So Lets Eliminate The Police? Then How Do We Go To The Bank?

Who wants to eliminate all police?

If true, then I disagree with them on that.

I just want the bad ones gone.
Thats reasonable

but people are holding the police to an impossibly high standard

in this case the black medic refused to cooperate with the cops and thats the reason he was pepper sprayed

if you or I had been in his place that night we would have settled it in 5 minutes
Thats reasonable

but people are holding the police to an impossibly high standard

in this case the black medic refused to cooperate with the cops and thats the reason he was pepper sprayed

if you or I had been in his place that night we would have settled it in 5 minutes

I don’t think it’s an impossibly high standard to expect police officers to attempt to DE-ESCALATE situations.

The situation with Nazario could have easily been handled by using words and a calm demeanor, matching Nazario’s demeanor.

Talk to him. Tell him why he was pulled over. Write him a ticket if you like. Then go on your way. It’s simple. If police can’t handle that then they’re incompetent and I’m glad he’a no longer a police officer.
Who wants to eliminate all police?

If true, then I disagree with them on that.

I just want the bad ones gone.
Thats reasonable

but people are holding the police to an impossibly high standard

in this case the black medic refused to cooperate with the cops and thats the reason he was pepper sprayed

if you or I had been in his place that night we would have settled it in 5 minutes

The officers who found this action so unreasonable stated that at night it happens about 80% of the time. The person being pulled over drives to a well lit area. Only this time it was unreasonable. Why? What made this stop different? Why when 80% of the motorists do exactly the same thing was it resisting arrest this time?

In fact. Pulling over in a nearby well lit area or side street is advised as a smart safety action.

So a vast majority of drivers do the same thing. Yet this time it was outrageous. Why? The cops must expect it if four out of five drivers do it.

The police were shouting conflicting orders. Failure to comply with both shouted commands was certain. Picture the scene of Cool Hand Luke where he is digging the hole.

The cops were out of line. The why is obvious. They hate soldiers. They hate the Army and hate people who serve their country. They hate the patriots who join up and risk life and limb to serve. These cops hate real Americans who are the best of the best.

So I ask you. Why are you defending pinko communist cops who hate America and the soldiers who defend this great country?
situation with Nazario could have easily been handled by using words and a calm demeanor, matching Nazario’s demeanor.
And if he pulls out a .45 auto and kills a cop while the police are waitng for the incense and petting pony to arrive ?

They want to know that the black guy is no threat while he wants to keep them guessing
situation with Nazario could have easily been handled by using words and a calm demeanor, matching Nazario’s demeanor.
And if he pulls out a .45 auto and kills a cop while the police are waitng for the incense and petting pony to arrive ?

They want to know that the black guy is no threat while he wants to keep them guessing

Apparently you didn’t catch the part where I said they could have DE-ESCALATED the situation.

The guy was acting calm and had his hands up. There’s no reason to ESCALATE the interaction when the police officer could have defused the entire situation with words.

That’s not an impossibly high standard. That’s common sense.

Any suspect can pull out a gun on any routine traffic stop. But we don’t see police pulling people over screaming at them and pointing guns at them on routine traffic stops. This should have been a routine stop and the fired officer ESCALATED it way out of proportion.
Only this time it was unreasonable.
The black guy checked two boxes

No plate

and refused to stop

that set off red flags

It was a new car. He didn’t have plates yet. The paper plate was taped in the back window. The cops had to see it before they walked up on him.

So why if 80% of drivers do exactly the same thing. Pull over into a lighted area was this time so different. Obviously it wasn’t racism. So that leaves the cops hating the Army. Why are you supporting cops who hate Americas Soldiers?
We spent $8T on nothing. You're as delusional as you are dishonest.
So you deny that >>"Trump racked up a longer list of accomplishments than any president in US history." ?

I understand that information-deprived victims of liberal OMISSION media consequently don't know anything, but being a consistent poster in this forum, you should by now, have the facts on this.
No fear here. I'm heavily armed and if anyone breaks into my home, they fall out backwards, with several holes in them. The same holds true if while I'm out and about, a group present as a clear and present danger to my life or the lives of those I care about.
As long as Joe Biden and other gun grabbing nutjobs don't alter the scenario, in favor of the bad guys. I suspect they are headed in that direction.
The cops were out of line. The why is obvious. They hate soldiers. They hate the Army and hate people who serve their country. They hate the patriots who join up and risk life and limb to serve. These cops hate real Americans who are the best of the best.

So I ask you. Why are you defending pinko communist cops who hate America and the soldiers who defend this great country?
Is there a doctor in the house ?

this is a good question to ask any lunatic that wants to eliminate all police and end prisons. Yah, OK. so how are 200 Million Adults supposed to deposit/cash their checks and get a mortgage/car loan?
By doing without the protection of nanny state and standing on their own two legs. Isn't that the American way?
I don’t think it’s an impossibly high standard to expect police officers to attempt to DE-ESCALATE situations.

The situation with Nazario could have easily been handled by using words and a calm demeanor, matching Nazario’s demeanor.

Talk to him. Tell him why he was pulled over. Write him a ticket if you like. Then go on your way. It’s simple. If police can’t handle that then they’re incompetent and I’m glad he’a no longer a police officer.
The part you don't get is that with the driver still inside the car, he represents a lethal risk to the officer that is not the case, once he is outside the car. That the driver REFUSED to exit the car, made this situation 10 times worse, and the driver is lucky he wasn't shot.

As for the force the cops used to put Nazario down and cuff him, that is simply a preventive measure cops use to insure against the possibility of a sudden, unruly (fighting) suspect.

I don't see where the cops did anything wrong, and they could have charged Nazario with obstruction of justice, which they didn't. Instead of Nazario filing a lawsuit, he ought to be thanking the cops for not arresting him.

Gutierrez should be rehired, and whoever fired him, should be disciplined, perhaps demoted for that.

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