The FISA Court Should Be Shut Down - Trump Urges GOP To Vote 'No' On Bill, Citing Valid Russia Probe Concerns


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
President Trump urges GOP to vote 'NO' on FISA bill, citing Russia probe concerns
President Trump urges GOP to vote 'NO' on FISA bill, citing Russia probe concerns

In both a MASSIVE abuse of power and crimes committed, overwhelming, undeniable evidence has revealed that the Obama administration - his DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI - committed heinous FISA Court abuses to illegally spy on an opposing party Presidential candidate and his team AND on a newly elected President and his team.

In doing so, Obama and his criminal administration almost effortlessly violated the Rule of Law as well as violated both Constitutional and Civil Rights of US citizens. There was no oversight because they WERE the ones entrusted to uphold and enforce the laws.

Since this Republic/National Security-threatening betrayal of trust and violation of both laws and Constitution, literally NOTHING has been done to truly ensure this can NEVER happen again. Nothing has been done to discourage or deter the criminals from doing this again.

The FISA Court itself called the latest FBI Director, Wray, before the SECRET Court to explain the LATEST crimes against the court - several of the nearly 2 dozen the FBI has perpetrated over DECADES under 2 different FBI Directors - Robert Mueller and his protégé James Comey.

The FISA Court acted out of a sense of 'self-reservation'. The court knew that after being duped / victimized so many times - resulting in American Citizens being victimized by criminal govt agencies / agency members - it ran / runs the risk of being completely shut down, at least temporarily until REAL measures have been taken to ensure this can never happen again.
-- The action they took was a complete FARCE: The FISA Court asked the agency that had spearheaded the latest FISA Court abuse - the FBI, who had (again) perpetrated nearly 2 dozen FISA Court abuses in the last several decades, to come up with a plan to POLICE ITSELF, one that would guarantee the FISA Court (while appeasing the outraged citizens) such criminal abuses would never happen again.


Being called before the FISA Court before to answer for criminally abusing the court / breaking laws has not worked over the last several decades, and the FBI has proven it is incapable of policing itself and preventing further crimes against the court and betrayal of the people's trust, so why should ANYONE - especially the court and / or US citizens who have been victimize by these betrayals of trust / crimes.

Current FBI Director Wray has especially proven since taking over that he is NOT the individual who should be leading the FBI, let alone be trusted with policing his own FBI. When forced to appear before the FISA Court to answer for the FBI's crimes, Wray told the court that these 'issues' / 'procedural problems' (not CRIMES, which is what they were) could easily be remedied with a few 'tweaks'...proving Wray is like all the other inbred FBI leaders: He is more concerned with protecting the FBI by sweeping their crimes under the proverbial rug, holding no one accountable, and protecting the FISA court the FBI has used as its own personal 'bitch' to illegally spy on anyone they want at any time.

Released FBI documents also prove Wray has been hiding evidence / documents and refusing to turn over documents / evidence as he has been ordered to.

Due to the decades of FBI abuse / crimes and Wray's demonstration that he is all too willing to maintain the status quo...

Due to the fact that NOTHING has truly been done to protect US citizens, ensure laws are enforced, to protect both Constitutional and Civil Rights, to protect the Constitution, and to hold any of the criminal;ls accountable...

Due to the continuing on-going investigation by Durham of the Russia Probe and all the criminals / crimes associated with it...

Not only should ALL government officials / politicians vote 'NO' on the bill, the FISA Court should immediately be shut down until all of these things have been addressed and measures have been taken to TRULY ensure such crimes and betrayals are NEVER allowed to happen again by ANYONE.

Wray and the FBI has again demonstrated that Wray should be fired as FBI Director immediately and replaced with an independent, objective overseer from OUTSIDE the FBI.


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