So is this accurate ?

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
This is doing the rounds today in the UK. Is it accurate ?

There would be no charge for the services of paramedics

The charges for ongoing care would be determined by the insurance company the victims have.
The vast majority of Americans have healthcare insurance, which would cover most if not all costs associated with such an incident. Those without insurance might be subject to what was described, even though our last president enacted a government healthcare plan that he claimed would eliminate the millions of uninsured Americans.
This is doing the rounds today in the UK. Is it accurate ?

Notice how this Muslim Lover has just now used a tragic event to politicize against the US, which tomorrow marks the day when the US "helped" the sorry ass Brits land on Normandy? Again, it was a Muslim that blew up that place full of kids just wanting to have a great time, this guy loves Muslims.

This is doing the rounds today in the UK. Is it accurate ?


It's true, all of it, every word.

Not only that, but they left out liability.

These families would also be charged in class action lawsuits from public servants that have trauma. They would be charged by first responders. . .and any folks that had financial interest in the local that the incident took place in.

And family of the bombing suspect would also be liable.

Oh. . . you have no idea once the lawyers are involved! :auiqs.jpg: Oh, it's just terrible. Everything is a privitized nightmare over here. . . it just ANARCHY I tell you!!!

And the drug companies always find out ways to take their share too, don't forget about them. . .

And the alien abductions. . . don't forget about them. . .

It's true, all of it.
This is doing the rounds today in the UK. Is it accurate ?

Notice how this Muslim Lover has just now used a tragic event to politicize against the US, which tomorrow marks the day when the US "helped" the sorry ass Brits land on Normandy? Again, it was a Muslim that blew up that place full of kids just wanting to have a great time, this guy loves Muslims.

View attachment 263958

You cons are such deranged morons.

fact: SOME muslims are extremist lunatics who embrace hatred and violence.

MOST muslims do NOT.

fact: SOME christians are extremist lunatics who embrace hatred and violence

MOST christians do not.
This is doing the rounds today in the UK. Is it accurate ?

Notice how this Muslim Lover has just now used a tragic event to politicize against the US, which tomorrow marks the day when the US "helped" the sorry ass Brits land on Normandy? Again, it was a Muslim that blew up that place full of kids just wanting to have a great time, this guy loves Muslims.

View attachment 263958

You cons are such deranged morons.

fact: SOME muslims are extremist lunatics who embrace hatred and violence.

MOST muslims do NOT.

fact: SOME christians are extremist lunatics who embrace hatred and violence

MOST christians do not.
See picture below. If you dare.

First in order of payment is the insurance company of the venue. Then there is the Victim of Violent Crimes Fund. Then there is any insurance the individuals have including Medicare and Medicaid.

So no. The warning from America is pretty much a lie from start to finish.
This is doing the rounds today in the UK. Is it accurate ?


Yep. Americans have to pay for stuff. Crazy, idn't it? But fear not, the "free shit" party is going to fix all that.
You shouldnt be invoiced for any of these things. Your taxes should cover it.

I dont think you would understand.

And I don't think you understand. Otherwise you'd be able to explain it. I just think you like the idea of having some parental authority that supplies you with all your needs. Which makes you slave.
This is doing the rounds today in the UK. Is it accurate ?


Yep. Americans have to pay for stuff. Crazy, idn't it? But fear not, the "free shit" party is going to fix all that.
You shouldnt be invoiced for any of these things. Your taxes should cover it.

No, they shouldn't. "Should" implies that is the only possible, viable, correct way of doing things, and you "should" learn that your preferences are just that: YOUR preferences. Please try to wrap your admittedly small number of brain cells around the fact that just because YOU want to hand the majority of your income over to your government so that you can then pretend that you're getting things "for free", not everyone has that mindset. Nor are we required to because you think it's "the way things should be".

I myself would rather keep my money with me and do the paying only when and if it's needed. And since it's MY money, not yours, you don't get to tell me that I "should" do it otherwise.
This is doing the rounds today in the UK. Is it accurate ?


Yep. Americans have to pay for stuff. Crazy, idn't it? But fear not, the "free shit" party is going to fix all that.
You shouldnt be invoiced for any of these things. Your taxes should cover it.

I dont think you would understand.

And I don't think you understand. Otherwise you'd be able to explain it. I just think you like the idea of having some parental authority that supplies you with all your needs. Which makes you slave.

Well, at least he recognizes that you don't have the same lazy ward-of-the-state mentality he does, and therefore wouldn't comprehend it. So THAT'S a positive, right?

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