So let’s get this straight…

Gawd you are dumb, so now you can look up online to see how someone voted?
Dumbfuck, online records show which elections people vote in. Not how they voted. And Brooks' record shows he didn't vote in 2020.

And since you're fucked in the head, I need to explain this to ya....

He couldn't have voted for Biden in 2020 because he didn't vote at all.
Dumbfuck, you were complaining because they didn't charge Brooks with terrorism while they did for Crumley. But dumbfuck, Crumbley was charged by the state, not the federal government.
Doesn't make a difference. He should have been charged with terrorism. Once again, you're acting like a whiney Leftard trying to play gotcha, while completely missing the forest for the trees.
Dumbfuck, online records show which elections people vote in. Not how they voted. And Brooks' record shows he didn't vote in 2020.

And since you're fucked in the head, I need to explain this to ya....

He couldn't have voted for Biden in 2020 because he didn't vote at all.
You have no proof of that, and either doesn't matter, he was an active member of a group that played a big role in getting Biden elected, plus his hobby was to sing anti Trump rap songs. Try to stick to the topic of this thread, which is, why didn't Garland step in and charge him with terrorism, which is exactly what he did. Do you believe he committed a terrorist act or not.
You have no proof of that, and either doesn't matter, he was an active member of a group that played a big role in getting Biden elected, plus his hobby was to sing anti Trump rap songs. Try to stick to the topic of this thread, which is, why didn't Garland step in and charge him with terrorism, which is exactly what he did. Do you believe he committed a terrorist act or not.
Of course I have proof. You're the one making shit up. I posted his voting history which shows he didn't vote in 2020.
Try to stick to the topic of this thread, which is, why didn't Garland step in and charge him with terrorism, which is exactly what he did. Do you believe he committed a terrorist act or not.
Dumbfuck, Garland didn't step into the Michigan shooting either. :eusa_doh:
Dumbfuck, Garland didn't step into the Michigan shooting either. :eusa_doh:
How stupid can you be? It wasn’t necessary to step in because for the first time, there was already a terrorism charge for a shooter that was a minor, and they went after the parents as well. Brooks actually committed terrorism, but wasn't charged because he’s BLM / Antifa scum, like you probably are.
How stupid can you be? It wasn’t necessary to step in because for the first time, there was already a terrorism charge for a shooter that was a minor, and they went after the parents as well. Brooks actually committed terrorism, but wasn't charged because he’s BLM / Antifa scum, like you probably are.
Retard, you utterly failed to prove his motive just like you utterly failed to prove he voted for Biden.



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Darrell Brooks thought he was running from the law which is an acceptable behavior for black men in todays America.

That wasnt what he said in his journal. He wanted to kill white people. He got his wish. Shame it wasnt you.
Oh look, another brainwashed robot chimes in. The attorney general is a Leftist and communist hack who decided to step in immediately and call objecting parents at school board meetings “terrorists”, but not this actual terrorist who got in a car and mowed White people down at a Christmas parade because of their race.

Now why aren‘t the Leftist media and Democrat politicians focusing on this terrorist that committed a hate crime, why aren‘t Biden or Kamala visiting Waukesha and giving their usual bullshit speeches?

Perhaps because the perpetrator who did this is a Black BLM member who openly expressed his hatred of USA and White people on social media. In other words he fits the typical profile of the Democratic Party voter base.
You need to get some help with your irrational outbursts.
Read the OP again and see if I'm wrong.
In the meantime, your ignorance and stupidity is dripping from your lips. Can You explain why a Democrat would hate the very country they were born in like you? Of course you can't because that's a silly Republican catch cry Some nutter invented and you keep parroting it.
Go away You childish fool.
Retard, you utterly failed to prove his motive just like you utterly failed to prove he voted for Biden.

His motive was very obvious, he was a radicalized BLM member with mutIple years of anti White anti American postings. His pastime was to make anti Trump rap songs. He was upset over the Rittenhouse verdict, so he got in a car and decided to mow down a Christmas parade filled with kids and families.

Do some research instead of spewing Leftist vomit.
You need to get some help with your irrational outbursts.
Read the OP again and see if I'm wrong.
In the meantime, your ignorance and stupidity is dripping from your lips. Can You explain why a Democrat would hate the very country they were born in like you? Of course you can't because that's a silly Republican catch cry Some nutter invented and you keep parroting it.
Go away You childish fool.
Are you that disconnected from reality? Did you actually ask “why a Democrat would hate the country they were born in“? :cuckoo: Um…I don’t know why don’t you ask the idiots who have been taking down and destroying monuments of our founders and national heroes and icons, including even trying to go after Mount Rushmore.

You gotta love the delusion and mental illness of these Leftards.
Are you that disconnected from reality? Did you actually ask “why a Democrat would hate the country they were born in“? :cuckoo:

Of course you don't know because it isn't real. You think it does because you hate democrats and parrot the Republican bullshit.

Um…I don’t know why don’t you ask the idiots who have been taking down and destroying monuments of our founders and national heroes and icons, including even trying to go after Mount Rushmore.

They might be a national hero etc to republicans but not thise who hated slavery and your heroes who have slaves.
Destroy the lot of them the murderous cruel mongrels.

You gotta love the delusion and mental illness of these Leftards.
Im pleased it has tickled your ignorant
Fancy. Don't you find it odd that every lefty has a mental illness and you arrogant sanctamonious dickhead republicans are bursting with intelligence.
Thanks for proving my point, revolutionary boy. We’re talking about people Lincoln, Washington and Roosevelt. BLM the same Democrat Marxist terrorist group that Brooks belongs to has been going actively going after them.

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