Slate: You are a racist if you don't date other races

If you consciously refuse to date people outside of your race that is by definition racist. :cuckoo:

It doesn't get more complicated than that.

If you consciously decide not to date people of a particular race wouldn't that make you a racist?

How about if you don't date people outside your sex? Would that make you a sexist? Or does your lack of logic fall apart when confronted by the inherent contradictions of your position?

Yes obviously that would be racist.

Yes, technically that is sexist. You're right. The same logic applies.
You are a typical liberal,. One who is dire need to label others while excluding yourself from any and all criticism.
if one deliberately associates, dates, mates, marries people JUST BECAUSE they are of another race, THAT too is racist...
My niece dates black men only. She is Caucasian. That makes her a racist....Using YOUR logic.
If you consciously refuse to date people outside of your race that is by definition racist. :cuckoo:

It doesn't get more complicated than that.

If you are going to go by "definition" then it doesn't qualify as racist. Racism involves trying to hold people down based on their race. It doesn't have anything to do with dating preferences. If a guy likes women with blonde hair or a woman prefers tall men with a dark complexion, that isn't racist. It is just what they prefer.

No racism is defined by finding one or more races inferior in some context. It is a very broad definition. Malice and contempt is not necessary criteria for the definition.

Finding one race more attractive than others isn't saying that one race is inferior to another.

Now, if a person said "hey ALL people of X color should find ALL people of Y color unattractive, then yes you might have a point.
In that context, yes you are saying that one race is superior to the other. That is racism.

That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard, well not really but pretty fucking close

If I have two white girls and I find one to be more attractive than the other, is that me being racist against whites? No? then case closed
Um no why would that be even close to the defintion of racism? Do you even know the defintion of racism? Look it up and get back to me.

If you consciously refuse to date people outside of your race that is by definition racist. :cuckoo:

It doesn't get more complicated than that.

If you consciously decide not to date people of a particular race wouldn't that make you a racist?

How about if you don't date people outside your sex? Would that make you a sexist? Or does your lack of logic fall apart when confronted by the inherent contradictions of your position?

Yes obviously that would be racist.

Yes, technically that is sexist. You're right. The same logic applies.
You are a typical liberal,. One who is dire need to label others while excluding yourself from any and all criticism.
if one deliberately associates, dates, mates, marries people JUST BECAUSE they are of another race, THAT too is racist...
My niece dates black men only. She is Caucasian. That makes her a racist....Using YOUR logic.
Lol how am I excluding myself from all criticism? What are you even talking about? You people crack me up.

If your niece found black men more attractive than other men, yes that is by definition racist.

I had a rather unusual situation in that my father was a civil rights leader in the 40's and 50's until his death in the mid 60's. In the early 70's I got a job offer to teach at an historically black college and took it.

Very interesting commentary overall. (Pardon the trimming for brevity.)

Considering your father's activity and the social attitudes during your youth (post-1960s) it is easy to understand your orientation. But presuming your father was wholly Caucasian I am curious as to what shaped his social attitudes during the declining but actively discriminating Jim Crow era.

If you consciously refuse to date people outside of your race that is by definition racist. :cuckoo:

It doesn't get more complicated than that.

If you consciously decide not to date people of a particular race wouldn't that make you a racist?

How about if you don't date people outside your sex? Would that make you a sexist? Or does your lack of logic fall apart when confronted by the inherent contradictions of your position?

Yes obviously that would be racist.

Yes, technically that is sexist. You're right. The same logic applies.
You are a typical liberal,. One who is dire need to label others while excluding yourself from any and all criticism.
if one deliberately associates, dates, mates, marries people JUST BECAUSE they are of another race, THAT too is racist...
My niece dates black men only. She is Caucasian. That makes her a racist....Using YOUR logic.
Lol how am I excluding myself from all criticism? What are you even talking about? You people crack me up.

If your niece found black men more attractive than other men, yes that is by definition racist.
It certainly is not


[rey-siz-uh m]
a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

Why do you liberal nutcases insist on stretching the meaning of the word?

I prefer hot little blondes, certainly doesn't mean I think they are superior to brunettes and redheads and should rule over them...
I dated one black girl, one time. It truly felt like I was with another species and she was really good looking.
Technically not a different species, but rather a different sub-species (a more academically correct designation than "race").

My definition of "racism" is feeling absolutely superior to and harboring utter contempt for other racial categories. If you harbor those feelings but were interested in the Black and the Filipino girls only for sexual purposes I would consider you a racist. But if that was not the case, and if you were turned off because of, as you've stated, cultural differences, I believe that to be perfectly normal, natural, and to be expected.

The physical differences (pigmentation, facial and other features) of the various racial categories are entirely superficial indicators. They are merely visual signals. The real and substantive ethnic differences are cultural -- behavioral.
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I dated one black girl, one time. It truly felt like I was with another species and she was really good looking.
Technically not a different species, but rather a different sub-species (a more academically correct designation than "race").

My definition of "racism" is feeling absolutely superior to and harboring utter contempt for other racial categories. If you harbor those feelings but were interested in the Black and the Filipino girls only for sexual purposes I would consider you a racist. But if that was not the case, and if you were turned off because of, as you've stated, cultural differences, I believe that to be perfectly normal, natural, and to be expected.

The physical differences (pigmentation, facial and other features) of the various racial categories are entirely superficial indicators. They are merely visual signals. The real and substantive ethnic differences are cultural -- behavioral.

Genetics permeates our entire existence and so race is not merely a difference in appearance. When you point to cultural-behavioral differences you imply that they're something apart from physical differences and this isn't entirely correct. Some cultural behaviors are entirely learned and can be changed via different environmental influences but other behaviors are heritable and so are far more stubborn to change.

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