So now conspiracy theories are costing lives. As the right wing great replacement theory find a good host that shoots and kills blacks at supermarket

The Democrats haven't been preaching BLM or Antifa as if they are justified.
Like hell.

28 Times Media And Democrats Excused Or Endorsed Violence Committed By Left-Wing Activists

Remember the Taskforce for 21st Century Policing? Before Trump threw it out the purpose was to restore respect for and confidence in US law enforcement.
Looked to me like the purpose was to not hold Democrat special interest groups responsible for their crimes.

Meanwhile, Trump signed an EO on best practice police reforms.
US President Donald Trump has signed an executive order introducing several police reforms while rejecting calls to defund or dismantle the police.
His order offers federal grants to improve practices, including creating a database to trace abuses by officers.

Replacement Theory is a constant theme for Trump republicans.
Proof is noticeably lacking.
Like hell.

28 Times Media And Democrats Excused Or Endorsed Violence Committed By Left-Wing Activists

Looked to me like the purpose was to not hold Democrat special interest groups responsible for their crimes.

Meanwhile, Trump signed an EO on best practice police reforms.
US President Donald Trump has signed an executive order introducing several police reforms while rejecting calls to defund or dismantle the police.
His order offers federal grants to improve practices, including creating a database to trace abuses by officers.

Proof is noticeably lacking.
The Taskforce for 21 century was to improve police standing so people would trust and respect them. As soon as Trump took office he told the police convention to be rough with suspects. Then he put on the same show for the Boy Scouts of America.
The Taskforce for 21 century was to improve police standing so people would trust and respect them.
By preventing them from doing their jobs?
As soon as Trump took office he told the police convention to be rough with suspects. Then he put on the same show for the Boy Scouts of America.
You say a lot of things. You don't back them up.
Funny how just hours after the shooting we know everything about him, and there is “no doubt” it was a “racist terror attack”.

But when black supremacist runs over white girls in a parade, CNN is making up stories that he was fleeing racist cops.

When that dumb NY Governor did her presser, she sure had it all laid out. That we need to monitor ”hate speech” on social media. That white supremacy is “the Biggest Threat” blah blah blah. Dems want to be able to use Homeland to track anyone they don’t like.
Funny how you’re a moron.
The police chief , after officers having interviewed the suspect, said in his presser that the suspect was an, “unrepentant racist through and through” and he will certainly face hate crime charges.
Tuckems pushes this racist replacement theory garbage all the
Tuckems pushes this racist replacement theory garbage all the
The shooter is a Ukrainian war lover and flag waiver like you, and hates anyone that opposes it. I hardly think he supports Tucker.
Funny how you’re a moron.
The police chief , after officers having interviewed the suspect, said in his presser that the suspect was an, “unrepentant racist through and through” and he will certainly face hate crime charges.
Yea, he was being tracked by the FBI since he threatened to shoot up his school before. Yet they did nothing and allowed this to happen. Gee, I wonder why. So you lefties can push your Agenda.
And that’s why idiots are inspired to murder. They are convinced by yahoos and idiots that they are being replaced systemically.
I heard the is guy left a 180 page manifesto. That would seem indicate that his motivations could be super wide ranging. Some posted that he said he was a communist at age 12. How in the hell does that happen?
Yea, he was being tracked by the FBI since he threatened to shoot up his school before. Yet they did nothing and allowed this to happen. Gee, I wonder why. So you lefties can push your Agenda.
Just like Cruz, and the guy who killed like 50 people at the gay club in Orlando. The FBI knew about them and others.
The voices these people trust are not going to stop feeding them this stuff. There's just too much money and celebrity in it.

Worse, they now know to claim victimhood when the results of their words end in violence and tragedy and they're held responsible.

I don't know what fixes this. And it seems like it will only increase.
Translated from its native liberish to English what Mac1958 is saying is that censorship saves lives

Liberals aka Tweeners must ban public discussion about CRT or white replacement lest some 18 misfit victim of popular lib culture go crazy and kill innocent people

Thats the left working tirelessly to protect us from free speech

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