I'm a soothsayer. "Would anyone be surprised to learn that Cohen skimmed from Trump?" Today: Cohen admits stealing tens of thousands from Trump Org

My medical history is known of your fucking business. I keep up to date on when I am vaxed, but I do NOT have to tell jack shit.
Ahhh but you assholes wanted all of us to tell our health issues and whatever they were get jabbed anyway

Calm down jabby you've already got a bum ticker
Ahhh but you assholes wanted all of us to tell our health issues and whatever they were get jabbed anyway

Calm down jabby you've already got a bum ticker

Are saying something here? If you are atttempting to insult me you have failed miserably. IF on the other this typical MAGA MAGGOT humor, you have also failed. But MAGA MAGGOTS are use to failue, you live with it.
It takes a special breed of stupid to think Trump would "conspire" to overpay Cohen by $270K, to conceal an NDA that wasn't illegal.
I don't have any use for your strawmen and red herrings.

Trump illegally labeled payments to Cohen to defraud the State of New York in his business filings. Go check. If you are expecting his motivations to commit a crime to be smart and make good sense, then you have your own problems to work through. Good luck.
It takes a special breed of stupid to think Trump would "conspire" to overpay Cohen by $270K, to conceal an NDA that wasn't illegal.

But you have what it takes... :icon_rolleyes:

It was equally ridiculous for Snoreleone to try to pass off hush money payments to Stephanie Clifford as a business expense. That is what the trial was about. If the Orange Shit Stain had just done a straight forward reinbursement, nothing would have happened.
It was equally ridiculous for Snoreleone to try to pass off hush money payments to Stephanie Clifford as a business expense. That is what the trial was about. If the Orange Shit Stain had just done a straight forward reinbursement, nothing would have happened.
No one is claiming any business expense.

A business expense is when a business deducts money spent in the course of business from their revenue, so that it is not included in business income, and therefore taxable.

These payments were personal funds. Not from any business account, and no tax fraud has been alleged.

No theory of "intent to defraud" has even been articulated in this case, which requires some person or agency to have been deceived by the records or "frustrated in their ability to carry out the law".

Black’s Law Dictionary (6th ed. 1990) “Intent to defraud means an intention to deceive another person, and to induce such other person, in reliance upon such deception, to assume, create, transfer, alter or terminate a right, obligation or power.”

Or Kase:
"an intent to “frustrate the State’s power to fulfill its obligation to carry out the law violates the statute.”
Of course, intent to defraud has been alleged and more than demonstrated, by the testimony and evidence.

"The Defendant caused his entities’ business records to be falsified to disguise his and others’ criminal conduct."
Indictments are allegations, and allegations are not evidence.

No evidence has been offered to connect Trump to the bookkeeping- in fact the controller said he was following instructions from Weisselberg, who worked out the schedule with Cohen.

Trump had no role in any of that, and not one person or piece of evidence shows otherwise.

And "intent to defraud" has to be clearly articulated, and proven beyond a reasonable doubt- it is not an inference that is up to each juror to figure out on his own.
And water is wet. And fire is hot.

The evidence shows he falsified the records. And that he did so to misrepresent the reimbursement as a legal fee, when it was not a legal fee. And he knew it was not.

There's your intent, tied off with a neat little bow.
No that is your inference and belief, and it is no surprise to anyone that you would come to such a conclusion. That is what TDS does to people.

Evidence is the testimony and exhibits that were seen or heard by the jury, and there is nothing to connect Trump to the bookkeeping OR establish any "intent to defraud" by anyone (other than the prosecution's own star witness, who did defraud Trump about his expenses).
Are saying something here? If you are atttempting to insult me you have failed miserably. IF on the other this typical MAGA MAGGOT humor, you have also failed. But MAGA MAGGOTS are use to failue, you live with it.
Yeah I'm saying you're a dumbass cultist who would have shoved a plug up your ass if they said it would stop covid

Now you lot champion leftist globalist policies that are absolutely destroying the world

But sure its MAGA that's the problem

What a retard you are

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