosophy are losers. By rewarding failures, they encourage failure. This is why our country is on its way to poverty and chaos. In the end, the young generation will get what their stupidity is demanding and they're not going to like it.
On all topics, education especially, the Lefts only answer is to punish those who succeed instead of lifting up those who struggle. We now live in the age where correct answers are oppressive and mathematics is racist. Competence and natural gifts must be suppressed, metrics used to gauge how well a child is learning must be eliminated.

The Lefts effort to destroy America from within has been successful. 80% of blacks and Hispanics fail old competency requirements. The future is a crumbling civilization where no one knows how to repair things, let alone create things. If you want to know what 2050 will look like, watch a Mad Max movie.


During the last 18 months, supercharged by events after George Floyd’s death, the radical Left has expanded and strengthened DEI in universities, and following Karl Marx’s teaching to start with the youngest students, has shifted its focus to the abolition of testing and standards, the evisceration of math curricula, and indoctrination in our K-12 schools. The following is a necessarily abridged summary of recent developments:

• Except to some extent in nine states that have banned racial preferences in higher education admissions, nearly every elite and competitive university in America now has pledged allegiance to making its decisions about admissions and faculty recruitment based on DEI.

• Under pressure from progressive assertions of test bias, over the last few years, many colleges decided that SAT and ACT testing would be optional. Then, to settle a lawsuit alleging racist disparities, in May 2021, the UC system announced it is ceasing the use of ACT and SAT scores. Other colleges promptly followed the UC’s lead. Without scores, there can be no disparities.

• The National Association of Private Schools, the accreditation agency and marketing partner for nearly all private K-12 schools in the United States, now strongly encourages “race-based affinity groups.” Many National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) accreditors, meanwhile, insiston DEI, and NAIS requires each trustee to pledge obeisance to “equity and justice,” regular evaluations, and compliance reporting.

• In April 2020, citing “equity” and its goal to restructure and dismantle “systems and institutions that create the dichotomy of beneficiaries and the oppressed and marginalized,” the Oregon Department of Education eliminated grades and proficiency in reading, writing, and math as requirements for graduation.

• As National Association of Scholars Research Director David Randall recently reported, numerous states now require that K-12 curricula include elements of anti-racism, CRT, or social justice, or have created commissions to develop social justice curricula. At least two states, Delaware and Virginia, mandate a day off for students to participate in protests. There are no firm numbers on the number of school districts, schools, or teachers who are teaching these doctrines, but anecdotal evidence and coverage of school board hearings suggests that the number is not small. Just a few years ago, the number likely was close to nil.

• On September 9, 2020, Education Trust-West, an “advocate for educational justice,” announced its study and toolkit for K-12 math, A Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. In Pathway, Trust-West characterized expecting the right answer, independent practice, teaching in a linear fashion, requiring procedural fluency, and requesting that students show their work as white supremacy. Instead of offering a path for minority students to learn how to do math and come to the correct answer, Pathway instead advocates that schools use numbers to motivate anti-racist discussions of social justice. Pathwayscalls for regular reporting so that administrators can hold teachers accountable.

Pathway’s timing is particularly inapt, coming as the white-black and white-Latino gaps in math performance are narrowing. Though nearly 80% of black and Hispanic eighth graders are not proficient in math or reading, it is tautological that proficiency will not improve if teachers stop teaching correct answers. That there may be many answers, or no answers, to advanced theoretical mathematics is part of the wonder of the subject. Talking about theoretical math may energize students. Denying the earth is round, on the other hand, or that there are right and wrong answers to basic math, will not.

• On May 7, 2021, the Standards Committee of the American Bar Association, which is the accrediting agency for law schools in the United States, proposed that henceforth, law schools must take “inclusive and equitable . . . effective actions that lead to progress “ with respect to “(1) Diversifying the students, faculty, and staff; and (2) Creating an inclusive and equitable environment for students, faculty, and staff.” The ABA proposal observes that even if law schools are legally prohibited from complying, they may lose their accreditations unless they submit. The ABA will require regular evaluations and compliance reporting.

Though many (usually liberal) law professors from top law schools, including Yale, the University of Chicago, and Berkeley, have strongly criticized the ABA proposal, there is no evidence the ABA will relent.

To put the ABA proposal and American Medical Association rules described below into perspective, unqualified or underqualified high school students who may have been admitted to college because of racial preferences and likelyperform poorly there, will be accepted in place of qualified candidates to law and medical school solely because of their complexions.

The ABA proposal also requires law firms that recruit from ABA-accredited law schools to comply with the same standards. If they do so, law firms either will provide over-priced, lower quality service to their clients, or associates from competitive silos and qualified associates from preferential silos will carry the burden. Likely, these capable associates will receive no additional remuneration for fear that pay disparities would be used as evidence in a discrimination lawsuit.

• Four days later, the American Medical Association published its Organizational Strategic Plan to Embed Racial Justice and Advance Health Equity. Quoting generously from Woke academicians, the AMA’s remarkably dogmatic, left-wing plan proclaims “It is common that discussions in the field of equity begin with the recognition that our current state was built on the land and labors of others in ways that violated the fundamental principles of equity. Another distinction of the equity field, which essentially is an extension of this land and labor acknowledgment, is to initiate discussion with recognition of the specific harms of the past including those of the more recent past (termed ‘truth and reconciliation’).” The AMA thereby resolved a hotly contested assertion as “commonly accepted,” and ordered reparations as the remedy. The AMA also called for regular reports and accountability to the broad implementation of equity.

Among the AMA’s many idiotic conclusions is that the use of calculators and artificial intelligence is racist, and that “mandatory anti-racism, structural competence, and equity-explicit training and competencies” must be adopted in medical education, along with “publicly reported equity assessments.” The AMA also demands “just representation of Black, Indigenous and Latinx people in medical school admissions as well as medical school and hospital leadership ranks.” This raises a now-frequently posed question, one that literally gets to the heart of the matter: Do you want an affirmative action medical school graduate performing your open-heart surgery? Two related questions are also important. How is this fair to minority doctors who would succeed without preferences? How will you possibly know whose care you may safely rely upon?

• On the July 4th weekend, the National Educational Association, which represents more than 2.3 million K-12 teachers and nearly one million other school employees, passed a resolution that it is “reasonable and appropriate” to include CRT in K-12 curricula. The NEA announced that it would “provide an already-created, in-depth, study that critiques empire, white supremacy, anti-Blackness, anti-Indigeneity, racism, patriarchy, cisheteropatriarchy, capitalism, ableism, anthropocentrism, and other forms of power and oppression at the intersections of our society, and that we oppose attempts to ban critical race theory and/or The 1619 Project.”

• On July 14, 2021, the California Department of Education issued a Mathematics Framework based on True-West’s Pathway. Chapter 1 of Framework rejects “natural gifts and talents” and calls for de-emphasizing calculus and eliminating classes for gifted children in grades 6-12 to eliminate “inequity.” Chapter 1 specifies that “equity influences all aspects of this document.” The draft Framework directs teachers to use math for political discussions about “marginalized communities” and to move away from focusing on correct methods or answers.

In one of the few (perhaps temporary) victories for sanity, as a result of pushback from parents and educators, the California Education Department has delayed a final decision on its Mathematics Framework until 2022.

• On about August 8, 2021, Oregon disclosed that Governor Brown signed into law a three-year extension of Oregon’s elimination of reading, writing, and math as requirements for graduation.


Profoundly angry, radical, and racist elites are remaking American education from kindergarten through graduate school. Meritocracy is being replaced with demographically-siloed ranking. If a course, test, or standard is too difficult for minority students, or just some minority students (not including Asians, of course), it is either abolished or adulterated to avoid requiring mastery of difficult subjects that have right and wrong answers.

These highly educated and articulate progressives may be angry and vindictive, but they also are well-trained, intelligent, and focused. They have no discernable interest in improving education or in giving underprivileged children the means to rise from poverty. By paying attention to what they say, write, and do, their goals become clear:

• Destroy capitalism. They do not deny this. The 1619 Project describes the alleged “brutality of American capitalism” and incorrectly characterizes slavery as a capitalist enterprise. Black Lives Matter was founded by “trained Marxists.” Building on The Communist Manifesto’s call for “abolition of the family,” until changed last year, BLM’s website set a goal to “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure.” Numerous local chapters of BLM call for abolition of capitalism. It is a testament to BLM and its colleagues that virtually all of our educational elites take their talking points and policies directly from them, regardless of whether they share all of the same goals.

Oregon’s Department of Education characterizes its mission as “the restructuring and dismantling of systems and institutions that create the dichotomy of beneficiaries and the oppressed and marginalized.” True-West and the Gates Foundation see their mission as “dismantling white supremacy” by “making visible the toxic characteristics of white supremacy culture.” These sweeping objectives are far broader than math education.

California’s Mathematics Framework calls for using “real-world problems” to teach math, with a focus on equity and social justice.

“To love capitalism is to end up loving racism,” Kendi opines.

• Power. If children can be deprived of the tools for independent thinking and analysis and made reliant on the State for preferences and hand-outs, the Woke elite become their overlords. The prescription includes all of the well-understood Marxist methods: (i) weaken the masses by abolishing standards, learning, and the means to evaluate performance; (ii) begin instruction at an early age to indoctrinate our children; (iii) implement social engineering of outcomes through DEI; (iii) instill fear through loyalty oaths, reporting, and encouraging colleagues to turn on each other; and (iv) force compliance by threat of massive adverse publicity, boycotts, ostracism, termination of individuals, and loss of accreditation for institutions.

By nearly every measure of competitiveness and prosperity, the U.S. is in decline. That other countries also have their problems is in part attributable to those countries being ahead of the U.S. on the slide to socialism. With the focus in America on destroying our education, particularly K-12, we will soon make up for lost time.

To date, eight states have passed laws barring the teaching of CRT and discriminatory concepts, and at least 10 other states have taken some action, or are considering doing so. That is not enough.

To gently update Edmund Burke for gender equality, the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing.

The idea is to import our leaders from places like China who have been educated.

The goal here is to destroy the Constitution, as the best way to do it is destroy the futures of the populace who adores the Constitution that the rest of the world is either ignorant of or does not care.
Profoundly angry, radical, and racist elites are remaking American education from kindergarten through graduate school. Meritocracy is being replaced with demographically-siloed ranking. If a course, test, or standard is too difficult for minority students, or just some minority students (not including Asians, of course), it is either abolished or adulterated to avoid requiring mastery of difficult subjects that have right and wrong answers.

You think minorities don't realize they live in a racist country, and if we don't tell them, they won't know.

The people who get upset about CRT aren't minorities, it's white people who don't like to be called on their racism.

• Destroy capitalism. They do not deny this. The 1619 Project describes the alleged “brutality of American capitalism” and incorrectly characterizes slavery as a capitalist enterprise. Black Lives Matter was founded by “trained Marxists.” Building on The Communist Manifesto’s call for “abolition of the family,” until changed last year, BLM’s website set a goal to “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure.” Numerous local chapters of BLM call for abolition of capitalism. It is a testament to BLM and its colleagues that virtually all of our educational elites take their talking points and policies directly from them, regardless of whether they share all of the same goals.

Hey, the 1950's called, they want their paranoia back, and Joe McCarthy's corpse.

Here's the thing. After 2008 and 2020, we are all socialists now.
This is a hot potato.

I will touch it carefully.

A professor at a California university has been suspended because he refused to grade African American students with special leniency after a certain gentleman died in Minneapolis last year.

This country is definitely moving away from equality for all to special privileges for certain groups.

There is NO stopping this trend.

The demographic changes in this nation will be putting the Democratic Party in power forever.

I am 84, so ...

Younger people, however, have a choice: Adjust to these changes or simply leave the country.

(If you do leave, however, remember that the whole world is trending in the Dems' position. Just read on the Daily Mail website that a parking lot in Germany is now reserving parking spaces for gay people and immigrants. No doubt this practice will soon be coming here.)
You think minorities don't realize they live in a racist country, and if we don't tell them, they won't know.

The people who get upset about CRT aren't minorities, it's white people who don't like to be called on their racism.

Hey, the 1950's called, they want their paranoia back, and Joe McCarthy's corpse.

Here's the thing. After 2008 and 2020, we are all socialists now.
Obviously you never leave your mommy’s basement. America is the most anti-racist and diverse nation on earth.

I can prove. I do it all the time with you morons.

Name a nation that is less racist than America.

{Game Over}
Obviously you never leave your mommy’s basement. America is the most anti-racist and diverse nation on earth.

I can prove. I do it all the time with you morons.

Name a nation that is less racist than America.

Well, most of Europe... They didn't have our history of slavery and Jim Crow.

Now, you could make the argument that America has race problems because we are racially diverse compared to Japan, let's say. Sure.

But we still have race problems.
This is a hot potato.

I will touch it carefully.

A professor at a California university has been suspended because he refused to grade African American students with special leniency after a certain gentleman died in Minneapolis last year.

This country is definitely moving away from equality for all to special privileges for certain groups.

There is NO stopping this trend.

The demographic changes in this nation will be putting the Democratic Party in power forever.

I am 84, so ...

Younger people, however, have a choice: Adjust to these changes or simply leave the country.

(If you do leave, however, remember that the whole world is trending in the Dems' position. Just read on the Daily Mail website that a parking lot in Germany is now reserving parking spaces for gay people and immigrants. No doubt this practice will soon be coming here.)
If that's how you feel, get the fuck out now, you defeatist pussy. Just because you are old, doesn't lend any nobility to your weakness, loser.
On all topics, education especially, the Lefts only answer is to punish those who succeed instead of lifting up those who struggle. We now live in the age where correct answers are oppressive and mathematics is racist. Competence and natural gifts must be suppressed, metrics used to gauge how well a child is learning must be eliminated.

The Lefts effort to destroy America from within has been successful. 80% of blacks and Hispanics fail old competency requirements. The future is a crumbling civilization where no one knows how to repair things, let alone create things. If you want to know what 2050 will look like, watch a Mad Max movie.


During the last 18 months, supercharged by events after George Floyd’s death, the radical Left has expanded and strengthened DEI in universities, and following Karl Marx’s teaching to start with the youngest students, has shifted its focus to the abolition of testing and standards, the evisceration of math curricula, and indoctrination in our K-12 schools. The following is a necessarily abridged summary of recent developments:

• Except to some extent in nine states that have banned racial preferences in higher education admissions, nearly every elite and competitive university in America now has pledged allegiance to making its decisions about admissions and faculty recruitment based on DEI.

• Under pressure from progressive assertions of test bias, over the last few years, many colleges decided that SAT and ACT testing would be optional. Then, to settle a lawsuit alleging racist disparities, in May 2021, the UC system announced it is ceasing the use of ACT and SAT scores. Other colleges promptly followed the UC’s lead. Without scores, there can be no disparities.

• The National Association of Private Schools, the accreditation agency and marketing partner for nearly all private K-12 schools in the United States, now strongly encourages “race-based affinity groups.” Many National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) accreditors, meanwhile, insiston DEI, and NAIS requires each trustee to pledge obeisance to “equity and justice,” regular evaluations, and compliance reporting.

• In April 2020, citing “equity” and its goal to restructure and dismantle “systems and institutions that create the dichotomy of beneficiaries and the oppressed and marginalized,” the Oregon Department of Education eliminated grades and proficiency in reading, writing, and math as requirements for graduation.

• As National Association of Scholars Research Director David Randall recently reported, numerous states now require that K-12 curricula include elements of anti-racism, CRT, or social justice, or have created commissions to develop social justice curricula. At least two states, Delaware and Virginia, mandate a day off for students to participate in protests. There are no firm numbers on the number of school districts, schools, or teachers who are teaching these doctrines, but anecdotal evidence and coverage of school board hearings suggests that the number is not small. Just a few years ago, the number likely was close to nil.

• On September 9, 2020, Education Trust-West, an “advocate for educational justice,” announced its study and toolkit for K-12 math, A Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. In Pathway, Trust-West characterized expecting the right answer, independent practice, teaching in a linear fashion, requiring procedural fluency, and requesting that students show their work as white supremacy. Instead of offering a path for minority students to learn how to do math and come to the correct answer, Pathway instead advocates that schools use numbers to motivate anti-racist discussions of social justice. Pathwayscalls for regular reporting so that administrators can hold teachers accountable.

Pathway’s timing is particularly inapt, coming as the white-black and white-Latino gaps in math performance are narrowing. Though nearly 80% of black and Hispanic eighth graders are not proficient in math or reading, it is tautological that proficiency will not improve if teachers stop teaching correct answers. That there may be many answers, or no answers, to advanced theoretical mathematics is part of the wonder of the subject. Talking about theoretical math may energize students. Denying the earth is round, on the other hand, or that there are right and wrong answers to basic math, will not.

• On May 7, 2021, the Standards Committee of the American Bar Association, which is the accrediting agency for law schools in the United States, proposed that henceforth, law schools must take “inclusive and equitable . . . effective actions that lead to progress “ with respect to “(1) Diversifying the students, faculty, and staff; and (2) Creating an inclusive and equitable environment for students, faculty, and staff.” The ABA proposal observes that even if law schools are legally prohibited from complying, they may lose their accreditations unless they submit. The ABA will require regular evaluations and compliance reporting.

Though many (usually liberal) law professors from top law schools, including Yale, the University of Chicago, and Berkeley, have strongly criticized the ABA proposal, there is no evidence the ABA will relent.

To put the ABA proposal and American Medical Association rules described below into perspective, unqualified or underqualified high school students who may have been admitted to college because of racial preferences and likelyperform poorly there, will be accepted in place of qualified candidates to law and medical school solely because of their complexions.

The ABA proposal also requires law firms that recruit from ABA-accredited law schools to comply with the same standards. If they do so, law firms either will provide over-priced, lower quality service to their clients, or associates from competitive silos and qualified associates from preferential silos will carry the burden. Likely, these capable associates will receive no additional remuneration for fear that pay disparities would be used as evidence in a discrimination lawsuit.

• Four days later, the American Medical Association published its Organizational Strategic Plan to Embed Racial Justice and Advance Health Equity. Quoting generously from Woke academicians, the AMA’s remarkably dogmatic, left-wing plan proclaims “It is common that discussions in the field of equity begin with the recognition that our current state was built on the land and labors of others in ways that violated the fundamental principles of equity. Another distinction of the equity field, which essentially is an extension of this land and labor acknowledgment, is to initiate discussion with recognition of the specific harms of the past including those of the more recent past (termed ‘truth and reconciliation’).” The AMA thereby resolved a hotly contested assertion as “commonly accepted,” and ordered reparations as the remedy. The AMA also called for regular reports and accountability to the broad implementation of equity.

Among the AMA’s many idiotic conclusions is that the use of calculators and artificial intelligence is racist, and that “mandatory anti-racism, structural competence, and equity-explicit training and competencies” must be adopted in medical education, along with “publicly reported equity assessments.” The AMA also demands “just representation of Black, Indigenous and Latinx people in medical school admissions as well as medical school and hospital leadership ranks.” This raises a now-frequently posed question, one that literally gets to the heart of the matter: Do you want an affirmative action medical school graduate performing your open-heart surgery? Two related questions are also important. How is this fair to minority doctors who would succeed without preferences? How will you possibly know whose care you may safely rely upon?

• On the July 4th weekend, the National Educational Association, which represents more than 2.3 million K-12 teachers and nearly one million other school employees, passed a resolution that it is “reasonable and appropriate” to include CRT in K-12 curricula. The NEA announced that it would “provide an already-created, in-depth, study that critiques empire, white supremacy, anti-Blackness, anti-Indigeneity, racism, patriarchy, cisheteropatriarchy, capitalism, ableism, anthropocentrism, and other forms of power and oppression at the intersections of our society, and that we oppose attempts to ban critical race theory and/or The 1619 Project.”

• On July 14, 2021, the California Department of Education issued a Mathematics Framework based on True-West’s Pathway. Chapter 1 of Framework rejects “natural gifts and talents” and calls for de-emphasizing calculus and eliminating classes for gifted children in grades 6-12 to eliminate “inequity.” Chapter 1 specifies that “equity influences all aspects of this document.” The draft Framework directs teachers to use math for political discussions about “marginalized communities” and to move away from focusing on correct methods or answers.

In one of the few (perhaps temporary) victories for sanity, as a result of pushback from parents and educators, the California Education Department has delayed a final decision on its Mathematics Framework until 2022.

• On about August 8, 2021, Oregon disclosed that Governor Brown signed into law a three-year extension of Oregon’s elimination of reading, writing, and math as requirements for graduation.


Profoundly angry, radical, and racist elites are remaking American education from kindergarten through graduate school. Meritocracy is being replaced with demographically-siloed ranking. If a course, test, or standard is too difficult for minority students, or just some minority students (not including Asians, of course), it is either abolished or adulterated to avoid requiring mastery of difficult subjects that have right and wrong answers.

These highly educated and articulate progressives may be angry and vindictive, but they also are well-trained, intelligent, and focused. They have no discernable interest in improving education or in giving underprivileged children the means to rise from poverty. By paying attention to what they say, write, and do, their goals become clear:

• Destroy capitalism. They do not deny this. The 1619 Project describes the alleged “brutality of American capitalism” and incorrectly characterizes slavery as a capitalist enterprise. Black Lives Matter was founded by “trained Marxists.” Building on The Communist Manifesto’s call for “abolition of the family,” until changed last year, BLM’s website set a goal to “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure.” Numerous local chapters of BLM call for abolition of capitalism. It is a testament to BLM and its colleagues that virtually all of our educational elites take their talking points and policies directly from them, regardless of whether they share all of the same goals.

Oregon’s Department of Education characterizes its mission as “the restructuring and dismantling of systems and institutions that create the dichotomy of beneficiaries and the oppressed and marginalized.” True-West and the Gates Foundation see their mission as “dismantling white supremacy” by “making visible the toxic characteristics of white supremacy culture.” These sweeping objectives are far broader than math education.

California’s Mathematics Framework calls for using “real-world problems” to teach math, with a focus on equity and social justice.

“To love capitalism is to end up loving racism,” Kendi opines.

• Power. If children can be deprived of the tools for independent thinking and analysis and made reliant on the State for preferences and hand-outs, the Woke elite become their overlords. The prescription includes all of the well-understood Marxist methods: (i) weaken the masses by abolishing standards, learning, and the means to evaluate performance; (ii) begin instruction at an early age to indoctrinate our children; (iii) implement social engineering of outcomes through DEI; (iii) instill fear through loyalty oaths, reporting, and encouraging colleagues to turn on each other; and (iv) force compliance by threat of massive adverse publicity, boycotts, ostracism, termination of individuals, and loss of accreditation for institutions.

By nearly every measure of competitiveness and prosperity, the U.S. is in decline. That other countries also have their problems is in part attributable to those countries being ahead of the U.S. on the slide to socialism. With the focus in America on destroying our education, particularly K-12, we will soon make up for lost time.

To date, eight states have passed laws barring the teaching of CRT and discriminatory concepts, and at least 10 other states have taken some action, or are considering doing so. That is not enough.

To gently update Edmund Burke for gender equality, the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing.

Can you be any more dramatic?!?! The successful are not being punished, they are rewarded by being rich and wealthy. Focusing on providing education and opportunity that caters to the poor is a win for everybody as it helps our society as a whole. Try getting on board instead of being a hyperbolic drama Queen
Well, most of Europe... They didn't have our history of slavery and Jim Crow.

Now, you could make the argument that America has race problems because we are racially diverse compared to Japan, let's say. Sure.

But we still have race problems.
Well, most of Europe... They didn't have our history of slavery and Jim Crow.
You have to be the stupidest and/or worst liar on the planet.
The Continent that brought us NAZI’s and created the Holocaust has no racial bias! Vikings, no bias there! Gypsy hunts are cool! Spain murdering 12,000 because of race, just a hiccup! I should drop you off in Bosnia. Most of Europe even today is a caste system.
Europeans settled America, Dufus. And Native Americans were already practicing slavery before the first European landed.
But that’s so yesterday!
Okey Dokey.
Whitey time!

One black. A Frenchman who’s trying to improve the deplorable working conditions of minorities in Europe.
Where’s their Obama, Thomas, Harris, Cruz, Jackson, etc etc etc?
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Can you be any more dramatic?!?! The successful are not being punished, they are rewarded by being rich and wealthy. Focusing on providing education and opportunity that caters to the poor is a win for everybody as it helps our society as a whole. Try getting on board instead of being a hyperbolic drama Queen
The successful are not being punished, they are rewarded by being rich and wealthy.
HILARIOUS! You’re rewarding them how? They earned what they have, shitforbrains.
Then get out of their pockets, thief.
I’m not in their pockets anymore than they are in mine. There is a cost to doing business in this country with our currency. Despite these costs these people are still wildly profitable and able to obtain more than they could ever want or need in life. Success. What’s your issue?
I’m not in their pockets anymore than they are in mine. There is a cost to doing business in this country with our currency. Despite these costs these people are still wildly successful and able to obtain more than they could ever want or need in life. Success. What’s your issue?
Ah, so your forced to purchase products they make!

Talk about drama Queens.
Jesus lifted people up, when he saw who was like him. The Left is doing the opposite to that. They learned to do that from the church. Muslims are reinforcing that anti Christ behaviour. Non living numbers cannot think. They can't think racist. Leftists need to get smart. Left is following the example of the I want to be a condeming judge, church. Satan worked though people to make vexing sodomites. The left brings injustice, even as the church, using a condeming form of judging, condeming nude people and people who had sex with another species, and pedophilia people, and in this case, people who are light skinned. Left and church leaders will be shocked when they see who is a saved, and who is not saved, continuing the way they are going. All things of a certain mass in the universe will be round. How can people not see that? Diversity is a lie. We are human, not dancer, like the song says. How can people be so dumb? Legally is not love works no ill to your neighbor. We need reading writing and math. People who burn up around the new Jerusalem will be as dumb as a beast. Think about that.
Like CRT, the racist right has misappropriated this term and contrived the lie that it means to be ‘anti-white’ when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

It is not ‘anti-white’ to acknowledge the fact that racism exists and continues to disadvantage Americans of color.
I think the term and concept of “white privilege” is a big factor that muddies the water. Wasn’t the smartest initiative by the civil rights activists IMO as it causes more fights and division than progress

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