Slate: You are a racist if you don't date other races

My half brother finds white women unattractive. All of them. He has never dated a white woman. His first wife was black and he is now married to a Chinese national. Is he a racist?

If you consciously refuse to date people outside of your race that is by definition racist. :cuckoo:

It doesn't get more complicated than that.

If you consciously decide not to date people of a particular race wouldn't that make you a racist?

How about if you don't date people outside your sex? Would that make you a sexist? Or does your lack of logic fall apart when confronted by the inherent contradictions of your position?
Lets see, I banged every "race" of women except a black chic, but only found a few that were attractive anyway.

I hope all the gooks and beaneritas count for something.

Oh wait, I don't give a shit what bed wetters are programmed to "think" about racism.

I just saw some fine ass that needed tapping.

It's only thanks to the bed wetters I had to account for "race".

Funny thing is they are all pink inside.

If you consciously refuse to date people outside of your race that is by definition racist. :cuckoo:

It doesn't get more complicated than that.

If you consciously decide not to date people of a particular race wouldn't that make you a racist?

How about if you don't date people outside your sex? Would that make you a sexist? Or does your lack of logic fall apart when confronted by the inherent contradictions of your position?

Yes obviously that would be racist.

Yes, technically that is sexist. You're right. The same logic applies.
Clearly there is a difference between REFUSING to date people of other cultures vs. not finding them attractive.

This post is trying to manipulate the definition of the word "racism", the writer clearly didn't think it through. Or maybe they did and wanted drama, like the OP.

Clearly the question is will you refuse to date someone if they are a different color/tone based on their color/tone?

If you are questioning yourself on whether or not to date someone and color/tone comes into the question, you are a racist. And this is the point of the writer. If you are attracted to someone, color/tone does not and should not matter. "She is so fun and so awesome, but she is black and my parents won't accept me dating her!"....Racism.

That's odd. Liberals were against interracial marriage. Now they are encouraging it.


What planet were you on when liberals were against interracial marriage.

I wasn't born when the passed them. So I was in the great beyond.

In December 1912 and January 1913, Representative Seaborn Roddenbery (Democrat of Georgia) again introduced a proposal in the United States House of Representatives to insert a prohibition of miscegenation into the US Constitution and thus create a nationwide ban on interracial marriage. According to the wording of the proposed amendment, "Intermarriage between negros or persons of color and Caucasians... within the United States... is forever prohibited." Roddenbery's proposal was more severe because it defined the racial boundary between whites and "persons of color" by applying the one-drop rule. In his proposed amendment, anyone with "any trace of African or Negro blood" was banned from marrying a white spouse.
Roddenbery's proposed amendment was also a direct reaction to African American heavyweight champion Jack Johnson's marriages to white women, first to Etta Duryea and then to Lucille Cameron. In 1908, Johnson had become the first black boxing world champion, having beaten Tommy Burns. After his victory, the search was on for a white boxer, a "Great White Hope", to beat Johnson. Those hopes were dashed in 1910, when Johnson beat former world champion Jim Jeffries. This victory ignited race riots all over America as frustrated whites attacked celebrating African Americans.[20] Johnson's marriages to and affairs with white women further infuriated white Americans. In his speech introducing his bill before the United States Congress, Roddenbery compared the marriage of Johnson and Cameron to the enslavement of white women, and warned of future civil war that would ensue if interracial marriage was not made illegal nationwide:
No brutality, no infamy, no degradation in all the years of southern slavery, possessed such villainious character and such atrocious qualities as the provision of the laws of Illinois, Massachusetts, and other states which allow the marriage of the negro, Jack Johnson, to a woman of Caucasian strain. [applause]. Gentleman, I offer this resolution ... that the States of the Union may have an opportunity to ratifty it. ...
Intermarriage between whites and blacks is repulsive and averse to every sentiment of pure American spirit. It is abhorrent and repugnant to the very principles of Saxon government. It is subversive of social peace. It is destructive of moral supremacy, and ultimately this slavery of white women to black beasts will bring this nation a conflict as fatal as ever reddened the soil of Virginia or crimsoned the mountain paths of Pennsylvania.
... Let us uproot and exterminate now this debasing, ultra-demoralizing, un-American and inhuman leprosy —Congressional Record, 62d. Congr., 3d. Sess., December 11, 1912, pp. 502–503

Anti-miscegenation laws in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Clearly there is a difference between REFUSING to date people of other cultures vs. not finding them attractive.

This post is trying to manipulate the definition of the word "racism", the writer clearly didn't think it through. Or maybe they did and wanted drama, like the OP.

Clearly the question is will you refuse to date someone if they are a different color/tone based on their color/tone?

If you are questioning yourself on whether or not to date someone and color/tone comes into the question, you are a racist. And this is the point of the writer. If you are attracted to someone, color/tone does not and should not matter. "She is so fun and so awesome, but she is black and my parents won't accept me dating her!"....Racism.

There's no question the writer wanted drama, as bed wetters seek to drive wedges into the racial boundaries they've establish. The left has to maintain that animosity, it's part of the power foundation.

The OP may want "drama", but exposing the insipid rants of a bed wetter does nothing to marginalize the fact that the left are the arbiters of racial hatred and animosity, not people looking for deliverance from it.
That's odd. Liberals were against interracial marriage. Now they are encouraging it.


What planet were you on when liberals were against interracial marriage.

I wasn't born when the passed them. So I was in the great beyond.

In December 1912 and January 1913, Representative Seaborn Roddenbery (Democrat of Georgia) again introduced a proposal in the United States House of Representatives to insert a prohibition of miscegenation into the US Constitution and thus create a nationwide ban on interracial marriage. According to the wording of the proposed amendment, "Intermarriage between negros or persons of color and Caucasians... within the United States... is forever prohibited." Roddenbery's proposal was more severe because it defined the racial boundary between whites and "persons of color" by applying the one-drop rule. In his proposed amendment, anyone with "any trace of African or Negro blood" was banned from marrying a white spouse.
Roddenbery's proposed amendment was also a direct reaction to African American heavyweight champion Jack Johnson's marriages to white women, first to Etta Duryea and then to Lucille Cameron. In 1908, Johnson had become the first black boxing world champion, having beaten Tommy Burns. After his victory, the search was on for a white boxer, a "Great White Hope", to beat Johnson. Those hopes were dashed in 1910, when Johnson beat former world champion Jim Jeffries. This victory ignited race riots all over America as frustrated whites attacked celebrating African Americans.[20] Johnson's marriages to and affairs with white women further infuriated white Americans. In his speech introducing his bill before the United States Congress, Roddenbery compared the marriage of Johnson and Cameron to the enslavement of white women, and warned of future civil war that would ensue if interracial marriage was not made illegal nationwide:
No brutality, no infamy, no degradation in all the years of southern slavery, possessed such villainious character and such atrocious qualities as the provision of the laws of Illinois, Massachusetts, and other states which allow the marriage of the negro, Jack Johnson, to a woman of Caucasian strain. [applause]. Gentleman, I offer this resolution ... that the States of the Union may have an opportunity to ratifty it. ...
Intermarriage between whites and blacks is repulsive and averse to every sentiment of pure American spirit. It is abhorrent and repugnant to the very principles of Saxon government. It is subversive of social peace. It is destructive of moral supremacy, and ultimately this slavery of white women to black beasts will bring this nation a conflict as fatal as ever reddened the soil of Virginia or crimsoned the mountain paths of Pennsylvania.
... Let us uproot and exterminate now this debasing, ultra-demoralizing, un-American and inhuman leprosy —Congressional Record, 62d. Congr., 3d. Sess., December 11, 1912, pp. 502–503

Anti-miscegenation laws in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Right - well, here's the thing. If you have to time travel to make your point? Don't bother.
You are not a racist if you won't date outside of your race. Then again, the term 'racist' has been so watered down and used as a weapon by every race, I don't know what it means anymore.
You people are letting the negative connotations interfere with your understanding of the definition of racism. Whether or not it is morally wrong to only date your race or certain races is irrelevant. The defintion of racism is the belief that one or more races is inferior in some context.

For instance, even though I have nothing against the hispanic race in general, I still find black women more attractive than Hispanic women. That, by defintion, is racist.
You people are letting the negative connotations interfere with your understanding of the definition of racism. Whether or not it is morally wrong to only date your race or certain races is irrelevant. The defintion of racism is the belief that one or more races is inferior in some context.

For instance, even though I have nothing against the hispanic race in general, I still find black women more attractive than Hispanic women. That, by defintion, is racist.

What do you mean "you people"?

You are not a racist if you won't date outside of your race. Then again, the term 'racist' has been so watered down and used as a weapon by every race, I don't know what it means anymore.

Nor do the bed wetters who regurgitate the word every time they lose an argument.
What planet were you on when liberals were against interracial marriage.

I wasn't born when the passed them. So I was in the great beyond.

In December 1912 and January 1913, Representative Seaborn Roddenbery (Democrat of Georgia) again introduced a proposal in the United States House of Representatives to insert a prohibition of miscegenation into the US Constitution and thus create a nationwide ban on interracial marriage. According to the wording of the proposed amendment, "Intermarriage between negros or persons of color and Caucasians... within the United States... is forever prohibited." Roddenbery's proposal was more severe because it defined the racial boundary between whites and "persons of color" by applying the one-drop rule. In his proposed amendment, anyone with "any trace of African or Negro blood" was banned from marrying a white spouse.
Roddenbery's proposed amendment was also a direct reaction to African American heavyweight champion Jack Johnson's marriages to white women, first to Etta Duryea and then to Lucille Cameron. In 1908, Johnson had become the first black boxing world champion, having beaten Tommy Burns. After his victory, the search was on for a white boxer, a "Great White Hope", to beat Johnson. Those hopes were dashed in 1910, when Johnson beat former world champion Jim Jeffries. This victory ignited race riots all over America as frustrated whites attacked celebrating African Americans.[20] Johnson's marriages to and affairs with white women further infuriated white Americans. In his speech introducing his bill before the United States Congress, Roddenbery compared the marriage of Johnson and Cameron to the enslavement of white women, and warned of future civil war that would ensue if interracial marriage was not made illegal nationwide:
No brutality, no infamy, no degradation in all the years of southern slavery, possessed such villainious character and such atrocious qualities as the provision of the laws of Illinois, Massachusetts, and other states which allow the marriage of the negro, Jack Johnson, to a woman of Caucasian strain. [applause]. Gentleman, I offer this resolution ... that the States of the Union may have an opportunity to ratifty it. ...
Intermarriage between whites and blacks is repulsive and averse to every sentiment of pure American spirit. It is abhorrent and repugnant to the very principles of Saxon government. It is subversive of social peace. It is destructive of moral supremacy, and ultimately this slavery of white women to black beasts will bring this nation a conflict as fatal as ever reddened the soil of Virginia or crimsoned the mountain paths of Pennsylvania.
... Let us uproot and exterminate now this debasing, ultra-demoralizing, un-American and inhuman leprosy —Congressional Record, 62d. Congr., 3d. Sess., December 11, 1912, pp. 502–503
Anti-miscegenation laws in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Right - well, here's the thing. If you have to time travel to make your point? Don't bother.

Uhh, sorry. Those bills have your party's name written all over them. Democrats were against interracial marriage.

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