Snowflake Judges: 'DHS Officers Humiliate Judges by DOING THEIR JOB - Enforcing Immigration Laws


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Yeah, you probably already guessed this MORONIC declaration could have ONLY come from the political activist nut jobs in the 9th Circuit Court who feel being forced to uphold / enforce existing US law is 'humiliating' and 'de-humanizing'.

DHS Officers Humiliate Judges by Enforcing Immigration Laws, Declares Judge - Breitbart

"The judge, who is married to a former top leader in the ACLU, also lamented the authority of ordinary DHS agents to enforce the law despite protests from well-paid, high-status “civil rights” lawyers."

The judges on Reinhardt’s Ninth Circuit are expected to release soon a decision blocking Trump’s Executive Orders limiting the entry of people from six terror-prone Muslim countries. The court’s decision may have been delayed by the Islam-inspired bloody attacks in Manchester and London, at least one of which was conducted by the sons of Muslim refugees and migrants from Libya."

But DAMN, it must be HORRIBLE to be a Federal Judge and HAVE to actually enforce US Law. Poor snowflakes....

We are living a nightmare of the Alt Right fools thinking they are in charge.
Ewe and ewer buddies can't get over that the 'winning' has started yet.

Hint: it won't.
Feelings over facts. Liberal people =liberal judges
Just had the MD Court of Appeals smack down a judge in a case I testified on for imposing his feelings and prohibiting the jury from receiving my and another expert witness testimony
Turns out opposing counsel had clerked for him. Judge now retired
Ewe and ewer buddies can't get over that the 'winning' has started yet.

Hint: it won't.

Border crossings down 70+%, I'd say it has..
The reporting has changed. It is still the same turn away and catch numbers.
Of course you have a link for that fantasy, RIGHT?.
Same as you do.

( - Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly told NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday that the number of illegal immigrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border has “dropped off precipitously” by almost 70%.

DHS Secretary: Number of Illegals Crossing Southern Border Down by Almost 70%


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