so the new "stimulus compromise" seems to be … what's the point of even spending this money we don't have?


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard
Extended unemployment benefits to people who can show they were directly laid off of biz shut downs, as opposed to the general economic downturn? There are jobs out there. You may not want one. I don't want temp work in retail with the virus out of control. But why should some people who lost jobs get benefits when others don't?

There's no stimulus direct checks to people. So those folks who lost jobs on econ downturn are actually focked over twice.

More money for the "paycheck protection program" that benefits major corporations over small biz. Like Disney or Carnival Cruises needs protecting.

Sending money to local school districts. Haven't they figured out covid by now?

I guess sending money to states to distribute the vaccines is good.

… what's the point of even spending this money we don't have?

  1. Get rid of Trump. He was a successful capitalist promoting capitalism.
  2. Install loser Biden who's never won a single race of his own in his life other than the Senate.
  3. Now that unelectable Kammy is in with him, remove Biden and now you have an avowed Socialist in the Oval Office.
  4. Finish collapsing the economy under Kammitoe, break the backs of small business with shutdowns, leaving nothing but Big Government left to run everything.
  5. The Kammi Administration with its strings being pulled by Obumma in the background now join up with Socialist Europe to finish the Globalist takeover of America.
… what's the point of even spending this money we don't have?

  1. Get rid of Trump. He was a successful capitalist promoting capitalism.
  2. Install loser Biden who's never won a single race of his own in his life other than the Senate.
  3. Now that unelectable Kammy is in with him, remove Biden and now you have an avowed Socialist in the Oval Office.
  4. Finish collapsing the economy under Kammitoe, break the backs of small business with shutdowns, leaving nothing but Big Government left to run everything.
  5. The Kammi Administration with its strings being pulled by Obumma in the background now join up with Socialist Europe to finish the Globalist takeover of America.
dude, have you been awake for the PAST YEAR of Trump?!
What has ever stopped Libtards from spending money they don't have?
It is a bipartisan compromise

Debt and welfare is wrong no matter who does it.

Americans know that the Democrats have fucked up this country real bad but if truth be known they have been abetted by the Republicans far too many times.

Borrowing money from our kids future to give to the welfare queens now is a damn dumb thing to do no matter which party does it or helps do it.
Americans dont need handouts

they need jobs

we have always overspent and got away with it

but this raid on fiscal sanity is the largest ever and may be the death of us
so the new "stimulus compromise" seems to be … what's the point of even spending this money we don't have?
Silly question. There cannot ever be enough money tossed out of helicopters over K Street.
The only things that should be tossed out of helicopters are elected officials and department heads.
What has ever stopped Libtards from spending money they don't have?
It is a bipartisan compromise

Debt and welfare is wrong no matter who does it.

Americans know that the Democrats have fucked up this country real bad but if truth be known they have been abetted by the Republicans far too many times.

Borrowing money from our kids future to give to the welfare queens now is a damn dumb thing to do no matter which party does it or helps do it.
Government handouts are great, but only when the borrowed money goes into the pockets of the billionaires. That's U.S. predatory capitalism at its best.

Extended unemployment benefits to people who can show they were directly laid off of biz shut downs, as opposed to the general economic downturn? There are jobs out there. You may not want one. I don't want temp work in retail with the virus out of control. But why should some people who lost jobs get benefits when others don't?

There's no stimulus direct checks to people. So those folks who lost jobs on econ downturn are actually focked over twice.

More money for the "paycheck protection program" that benefits major corporations over small biz. Like Disney or Carnival Cruises needs protecting.

Sending money to local school districts. Haven't they figured out covid by now?

I guess sending money to states to distribute the vaccines is good.

Businesses will really be no better off than now without customer's and customer's cannot come unless they have money to spend. I suspect some of the biz owner's will purchase for their own wants such as the guy in Florida who purchased a Lamborghini.
Extended unemployment benefits to people who can show they were directly laid off of biz shut downs, as opposed to the general economic downturn? There are jobs out there. You may not want one. I don't want temp work in retail with the virus out of control. But why should some people who lost jobs get benefits when others don't?

There's no stimulus direct checks to people. So those folks who lost jobs on econ downturn are actually focked over twice.

More money for the "paycheck protection program" that benefits major corporations over small biz. Like Disney or Carnival Cruises needs protecting.

Sending money to local school districts. Haven't they figured out covid by now?

I guess sending money to states to distribute the vaccines is good.

No one in congress gives a shit about the general public. They have their sacred cows, R have business and D have government. What we get is just there to keep us from going French revolution.

That no one seems to understand that your representatives don't give a damn about you is beyond me.
What has ever stopped Libtards from spending money they don't have?
It is a bipartisan compromise

Debt and welfare is wrong no matter who does it.

Americans know that the Democrats have fucked up this country real bad but if truth be known they have been abetted by the Republicans far too many times.

Borrowing money from our kids future to give to the welfare queens now is a damn dumb thing to do no matter which party does it or helps do it.
Government handouts are great, but only when the borrowed money goes into the pockets of the billionaires. That's U.S. predatory capitalism at its best.


If you really think that then join me in advocating in the real Conservative position that we do away with all government transfer funds.

No welfare, no bailouts, no grants, no subsidies and no entitlements.

No taking money from one person and giving to another, ever.

What has ever stopped Libtards from spending money they don't have?
It is a bipartisan compromise

Debt and welfare is wrong no matter who does it.

Americans know that the Democrats have fucked up this country real bad but if truth be known they have been abetted by the Republicans far too many times.

Borrowing money from our kids future to give to the welfare queens now is a damn dumb thing to do no matter which party does it or helps do it.
That is done. No hope now on that front. To balance the budget would mean massive painful cuts.
What has ever stopped Libtards from spending money they don't have?
It is a bipartisan compromise

Debt and welfare is wrong no matter who does it.

Americans know that the Democrats have fucked up this country real bad but if truth be known they have been abetted by the Republicans far too many times.

Borrowing money from our kids future to give to the welfare queens now is a damn dumb thing to do no matter which party does it or helps do it.
That is done. No hope now on that front. To balance the budget would mean massive painful cuts.
We have a 23 trillion dollar debt and spend 4.5+ trillion a year.
And this is pre-COVID.

At best we have federal receipts of 3.5 trillion a year.

IMHO, there are no cuts, no matter how painful, that is going to get us there anymore. We just increase the spending as we see fit and never let the gap close. More receipts seems to always equate to increased outlays.
What has ever stopped Libtards from spending money they don't have?
It is a bipartisan compromise

Debt and welfare is wrong no matter who does it.

Americans know that the Democrats have fucked up this country real bad but if truth be known they have been abetted by the Republicans far too many times.

Borrowing money from our kids future to give to the welfare queens now is a damn dumb thing to do no matter which party does it or helps do it.
That is done. No hope now on that front. To balance the budget would mean massive painful cuts.

The cuts don't have to be painful. For instance, a few years ago Ron Paul came up with a new budget that cut a trillion dollars a year out of the bloated Federal budget and didn't see anything on his list of cuts that we really need at the Federal level.


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