Hunter Biden has been under investigation for TWO YEARS

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Yet EVERYONE on the left from the politicians to this board to the msm to social media told us it was FAKE NEWS just 2 months ago. Hell the msm refused to report on it and social media would BAN YOU FOR TALKING ABOUT IT.

How did we get this COMPLETELY FUBARED???
Yet EVERYONE on the left from the politicians to this board to the msm to social media told us it was FAKE NEWS just 2 months ago. Hell the msm refused to report on it and social media would BAN YOU FOR TALKING ABOUT IT.

How did we get this COMPLETELY FUBARED???
He will be under investigation for more years but it does not matter in the communist states of America
Yet EVERYONE on the left from the politicians to this board to the msm to social media told us it was FAKE NEWS just 2 months ago. Hell the msm refused to report on it and social media would BAN YOU FOR TALKING ABOUT IT.

How did we get this COMPLETELY FUBARED???
He will be under investigation for more years but it does not matter in the communist states of America
There is all kind of news about crime and corruption and politicians catching other politicians committing crime and fraud of all type. There is also news of lots of other people in high places committing crimes of all kinds. Problem is no one does anything about it. The one guy that tried got shit on for 5 years and replaced by a senile puppet and a ruthless whore.
Yet EVERYONE on the left from the politicians to this board to the msm to social media told us it was FAKE NEWS just 2 months ago. Hell the msm refused to report on it and social media would BAN YOU FOR TALKING ABOUT IT.

How did we get this COMPLETELY FUBARED???
He will be under investigation for more years but it does not matter in the communist states of America
There is all kind of news about crime and corruption and politicians catching other politicians committing crime and fraud of all type. There is also news of lots of other people in high places committing crimes of all kinds. Problem is no one does anything about it. The one guy that tried got shit on for 5 years and replaced by a senile puppet and a ruthless whore.
The Bidens are communist and can not be tried or accused in the communist states of America. Though they will accuse to fake out the morons in the NRA
Yet EVERYONE on the left from the politicians to this board to the msm to social media told us it was FAKE NEWS just 2 months ago. Hell the msm refused to report on it and social media would BAN YOU FOR TALKING ABOUT IT.

How did we get this COMPLETELY FUBARED???

Because quite
Yet EVERYONE on the left from the politicians to this board to the msm to social media told us it was FAKE NEWS just 2 months ago. Hell the msm refused to report on it and social media would BAN YOU FOR TALKING ABOUT IT.

How did we get this COMPLETELY FUBARED???
Does William Barr know about?
Yet EVERYONE on the left from the politicians to this board to the msm to social media told us it was FAKE NEWS just 2 months ago. Hell the msm refused to report on it and social media would BAN YOU FOR TALKING ABOUT IT.

How did we get this COMPLETELY FUBARED???

That's interesting and all, but come back when you come up with some real evidence. Accusations and innuendo just aren't enough.
Yet EVERYONE on the left from the politicians to this board to the msm to social media told us it was FAKE NEWS just 2 months ago. Hell the msm refused to report on it and social media would BAN YOU FOR TALKING ABOUT IT.

How did we get this COMPLETELY FUBARED???

That's interesting and all, but come back when you come up with some real evidence. Accusations and innuendo just aren't enough.
Retard alert!

CLEARLY there is real evidence or the FBI wouldn't be on him.

Yet EVERYONE on the left from the politicians to this board to the msm to social media told us it was FAKE NEWS just 2 months ago. Hell the msm refused to report on it and social media would BAN YOU FOR TALKING ABOUT IT.

How did we get this COMPLETELY FUBARED???

That's interesting and all, but come back when you come up with some real evidence. Accusations and innuendo just aren't enough.
Retard alert!

CLEARLY there is real evidence or the FBI wouldn't be on him.


If they found he did something illegal, the investigation would be over, dumb ass. Come back when you've got something real.
Yet EVERYONE on the left from the politicians to this board to the msm to social media told us it was FAKE NEWS just 2 months ago. Hell the msm refused to report on it and social media would BAN YOU FOR TALKING ABOUT IT.

How did we get this COMPLETELY FUBARED???

Because quite
You don't care because you were told not to care.

Don't presume to speak for other people.
the doj began their investigation in 2018 when Giuliani turned over a bunch of crap he got from the the Russian -Ukrainians..... on hunter.

2 years later and still no charges... sounds and looks like political harassment....?

it's against the law for the doj to reveal the investigation during an election cycle or at any time, until they have reason to charge him with something..... certainly you can understand this....

we are not some two bit authoritarian country like Russia, who frequently use the strong arm of their gvt to bring their political opponents down....

in 2016 the Trump campaign was under investigation for witting or unwittingly helping the Russians interfere in our election....

THAT WAS KEPT QUIET by the gvt until after the election was over.... we on the left felt that was unfair and something the public should have been told before the election.... since Hillary's investigation was plastered in the public daily.

If Hunter is under a tax investigation and that's it, and NOT for all the bullcrap claims of Rudi, Russians, and Trump, and John Soloman and Briebart and OAN etc.... then it doesn't seem to be a big deal.....
Where is the public outrage at our lying & corrupt media?
Its out there but the lying & corrupt media won't show it to you....but you can tell its out there by the beating the dems took in the election down ballot...and if we are honest by the landslide win by Trump....such a huge win the cheating blue city dems at the counting centers had to stop the count to catch up....
Yet EVERYONE on the left from the politicians to this board to the msm to social media told us it was FAKE NEWS just 2 months ago. Hell the msm refused to report on it and social media would BAN YOU FOR TALKING ABOUT IT.

How did we get this COMPLETELY FUBARED???

That's interesting and all, but come back when you come up with some real evidence. Accusations and innuendo just aren't enough.
Retard alert!

CLEARLY there is real evidence or the FBI wouldn't be on him.


If they found he did something illegal, the investigation would be over, dumb ass. Come back when you've got something real.
yeah, I guess you are correct, albeit on accident.
They found plenty of Hillary’s crimes. Technically speaking, thousands and thousands of crimes. Then she committed more crimes to cover up the original thousands. They found them and then said “but it’s all good” and let it slide. So yeah, the investigation was over.
And the only reason they did that was because it was in everyone’s face, and she was being beaten over the head with her crimes. If they could have just ignored it away, they would have.
If the media ignores hunter’s “issues” the fbi will continue to just ignore it, just as they have been.

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