So, early on Fauci and the WHO said masks won't work and the left wing media downplayed the Chinese virus.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Yes msnbc was mocking Trump for his quote, "The coronavirus is NOT the flu, it's vicious."

Then....somehow some way the left wing loser sheep are all convinced it was Trump that downplayed the masks originally, that it was Trump that downplayed the seriousness of the virus when it was exactly the opposite.

You have to stand in awe at the sheer stupidity of the left and how easily propaganda works on their slow stupid brains.

Especially the so called educated ones. I mean we get left wing women. Everything is emotion with them. Everything.

Especially the white leftist American women. Really really dumb and annoying.

Yes msnbc was mocking Trump for his quote, "The coronavirus is NOT the flu, it's vicious."

Then....somehow some way the left wing loser sheep are all convinced it was Trump that downplayed the masks originally, that it was Trump that downplayed the seriousness of the virus when it was exactly the opposite.

You have to stand in awe at the sheer stupidity of the left and how easily propaganda works on their slow stupid brains.

Especially the so called educated ones. I mean we get left wing women. Everything is emotion with them. Everything.

Especially the white leftist American women. Really really dumb and annoying.

EVERYTHING Fauci stated is BS.. The Biological Warfare hand book uses isolation, separation, and PPE in its defense strategies. We have known for decades what would happen if a biological agent was released onto the general populace.

Trump had it right from day one when he instituted a ban on incoming from China and quarantining those who showed symptoms. The only thing the BWHB didn't foresee was an agent that had a long a-symptomatic period where the carrier was infectious. Probably why the Chinese were looking into the virus in the first place. It makes the infection of mass populations possible and a raging fire of infection before any one knows that they have been hit. This is why, when China closed internal traffic from Wuhan but left international traffic open, it made it such an important issue. The Chinese KNEW of its person to person infection but seeded the world anyway. This looks like an intentional attack on the world IMHO. The fact the WHO helped cover it up and continues to this day makes me not trust any UN body.

Trump got this one right but he listened to those who were supposed to be experts and they got it wrong..
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The COVID-19 response is going to be an important part of the 2020 election. It’s obviously not going away

It will be a looming factor.

McConnell must balance the interests of candidates facing tough re-election bids with the hardline members of his caucus who complain about "debt fatigue" and worry about the trillions of dollars in red ink incurred during this pandemic

Yes msnbc was mocking Trump for his quote, "The coronavirus is NOT the flu, it's vicious."

Then....somehow some way the left wing loser sheep are all convinced it was Trump that downplayed the masks originally, that it was Trump that downplayed the seriousness of the virus when it was exactly the opposite.

You have to stand in awe at the sheer stupidity of the left and how easily propaganda works on their slow stupid brains.

Especially the so called educated ones. I mean we get left wing women. Everything is emotion with them. Everything.

Especially the white leftist American women. Really really dumb and annoying.

Let us speak freely. Let us stop beating around the bush. COVID-19 is and always has been a political weapon wielded by the radical American Left against their own national infrastructure and fellow countrymen. Actual virus or not coronavirus has been perhaps the most effective biological weapon attack in human history. Let us stop mincing words and tell the truth . . . no matter the consequence.

Yes msnbc was mocking Trump for his quote, "The coronavirus is NOT the flu, it's vicious."

Then....somehow some way the left wing loser sheep are all convinced it was Trump that downplayed the masks originally, that it was Trump that downplayed the seriousness of the virus when it was exactly the opposite.

You have to stand in awe at the sheer stupidity of the left and how easily propaganda works on their slow stupid brains.

Especially the so called educated ones. I mean we get left wing women. Everything is emotion with them. Everything.

Especially the white leftist American women. Really really dumb and annoying.

Let us speak freely. Let us stop beating around the bush. COVID-19 is and always has been a political weapon wielded by the radical American Left against their own national infrastructure and fellow countrymen. Actual virus or not coronavirus has been perhaps the most effective biological weapon attack in human history. Let us stop mincing words and tell the truth . . . no matter the consequence.

When China stopped internal movement but allowed international travel for 2 weeks it became a weaponized attack on the world.

Yes msnbc was mocking Trump for his quote, "The coronavirus is NOT the flu, it's vicious."

Then....somehow some way the left wing loser sheep are all convinced it was Trump that downplayed the masks originally, that it was Trump that downplayed the seriousness of the virus when it was exactly the opposite.

You have to stand in awe at the sheer stupidity of the left and how easily propaganda works on their slow stupid brains.

Especially the so called educated ones. I mean we get left wing women. Everything is emotion with them. Everything.

Especially the white leftist American women. Really really dumb and annoying.

Let us speak freely. Let us stop beating around the bush. COVID-19 is and always has been a political weapon wielded by the radical American Left against their own national infrastructure and fellow countrymen. Actual virus or not coronavirus has been perhaps the most effective biological weapon attack in human history. Let us stop mincing words and tell the truth . . . no matter the consequence.

When China stopped internal movement but allowed international travel for 2 weeks it became a weaponized attack on the world.

Lately I like to meditate on this truth to Led Zeppelin's WHEN THE LEVEE BREAKS.


Yes msnbc was mocking Trump for his quote, "The coronavirus is NOT the flu, it's vicious."

Then....somehow some way the left wing loser sheep are all convinced it was Trump that downplayed the masks originally, that it was Trump that downplayed the seriousness of the virus when it was exactly the opposite.

You have to stand in awe at the sheer stupidity of the left and how easily propaganda works on their slow stupid brains.

Especially the so called educated ones. I mean we get left wing women. Everything is emotion with them. Everything.

Especially the white leftist American women. Really really dumb and annoying.

Let us speak freely. Let us stop beating around the bush. COVID-19 is and always has been a political weapon wielded by the radical American Left against their own national infrastructure and fellow countrymen. Actual virus or not coronavirus has been perhaps the most effective biological weapon attack in human history. Let us stop mincing words and tell the truth . . . no matter the consequence.

When China stopped internal movement but allowed international travel for 2 weeks it became a weaponized attack on the world.

Yes and when the EU allowed free flow of Chinese refugees with the virus to enter Italy it became clear this was a two pronged attack by the globalists, assisted by the democrats to ensure Trump doesn't take office with a 4 year mandate to investigate the deep state. We can all presume that it rather deep and wide. So much so that even we will be shocked at what would be found and what their plans are to eradicate half of the world with the emrgence of AI. Most humans in 20 years or less will be utterly obsolete.

Btw, the free flow of Covid into Europe directly followed when Trump stopped travel from China and most of the virus that is here has proven to have come out of Europe.

It's a war folks. We are being attacked.

Yes msnbc was mocking Trump for his quote, "The coronavirus is NOT the flu, it's vicious."

Then....somehow some way the left wing loser sheep are all convinced it was Trump that downplayed the masks originally, that it was Trump that downplayed the seriousness of the virus when it was exactly the opposite.

You have to stand in awe at the sheer stupidity of the left and how easily propaganda works on their slow stupid brains.

Especially the so called educated ones. I mean we get left wing women. Everything is emotion with them. Everything.

Especially the white leftist American women. Really really dumb and annoying.

Yes msnbc was mocking Trump for his quote, "The coronavirus is NOT the flu, it's vicious."

Then....somehow some way the left wing loser sheep are all convinced it was Trump that downplayed the masks originally, that it was Trump that downplayed the seriousness of the virus when it was exactly the opposite.

You have to stand in awe at the sheer stupidity of the left and how easily propaganda works on their slow stupid brains.

Especially the so called educated ones. I mean we get left wing women. Everything is emotion with them. Everything.

Especially the white leftist American women. Really really dumb and annoying.

This has already been explained to you children many times.



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    229.7 KB · Views: 103
remember, when you wear a mask, you can't wear glasses without them fogging up. hmmmm I wonder what the particles are that fog the glass? hmmmmmm look at the sheeple's thinking a mask stops water molecules. hahahahaha, the stupid from the left is outstanding
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remember, when you wear a mask, you can't wear glasses without them fogging up. hmmmm I wonder what the particles are that fog the glass? hmmmmmm look at the sheeple's thinking a mask stops water molecules. hahahahaha, the stupid from the left is outstanding
The creepitwus thinks it was perfectly fine when leftists said wearing a mask wasn't necessary and downplayed the China virus but it is really bad when a conservative says it.
remember, when you wear a mask, you can't wear glasses without them fogging up. hmmmm I wonder what the particles are that fog the glass? hmmmmmm look at the sheeple's thinking a mask stops water molecules. hahahahaha, the stupid from the left is outstanding
The creepitwus thinks it was perfectly fine when leftists said wearing a mask wasn't necessary and downplayed the China virus but it is really bad when a conservative says it.
the fact they need to make up positive results, merely shows the hoax.

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