Fucking Dems are too stupid to know the trap they laid was for THEMSELVES. This is usually what goes down, when you file a FALSE POLICE REPORT, or engage in a scam based on a lie.

If The Government weren't full of Obama Cronies right now, there would be a lot of Democrats going to jail, including Hillary Clinton. Schultz and Brazille both getting fired from THE DNC only because they got caught being corrupt is enough to show you how badly morals and ethics have deteriorated in the Democrat Party.

Then there is Podesta who is furiously filing Amendments to his corrupt business dealings disclosures with Russia to avoid being prosecuted right this minute.

And Clinton is enough to make anyone with a shred of ethics Hurl.
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You claimed his cite admitted they weren't market, then you quoted the part that says they were marked.

You are dumber than a brain damaged cockroach.

HIs own citation said they bore marks "indicating" the presence of classified (c) material.

Just like this post bore marks "indicating" the presence of classified material.

But it's not marked classified.

You are so fucking stupid it's impossible to conceive of an I.Q. number lower than yours.
well at least he didn't delete them all.

that's already a step up now isn't it?

I'm waiting for citation that he even gave the committee any emails. No less the eneirety of his account. Only then will we know how many were deleted.
Except you're forgetting she confessed to such and apologized during a Congressional Inquiry



classified ?

oooops ...

prove it.
She confessed to it, dipshit, and Comey testified to it.

so its clintons fault republicans were too incompetent to find anything criminal and convict her.

who the hell is the dipshits again?

Republicans weren't running the Justice Dept, moron.

then they were too incompetent to see justice done ... THE LAW KNOWS NO POLITICAL PARTY.

Horseshit. Dims run the justice department as a wholly owned subsidiary of the Democrat party.
So are we going to go through 100 witch hunt email trials that go no where with Kushner? The FBI said that what she did was wrong, but found nothing illegal ..
Just stop with the illegal bullshit..
Enough attorneys have been over every inch of it to nail her..

The evidence was hidden and Obama and Hillary still have operatives in the Intelligence and Justice community so their "secrets" are still safe.

If you can't CLEARLY see how much effort went into hiding this evidence, you are willfully ignorant. There IS no excuse.
Mueller is effectively running the FBI and DOJ and Obama Appointees Rosenstein (DOJ) and McCabe (FBI) are still in power, as is Koskinen running the IRS.
IMO, this was a strategy employed by Obama & Clinton to maintain control of The Federal Government by maintaining control of the three most powerful agencies.

So long as Mueller can keep the Fake Russia investigation going, and refusing to investigate any real crimes, The President cannot remove Obama sycophants, and Trump's People have their hands tied.

This is why MUELLER refuses to Interview Assange or look at THE DNC server, because the moment he does, The Fake Russia Investigation is OVER. Same reason Comey refused to do either, and also refused to investigate all of the "Leakers"

You want to talk about DEEP STATE? That's how it's done.

How do you live in that narrow mind of yours? Russia crap is Fake, Clinton , Mueller , Obama , all corrupt..

You have yet backed yourself up with any links but just keep writing in bold , so that must mean it is factual..

didn't you call out hypocrisy in this thread? even define it?

you're after kushner for far less "crimes" than you're excusing the democrats for committing. you're saying HE MUST BE HIDING SOMETHING when he turned everything over yet, you don't care hillary deleted 33k mails as "private yoga/wedding stuff".

amazing to me.

The things these snowflakes will say is utterly amazing to me.
certainly giggle worthy at times.
Except you're forgetting she confessed to such and apologized during a Congressional Inquiry



classified ?

oooops ...

prove it.
She confessed to it, dipshit, and Comey testified to it.

so its clintons fault republicans were too incompetent to find anything criminal and convict her.

who the hell is the dipshits again?

Republicans weren't running the Justice Dept, moron.

then they were too incompetent to see justice done ... THE LAW KNOWS NO POLITICAL PARTY.


Provably a false statement based on the fact that the DOJ, under democratic operative control, went after reporters, and others the admin didn't like (illegally mind you), while ignoring the verifiable crimes that the shrilary and her supporters did commit.

You are full of shit, as usual.
youre forgetting thats conjecture, you dont have any proof.

oh wait --

youre not forgetting, youre lying.


Except you're forgetting she confessed to such and apologized during a Congressional Inquiry



classified ?

oooops ...

prove it.
She confessed to it, dipshit, and Comey testified to it.

so its clintons fault republicans were too incompetent to find anything criminal and convict her.

who the hell is the dipshits again?

Republicans weren't running the Justice Dept, moron.
They still aren't. Rosenstein and Mueller are running it along with 17 Mueller hand picked Clinton Democrats
Except you're forgetting she confessed to such and apologized during a Congressional Inquiry



classified ?

oooops ...

prove it.
She confessed to it, dipshit, and Comey testified to it.

so its clintons fault republicans were too incompetent to find anything criminal and convict her.

who the hell is the dipshits again?

Republicans weren't running the Justice Dept, moron.

then they were too incompetent to see justice done ... THE LAW KNOWS NO POLITICAL PARTY.


So now you're claiming that Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch weren't political? LOL You've gone from silly to farce, Siete! Better quit while you're behind.
well at least he didn't delete them all.

that's already a step up now isn't it?

I'm waiting for citation that he even gave the committee any emails. No less the eneirety of his account. Only then will we know how many were deleted.

No citation that kushner actually turned over any private emails?

you do that.

i'm still waiting for signs of unbiased intelligence.

ok, i'm done. you wait all you want. i've tried to answer questions as they come up but you and others just refuse to answer them in return. i've never found honest value in these conversations much less honest people, do i just avoid them when we get to this point.
classified ?

oooops ...

prove it.
She confessed to it, dipshit, and Comey testified to it.

so its clintons fault republicans were too incompetent to find anything criminal and convict her.

who the hell is the dipshits again?

Republicans weren't running the Justice Dept, moron.

then they were too incompetent to see justice done ... THE LAW KNOWS NO POLITICAL PARTY.

Horseshit. Dims run the justice department as a wholly owned subsidiary of the Democrat party.


statute of limitations hadnt expired when Comey stepped in or he couldnt have reopened the investigation.

take a break and go rub one off, your dick in your hand its all you have.
Hilarious watching Lefty in total denial of the criminal acts that took place and the criminal cover up to conceal them with The Clinton Campaign and Obama Regime, while complaining about Kushner fully disclosing his entire cache of emails because he has nothing to hide.
She confessed to it, dipshit, and Comey testified to it.

so its clintons fault republicans were too incompetent to find anything criminal and convict her.

who the hell is the dipshits again?

Republicans weren't running the Justice Dept, moron.

then they were too incompetent to see justice done ... THE LAW KNOWS NO POLITICAL PARTY.

Horseshit. Dims run the justice department as a wholly owned subsidiary of the Democrat party.


statute of limitations hadnt expired when Comey stepped in or he couldnt have reopened the investigation.

take a break and go rub one off, your dick in your hand its all you have.

Ah, so your "comeback" to posting idiotic stuff and having others point out that it's idiotic...is to post in CAPS and get obscene?

You're struggling, Siete. Might be time to call it a day!
so its clintons fault republicans were too incompetent to find anything criminal and convict her.

who the hell is the dipshits again?

Republicans weren't running the Justice Dept, moron.

then they were too incompetent to see justice done ... THE LAW KNOWS NO POLITICAL PARTY.

Horseshit. Dims run the justice department as a wholly owned subsidiary of the Democrat party.


statute of limitations hadnt expired when Comey stepped in or he couldnt have reopened the investigation.

take a break and go rub one off, your dick in your hand its all you have.

Ah, so your "comeback" to posting idiotic stuff and having others point out that it's idiotic...is to post in CAPS and get obscene?

You're struggling, Siete. Might be time to call it a day!

RW Incompetence ...

no Dems .. Comey could have submitted evidence to Sessions and Sessions could have prosecuted Clinton.


there was no evidence of criminal guilt.


in fact, Sessions still can ..

Section 19 of the Internal Security Act of 1950, 64 Stat. 1005, provides a ten-year limitations period for prosecutions under the espionage statutes, 18 U.S.C. Secs.792 to 794.

but theres no criminal evidence.

Republicans weren't running the Justice Dept, moron.

then they were too incompetent to see justice done ... THE LAW KNOWS NO POLITICAL PARTY.

Horseshit. Dims run the justice department as a wholly owned subsidiary of the Democrat party.


statute of limitations hadnt expired when Comey stepped in or he couldnt have reopened the investigation.

take a break and go rub one off, your dick in your hand its all you have.

Ah, so your "comeback" to posting idiotic stuff and having others point out that it's idiotic...is to post in CAPS and get obscene?

You're struggling, Siete. Might be time to call it a day!

RW Incompetence ...

no Dems .. Comey could have submitted evidence to Sessions and Sessions could have prosecuted Clinton.


there was no evidence of criminal guilt.


in fact, Sessions still can ..

Section 19 of the Internal Security Act of 1950, 64 Stat. 1005, provides a ten-year limitations period for prosecutions under the espionage statutes, 18 U.S.C. Secs.792 to 794.

but theres no criminal evidence.


15,000+ pieces of official documents found to be illegally non-compliant with the FOIA and Federal Records Act against Hillary ... versus ...as you so eloquently put it, your dick in your hand - not any evidence - against Trump.

'We have a WEINNER!'


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