So.. how long before Donald Trump gets locked up? What would your reaction be?

Donald Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen sentenced to 3 years in prison
As most of you probably know by now, Michael Cohen has just been jailed for three years.


President Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen just got sentenced to 3 years in prison after pleading guilty to a number of crimes related to his work for the Prez.

Cohen spoke in court during his sentencing, and said ... "Today is one of the most meaningful days of my life. The irony is that today I get my freedom back.” He made specific references too ... “Blind loyalty to this man led me to choose a path of darkness over light.”

Cohen added, "I take full responsibility for each act that I pleaded guilty to ..." including those implicating the "President of the United States of America.”

In addition to the sentencing, Cohen was hit with forfeiture of $500,000, restitution of $1.4 million and a fine of $50,000.

Cohen was sentenced in NYC. As we reported ... Cohen pled guilty to 8 federal charges in August, including 5 counts of tax fraud and 2 campaign finance violations -- the latter of which related to his $130k hush money payment to Stormy Daniels leading up to the 2016 election.

As most of you probably know by now, Michael Cohen has just been jailed for three years.

For Tax Evasion.

Nothing to do with Trump

Still this is mind blowing. For all the talk about lock HER up and draining the swamp? HOw fucking naive are you Trump supporters?

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team has indicted or gotten guilty pleas from 33 people and three companies that we know of — the latest being former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen.

That group is composed of five former Trump advisers, 26 Russian nationals, three Russian companies, one California man, and one London-based lawyer. Seven of these people (including now all five former Trump aides) have pleaded guilty.

If you also count investigations that Mueller originated but then referred elsewhere in the Justice Department, you can add a plea deal from one more person to the list.

It’s a sprawling set of allegations, encompassing both election interference charges against overseas Russians, and various other crimes by American Trump advisers.

However, Mueller hasn’t yet alleged any crimes directly connecting the two — that is, alleging that Trump advisers conspired with Russian officials to impact the election. He is continuing to investigate that.

Other reported focuses of Mueller’s investigation — such as potential obstruction of justiceby the Trump administration — have also not resulted in any indictments yet.

The full list of known indictments and plea deals in Mueller’s probe

All of Robert Mueller’s indictments and plea deals in the Russia investigation so far

Obama was scandal free. All you got Hillary on was using private emails? Lame. And all you got Bill on was a BJ? Super lame.
For Tax Evasion.

Nothing to do with Trump

Would a partisan you, willing to at least admit that Trump hires and surrounds himself with corrupt crooks???..............Yes or No?

there have been a lot of miscreants in his administration, agree.

A lot of them busted for crimes committed before Trump took office

Bc those crimes are ones Mueller has uncovered. Let’s put all of Washington through the ringer and see who isn’t found to have committed a crime.

Knat rated this funny bc she knows it’s true. It took Trump getting elected for lefties to give two shits about criminal activity in Washington. Not that the right looks any better pooh poohing crimes that if were connected to the opposition party they’d never accept.

Everyone should know by now Washington is corrupt and pretty much always has been.
Everyone should know by now Washington is corrupt and pretty much always has been. you......helped elect the orange charlatan because he was NOT from the DC establishment............Don't you NOW feel like a fucking idiot for being so damn naive?
Everyone should know by now Washington is corrupt and pretty much always has been. you......helped elect the orange charlatan because he was NOT from the DC establishment............Don't you NOW feel like a fucking idiot for being so damn naive?

It’s cute you think you know why I voted for Trump. I love how you people act as if you know what’s going on in stranger’s heads. I voted for Trump primarily bc of who he was running against, okay sweetie?

You’ve nothing in that head of yours but hate. You’re so smart and everyone else is so dumb, yet this superior intelligence of yours doesn’t allow for civil, thought-provoking conversation. You can’t even entertain difference of viewpoint, which means you either don’t understand it (not a sign of intelligence) or don’t have the mental capacity to debate (also not a sign of intelligence). Another sign of profound ignorance is making inaccurate assumptions based on who someone voted for. And where do you get the gall to make such assumptions? If the media says it, it must be true, right? LMAO

Intelligent people don’t act like you. Now go ahead and insult this “Trump cult member, ass kisser, moron, idiot, imbecile, simpleton, pinhead, etc etc etc” some more. That’s all you’re good for.
if the government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for the law, it invites every man to become a law unto himself, it invites anarchy.

that's all i have to say on this matter.
For Tax Evasion.

Nothing to do with Trump

Would a partisan you, willing to at least admit that Trump hires and surrounds himself with corrupt crooks???..............Yes or No?

there have been a lot of miscreants in his administration, agree.

A lot of them busted for crimes committed before Trump took office

Bc those crimes are ones Mueller has uncovered. Let’s put all of Washington through the ringer and see who isn’t found to have committed a crime.

Knat rated this funny bc she knows it’s true. It took Trump getting elected for lefties to give two shits about criminal activity in Washington. Not that the right looks any better pooh poohing crimes that if were connected to the opposition party they’d never accept.

Everyone should know by now Washington is corrupt and pretty much always has been.

You know who thought Washington was corrupt and it was ok to break the law there? Trump. But what an idiot. Look at how many politicians get taken down for cheating or breaking the law. Classic example of his head got too big and he thought he was teflon.

Trump wasn't happy being a billionaire reality tv star. He had to take over Washington too. Reminds me of Scarface.

Do you think we liked Dick Chaney and Haloburton's illegal activities? Actually they knew to stay within the law. So back then we use to say the worst things that happen in Washington are legal. Actually that's still true but Trump is so bold he isn't afraid to break the law.

Is EVERYONE except Trump lying?

Tillerson Says He Had to Stop Trump From Breaking the Law

'You Can't Do That.' Tillerson Says He Had to Stop Trump From Breaking the Law

Everyone should know by now Washington is corrupt and pretty much always has been. you......helped elect the orange charlatan because he was NOT from the DC establishment............Don't you NOW feel like a fucking idiot for being so damn naive?

It’s cute you think you know why I voted for Trump. I love how you people act as if you know what’s going on in stranger’s heads. I voted for Trump primarily bc of who he was running against, okay sweetie?

You’ve nothing in that head of yours but hate. You’re so smart and everyone else is so dumb, yet this superior intelligence of yours doesn’t allow for civil, thought-provoking conversation. You can’t even entertain difference of viewpoint, which means you either don’t understand it (not a sign of intelligence) or don’t have the mental capacity to debate (also not a sign of intelligence). Another sign of profound ignorance is making inaccurate assumptions based on who someone voted for. And where do you get the gall to make such assumptions? If the media says it, it must be true, right? LMAO

Intelligent people don’t act like you. Now go ahead and insult this “Trump cult member, ass kisser, moron, idiot, imbecile, simpleton, pinhead, etc etc etc” some more. That’s all you’re good for.
It doesn't matter why you were conned into voting for Trump. You fucked up. And I bet you have become one of Trump's biggest cheerleaders even though you now claim he was just a lesser of two evils.

Fact is, he's not the lesser of two evils. Do you like the conservative he appointed to the Supreme Court? Then you're a Republican and you don't even know it.

You were going to vote for any Republican who won the nomination right? So don't you guys ever make fun of us for voting straight ticket. You do the same thing. You'd vote for a piece of shit if the GOP nominated it. In fact you did.

And how did he get by all the Republicans who were running? They all sucked too. You guys know it you just can't admit it.

And actually I know you are convinced that Hillary sucks but that's just because you've been brainwashed for 30 years to believe that. She's actually one of the most honest politicians if you compare her to guys like Trump AND, don't forget Bill Clnton was one of the greatest presidents in US history. It amazes me that you stupid Americans didn't elect Gore or Hillary. Yall stupid.
It doesn't matter why you were conned into voting for Trump. You fucked up. And I bet you have become one of Trump's biggest cheerleaders even though you now claim he was just a lesser of two evils.

THAT "excuse" by Trump ass kissers for being conned by a demagogue, , will soon spread as the Spanish Flu once did.....
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Everyone should know by now Washington is corrupt and pretty much always has been. you......helped elect the orange charlatan because he was NOT from the DC establishment............Don't you NOW feel like a fucking idiot for being so damn naive?

If Trump did what Rod Blagojevich did trying to sell a Senate seat to the highest bidder, would any Republican here think he should go to prison for it or be removed from office? Fuck no. They'd say "it happens all the time" in Washington. That is probably true but that didn't stop Rod from going to prison.

In fact Trump reminds me of Detroit Mayor Qwami Kilpatrick who is also serving time. We typically don't do that to presidents but I would love to see Trump be the first. I know that will never happen but a guy can dream.
It doesn't matter why you were conned into voting for Trump. You fucked up. And I bet you have become one of Trump's biggest cheerleaders even though you now claim he was just a lesser of two evils.

THAT "excuse" for being conned by a demagogue, by Trump ass kissers, will soon spread as the Spanish Flu once did.....
In fact I can't remember one Jeb, Rubio, Christie, Cruz or Kasich supporter here on USMB. They all say these guys are RINO's and they always liked Trump.
It doesn't matter why you were conned into voting for Trump. You fucked up. And I bet you have become one of Trump's biggest cheerleaders even though you now claim he was just a lesser of two evils.

THAT "excuse" by Trump ass kissers for being conned by a demagogue, , will soon spread as the Spanish Flu once did.....

Check out this tweet from Michael Cohen almost exactly 3 years ago to this day.

On Dec. 19, 2015, Cohen tweeted to Hillary Clinton:

When you go to prison for defrauding America and perjury, your room and board will be free!

And now it is him who will spend 3 years in prison, free room and board!!! I love it!!!!!
If you lock Trump up for campaign finance violations for paying off two women he allegedly had affairs with you will have to lock up every member of Congress who used that Congressional slush fund made up from taxpayer dollars to pay off those they had affairs with as well. Somehow I don't think anyone in the halls of power is going to want to set the precedent of jail time for paying off their mistress.
It doesn't matter why you were conned into voting for Trump. You fucked up. And I bet you have become one of Trump's biggest cheerleaders even though you now claim he was just a lesser of two evils.

THAT "excuse" by Trump ass kissers for being conned by a demagogue, , will soon spread as the Spanish Flu once did.....

Check out this tweet from Michael Cohen almost exactly 3 years ago to this day.

On Dec. 19, 2015, Cohen tweeted to Hillary Clinton:

When you go to prison for defrauding America and perjury, your room and board will be free!

And now it is him who will spend 3 years in prison, free room and board!!! I love it!!!!!

Ahhhhh, sweet karma and irony........Who could blame Hillary for laughing her ass off?
If you lock Trump up for campaign finance violations for paying off two women he allegedly had affairs with you will have to lock up every member of Congress who used that Congressional slush fund made up from taxpayer dollars to pay off those they had affairs with as well. Somehow I don't think anyone in the halls of power is going to want to set the precedent of jail time for paying off their mistress.

Why not? Perhaps then, the crooks will refrain from doing crooked shit on the taxpayer dole.
If you lock Trump up for campaign finance violations for paying off two women he allegedly had affairs with you will have to lock up every member of Congress who used that Congressional slush fund made up from taxpayer dollars to pay off those they had affairs with as well. Somehow I don't think anyone in the halls of power is going to want to set the precedent of jail time for paying off their mistress.
No one's going to lock trump up for that. But he could and should get Censured or Impeached and you know what? I don't care that impeaching the guy might make him more popular. I'm not buying that. I think people need to know he's a scumbag criminal. And if they want to re elect him after that, then the American people get what they deserve.

We already know the Trumpbots are going to show up in 2020 but Trump is not going to run the table like he did in 2016. He will not win MI, WI and PA like he did in 2016. And he needed to. If he didn't he wouldn't have won. And he won't next time.
If you lock Trump up for campaign finance violations for paying off two women he allegedly had affairs with you will have to lock up every member of Congress who used that Congressional slush fund made up from taxpayer dollars to pay off those they had affairs with as well. Somehow I don't think anyone in the halls of power is going to want to set the precedent of jail time for paying off their mistress.
No one's going to lock trump up for that. But he could and should get Censured or Impeached and you know what? I don't care that impeaching the guy might make him more popular. I'm not buying that. I think people need to know he's a scumbag criminal. And if they want to re elect him after that, then the American people get what they deserve.

We already know the Trumpbots are going to show up in 2020 but Trump is not going to run the table like he did in 2016. He will not win MI, WI and PA like he did in 2016. And he needed to. If he didn't he wouldn't have won. And he won't next time.
It will make him more popular just like it did for Bill Clinton when the Republicans did it to him and the impeachment died in the Senate it would be another great example of idiots refusing to learn from history but if the left wants to repeat that mistake and improve Trumps chances of reelection in 2020 go for it.
If you lock Trump up for campaign finance violations for paying off two women he allegedly had affairs with you will have to lock up every member of Congress who used that Congressional slush fund made up from taxpayer dollars to pay off those they had affairs with as well. Somehow I don't think anyone in the halls of power is going to want to set the precedent of jail time for paying off their mistress.
No one's going to lock trump up for that. But he could and should get Censured or Impeached and you know what? I don't care that impeaching the guy might make him more popular. I'm not buying that. I think people need to know he's a scumbag criminal. And if they want to re elect him after that, then the American people get what they deserve.

We already know the Trumpbots are going to show up in 2020 but Trump is not going to run the table like he did in 2016. He will not win MI, WI and PA like he did in 2016. And he needed to. If he didn't he wouldn't have won. And he won't next time.
It will make him more popular just like it did for Bill Clinton when the Republicans did it to him and the impeachment died in the Senate it would be another great example of idiots refusing to learn from history but if the left wants to repeat that mistake and improve Trumps chances of reelection in 2020 go for it.
You just want us to forget it like we’ve forgotten the thousands of other lies that weren’t illegal?

This is not apples to apples.

The fact you don’t really want us to impeach him tells me we should. You’re daring us but that’s your only angle.

This is a criminal enterprise. You’ll see. We knew it before the election. You should have too. Now we’re proving it
Ok, here's a question nobody has asked.

This is probably not likely, but, what would happen if mueller releases his report and the only findings are about those who worked under trump, but nothing was found on trump himself?
Trump won the election thanks to illegal bribery to his hooker, and Putin leaking the DNC emails for him. He outsleazed the sleaze.

That's what making America great again looks like, kids!

Yep. I don't know how they steer around that one. Some industrial strength blinders I suppose.
Ok, here's a question nobody has asked.

This is probably not likely, but, what would happen if mueller releases his report and the only findings are about those who worked under trump, but nothing was found on trump himself?

It was rogue agents!

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