Sleepy Joe’s $33 Billion Abomination


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The entire Ukraine war is a farce. Our constant shoveling weapons there just continues the killing and destruction. Whereas Zelensky the dolt could have avoided this war had he merely gone the Austrian route c.1955 and declared permanent neutrality.

Instead, Biden and his team of "adults" kept whispering 'NATO' into Zelensky's ear with no intention of actually allowing Ukraine to join NATO.

Bit all these billions in weapons and cash is sure to make for some fine money laundering. And 10% for the big guy. And Pelosi and Schiff are looking for their share which is why they went to Ukraine recently.


At the center of this madness, of course, is Vladimir Putin, the Devil Incarnate. Prior to February 24th he had attained that designation in Imperial Washington not just because of his rough methods of governance in Russia or small time military forays in the 2008 South Ossetia/Georgia dispute or in putting down alleged terrorists in Chechnya, but because according to the RussiaGate hoax he had thrown the election to Donald Trump in 2016, thereby shockingly interrupting the rule of the bipartisan duopoly.

Accordingly, for the next four years the apparatus of official Washington–including the MSM in cahoots with the national security state—did not cease in its vilification of Putin via the running RussiaGate Hoax, the phony Mueller investigation, the rogue impeachment proceedings and the nonstop MSM linkage of Trump’s unwelcome presence in the Oval Office with the nefarious doings of Vlad Putin.

At length, the TDS got so virulent and all-consuming inside the beltway that the resulting enmity toward Donald Trump became coterminous with the demonization of Putin. Consequently, when Trump got ushered off the stage (barely) by the American electorate in November 2020, Washington’s war on the Donald simply got re-focused with fevered intensity on Putin. In the target practice galleries of Washington politics, Vlad became the Donald’s avatar.

Needless to say, with the politicians in both parties foaming at the mouth against Putin, the Deep State and military-industrial complex had a field day hyping Russia into a national security threat that was not remotely justified, but which did massively distort policy.


As a result of TDS-come-Putinphobia, Washington is now on a doomsday path that has no rational end game except the risk of WW III, even though the objective facts of the matter scream in the opposite direction. That is to say, in an objective and rational world, Washington would not be touching the Russia/Ukraine dispute with a 100-foot pole because it implicates nothing of consequence for America’s homeland security.

In the first instance, Russia is not a direct military threat to America notwithstanding some of its fancy new weapons and ultra high speed missiles. America’s triad nuclear defense is still fully in tact and is as lethal as ever. That means as between Russia and the US on the nuclear front, mutual assured destruction (MAD) still prevails, meaning that Russia would never launch a nuclear attack against America because of all the things Putin is, suicidal is not one of them.

By the same token, the idea that Russia poses a credible conventional military threat to the American homeland was always ludicrous, but is now laughable. In ten weeks it has not been able to subdue a weak neighbor with which it shares a 1,900 Km open land border (no mountains, no waterways, no walls!). So where in the world comes the historically unprecedented armada of carrier battle groups, massive air fleets and endless divisions of tanks and mechanized infantry required to invade and occupy the US of A, located is it is 8,000 Km away on the far side of central Eurasia and beyond the great Atlantic and Pacific moats?

Besides, the GDP of Russia is $1.6 trillion versus $24 trillion for the US. And for better or worse a Russian attack on America would bring NATO’s article 5 into play, thereby mobilizing $43 trillion of total NATO GDP, which is 27X more economic girth than possessed by Russia; and also $1.2 trillion of combined NATO military budgets, which is 18X Russia’s $65 billion military budget.

So, no, there is no plausible Russian military threat to the American homeland, meaning that Washington’s scary story stuff arises entirely from the fictional realm of lurid Warfare State propaganda.

For instance, there is the baseless notion that Ukraine is just a stepping stone in Putin’s grand plan for recreating the former Soviet Union. And unimpeded in Ukraine, he would not hesitate to roll through Poland, the Baltics and the Balkans in the creation of an empire that would eventually dominate Western Europe, too, leaving the US all alone, cowering behind the Atlantic and Pacific shorelines.

Alas, anything remotely leaning in this direction amounts to the unalloyed humbug of retired military officers and deep staters who are paid by think tanks and the MSM to scare the living daylights out of the public and the politicians alike.


"That is to say, in an objective and rational world, Washington would not be touching the Russia/Ukraine dispute with a 100-foot pole because it implicates nothing of consequence for America’s homeland security."


Putin and his bully thugs started this BS heavy in 2014 when Putin gifted to himself and Russia Crimea. It could have ALL been avoided if those lying, thieving, murdering bastards had stayed in Russia but they didn't. Instead they created elaborate lies to try and justify themselves in the eyes of the world.

For ALL who invested in Russia's ability to take over the entire oil supply and chain by force now trying to justify murdering children and destroying civilians in Uhraine, GFY.
Whereas Zelensky the dolt could have avoided this war had he merely gone the Austrian route c.1955 and declared permanent neutrality.
While I agree with you in part, why do you think neutrality would make a difference to Putin when he supports shelling of civilians and burying them in mass graves. To Putin, if he wants something he takes it and the world by damned.
The entire Ukraine war is a farce. Our constant shoveling weapons there just continues the killing and destruction. Whereas Zelensky the dolt could have avoided this war had he merely gone the Austrian route c.1955 and declared permanent neutrality.

Instead, Biden and his team of "adults" kept whispering 'NATO' into Zelensky's ear with no intention of actually allowing Ukraine to join NATO.

Bit all these billions in weapons and cash is sure to make for some fine money laundering. And 10% for the big guy. And Pelosi and Schiff are looking for their share which is why they went to Ukraine recently.

Except Ukraine had already declared itself nuetral, and when Putin didn't get the result he wanted from Ukrainian politics, he seized the Crimea and Donbass.

But it's nice to see Republicans are more loyal to Russia than America.
While I agree with you in part, why do you think neutrality would make a difference to Putin when he supports shelling of civilians and burying them in mass graves. To Putin, if he wants something he takes it and the world by damned.

Did Putin bury people in mass graves? One story turns out to have been an existing cemetery.

And remember all the alleged mass graves in Kosovo under Clinton? So we bombed the hell out of them. Only there really weren't all those mass graves as it turns out.

Except Ukraine had already declared itself nuetral, and when Putin didn't get the result he wanted from Ukrainian politics, he seized the Crimea and Donbass.

But it's nice to see Republicans are more loyal to Russia than America.

We and the EU plotted and carried out the overthrow of the democratically elected President of Ukraine in 2014.

And Zelensky did not go the Austrian route, which was enshrining permanent neutrality in its Constitution.

Indeed Zelensky was talking about NATO membership.
We and the EU plotted and carried out the overthrow of the democratically elected President of Ukraine in 2014.

A democratically elected president who ignored the wishes of his parliment.

And Zelensky did not go the Austrian route, which was enshrining permanent neutrality in its Constitution.

Indeed Zelensky was talking about NATO membership.

As well he should... Same reason Finland after DECADES of nuetrality wants to join NATO now.

Putin has managed to re-invigorate NATO. A decade ago, people were wondering if it still had a point.

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