So, What Exactly Is Your Plan?

Right, so where is the common sense in that? Why have to pay so much to keep yourself safe when there are people who do that for you for free? (Somewhat.)

Given the circumstances I defend myself.
Of course thats always been the way I protect my Wife and Myself since the cops only show up to write up the crime report.
The police don't keep you safe but they will show up and arrest your killer if they happen to still be standing around.

In other words, the cops can't protect you and now, unarmed by the anti-gunners, you can't even protect yourself neither. Field Day for the criminals.

You're just a block of meat on a blotter waiting for the first criminal to rob, rape and murder you.
How about you show us a pic of your guns.
Because I dont believe you.

Now you've gone and done it! By forcing a Lefty to BACK UP his words with actual, simple proof, he's going to have to now tell you something like:
  1. I don't care what you believe.
  2. You're not worth my bother.
  3. My camera is broke.
  4. I loaned all by guns out to my ex-wife who borrowed them to take on a safari. She's promised to bring me back a warthog. :poke:
In other words, the cops can't protect you and now, unarmed by the anti-gunners, you can't even protect yourself neither. Field Day for the criminals.

You're just a block of meat on a blotter waiting for the first criminal to rob, rape and murder you.
I've been in a lot of potentially bad situations. Can't think of a one that would have turned out better with a gun in my hand. I have guns and have no fear anyone will ever take them. It's because I don't look to hyper-partsan right wing gun lobbyists to tell me how liberals feel about guns.
I've been in a lot of potentially bad situations. Can't think of a one that would have turned out better with a gun in my hand.
Then your situations were never really all that bad.

I have guns and have no fear anyone will ever take them.
Is that why there is a whole industry of safes to keep guns from being stolen?

It's because I don't look to hyper-partsan right wing gun lobbyists to tell me how liberals feel about guns.
Neither do I. I listen to what the hyper-partisan liberals tell me they feel.
The police don't keep you safe but they will show up and arrest your killer if they happen to still be standing around.

Yes, and your local Democrat city leadership will let him back out on the street to do it to someone else and then again and again.

That is the point, jackass. That is how crime went down, criminals were in jail.

Now go back to the OP and read it again now that you understand the question
Now you've gone and done it! By forcing a Lefty to BACK UP his words with actual, simple proof, he's going to have to now tell you something like:
  1. I don't care what you believe.
  2. You're not worth my bother.
  3. My camera is broke.
  4. I loaned all by guns out to my ex-wife who borrowed them to take on a safari. She's promised to bring me back a warthog. :poke:
Warthog, lololol.....
early intervention. Deal with early warning signs before it becomes a crisis. You don't need to bring guns to a fight that never happens in the first place

Government is going to do that. What color is the sky in your world?

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