So once guns are illegal...

what are you going to ban next? Knives?

This has been us 2A supporters question for years. Always answered with come on don’t be ridiculous if we ban guns murder rates will drop.

Let me introduce you to London.

London's Mayor Declares Intense New 'Knife Control' Policies To Stop Epidemic Of Stabbings

Yep, knife control has arrived.

Cons are forever trying to ban two gay people from kissing. They want to stop people, from kissing.

And you bitch about someone else trying to stop murders? Run along and get some cracker-jack.

You're free to have your boyfriend fist you with both fists as long as you do it in the privacy of your own home.
Used to live in NY city. Odd things happen in public. Then you have to explain it to your kids.

Count your lucky stars you dont live in San Fransicko!
what are you going to ban next? Knives?

This has been us 2A supporters question for years. Always answered with come on don’t be ridiculous if we ban guns murder rates will drop.

Let me introduce you to London.

London's Mayor Declares Intense New 'Knife Control' Policies To Stop Epidemic Of Stabbings

Yep, knife control has arrived.

Cons are forever trying to ban two gay people from kissing. They want to stop people, from kissing.

And you bitch about someone else trying to stop murders? Run along and get some cracker-jack.

You're free to have your boyfriend fist you with both fists as long as you do it in the privacy of your own home.
Used to live in NY city. Odd things happen in public. Then you have to explain it to your kids.

Count your lucky stars you dont live in San Fransicko!
They are using anti-pee paint on buildings. I remember when they voted for free shopping carts for the homeless.
what are you going to ban next? Knives?

This has been us 2A supporters question for years. Always answered with come on don’t be ridiculous if we ban guns murder rates will drop.

Let me introduce you to London.

London's Mayor Declares Intense New 'Knife Control' Policies To Stop Epidemic Of Stabbings

Yep, knife control has arrived.

Cons are forever trying to ban two gay people from kissing. They want to stop people, from kissing.

And you bitch about someone else trying to stop murders? Run along and get some cracker-jack.

You're free to have your boyfriend fist you with both fists as long as you do it in the privacy of your own home.
Used to live in NY city. Odd things happen in public. Then you have to explain it to your kids.

Count your lucky stars you dont live in San Fransicko!
They are using anti-pee paint on buildings. I remember when they voted for free shopping carts for the homeless.

WTF is anti-pee paint?

Not sure if serious on the shopping cart statement......
Guns will never be illegal in the US. Only extremists argue for that and the second amendment prevents it, it would have to be repealed.

Hysterical people aka idiots think there is actually a threat that the govt is going to confiscate all guns tomorrow.
To all of you leftard morons posting here......the goal of the fabian socialist left is to do away with the 2nd don't play "stupid" (even though it is a trait that seems to come naturally to you all) because we know that it is a plank of the communist manifesto.

What I want to see are those limp-wristed, "my nads have yet to drop" pansy-ass commies lead the charge on a door to door search to confiscate those like me that will NEVER comply or acquiesce. You want to confiscate our means to defend ourselves but are willing to use guns to accomplish that......oh the irony. You can have my gun but you will get the ammo first along with the spent shells. Are we clear, leftards?

what are you going to ban next? Knives?

This has been us 2A supporters question for years. Always answered with come on don’t be ridiculous if we ban guns murder rates will drop.

Let me introduce you to London.

London's Mayor Declares Intense New 'Knife Control' Policies To Stop Epidemic Of Stabbings

Yep, knife control has arrived.

Cons are forever trying to ban two gay people from kissing. They want to stop people, from kissing.

And you bitch about someone else trying to stop murders? Run along and get some cracker-jack.

You're free to have your boyfriend fist you with both fists as long as you do it in the privacy of your own home.

You have your fantasies don't you Percy.
Ya gotta love liberal logic.
We must use guns to stop law abiding citizens from owning guns to keep criminals from using guns.:cuckoo:

All laws pertain to everyone. Your same tired nincompoop arguments are how ignorant people attempt to make sense of a complicated world by lying to themselves over and over.
what are you going to ban next? Knives?

This has been us 2A supporters question for years. Always answered with come on don’t be ridiculous if we ban guns murder rates will drop.

Let me introduce you to London.

London's Mayor Declares Intense New 'Knife Control' Policies To Stop Epidemic Of Stabbings

Yep, knife control has arrived.
This fails as a straw man fallacy.

No one advocates for making all guns ‘illegal.’

normal people like yourself... no. you dont, but its the wish of the radicals in your party that would have them not exist. It'll never happen though even if laws were passed
Ya gotta love liberal logic.
We must use guns to stop law abiding citizens from owning guns to keep criminals from using guns.:cuckoo:

All laws pertain to everyone. Your same tired nincompoop arguments are how ignorant people attempt to make sense of a complicated world by lying to themselves over and over.

Criminals dont follow laws dingle berry.
what are you going to ban next? Knives?

This has been us 2A supporters question for years. Always answered with come on don’t be ridiculous if we ban guns murder rates will drop.

Let me introduce you to London.

London's Mayor Declares Intense New 'Knife Control' Policies To Stop Epidemic Of Stabbings

Yep, knife control has arrived.
ONce ALL guns are illegal? Huh? In what universe?
the semi-automatic gun ban being proposed right now would pretty much eliminate most guns out there but bolt action and revolvers.
Ya gotta love liberal logic.
We must use guns to stop law abiding citizens from owning guns to keep criminals from using guns.:cuckoo:

All laws pertain to everyone. Your same tired nincompoop arguments are how ignorant people attempt to make sense of a complicated world by lying to themselves over and over.

Criminals dont follow laws dingle berry.
then simply make not following laws illegal. DUH! :)
what are you going to ban next? Knives?

This has been us 2A supporters question for years. Always answered with come on don’t be ridiculous if we ban guns murder rates will drop.

Let me introduce you to London.

London's Mayor Declares Intense New 'Knife Control' Policies To Stop Epidemic Of Stabbings

Yep, knife control has arrived.
ONce ALL guns are illegal? Huh? In what universe?
This universe where you and every other lunatic wants a total gun ban.
Guns will never be illegal in the US. Only extremists argue for that and the second amendment prevents it, it would have to be repealed.

Hysterical people aka idiots think there is actually a threat that the govt is going to confiscate all guns tomorrow.
show me another time in history the left has actually proposed legislation banning all semi-automatics. they may have but i don't recall them just saying "Fuck it, ban 'em all" before.

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