So I got a little gun surprise today

The Duke

Diamond Member
Jul 30, 2022
Alright, so..I thought this thing was all kinds of off and all that.

I truly expected to only get halfway to dialing it in proper today.

I figured for the 1st shot, I'd take a shot and then manipulate the sights to go somewhat close to where the bullet went when I was aiming at the target.

So I chambered a round and dropped the magazine in case I instinctively racked another round by accident

and so there was no chance of it going off while I'm twiddling around. (which I fully expected to have to do)

It did not go like that, it was dead nuts 1st shot. So I took a few more to verify, and called it done.

1st shot was center X top, I pulled to the left on the right one. I'm not touching anything. It works, from here on out, it's on me

as to whether or not the shots go where they're supposed to.


The little holes are pellet guns I was messing around with, which are not as accurate.

Center and left big Xs are 2 shots apiece.

I did tweak with this thing a week and a half or so ago. Did not expect that, though.

I can live with that! :D

The image is about 3/4 real life size. That means the bullet holes are smaller than a pinky nail, and the pellet holes are bigger than a pinky nail. (grouping)

Grrr! Durn pellet guns! I'm happy with that bullet gun for the moment, though!
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Post up some target shootins y'all. Don't leave me out here all alone! Or is there a thread for this already?
Somebody post up some target shootins? :D

Yoo can do ettt! Please?
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Alright, so..I thought this thing was all kinds of off and all that.

I truly expected to only get halfway to dialing it in proper today.

I figured for the 1st shot, I'd take a shot and then manipulate the sights to go somewhat close to where the bullet went when I was aiming at the target.

So I chambered a round and dropped the magazine in case I instinctively racked another round by accident

and so there was no chance of it going off while I'm twiddling around. (which I fully expected to have to do)

It did not go like that, it was dead nuts 1st shot. So I took a few more to verify, and called it done.

1st shot was center X top, I pulled to the left on the right one. I'm not touching anything. It works, from here on out, it's on me

as to whether or not the shots go where they're supposed to.


The little holes are pellet guns I was messing around with, which are not as accurate.

Center and left big Xs are 2 shots apiece.

I did tweak with this thing a week and a half or so ago. Did not expect that, though.

I can live with that! :D

The image is about 3/4 real life size. That means the bullet holes are smaller than a pinky nail, and the pellet holes are bigger than a pinky nail. (grouping)

Grrr! Durn pellet guns! I'm happy with that bullet gun for the moment, though!
Good shooting.. 👍

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