SJW "teachers"


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
Anyone else had a social justice warrior for a teacher in college? It seems to me, actually its pretty evident that these kinds of teachers are the ones that are homosexuals,feminists,cultural marxists etc that DESPISE when their goal of brainwashing strong minded students with their filth fails. They take their garbage so seriously that they try and fail you on purpose...I am being REQUIRED to take a intro to sociology class which is about is boring and pointless as any class I have taken, and the teacher is obviously a feminist homosexual female. She whines the SAME THING every time I turn a paper in..literally my goal is to get 600 points out of the 1000 you can get just to pass the class with a D. My other class is a Legal System in America and as long as you do the papers and discussions the teacher is pretty cool. I am seeing a theme with these kinds of cultural marxist classes, the DIEversity class I was made to take was same kind of teacher, I actually ended up on academic probation for telling the truth about cultural marxism and homosexuality and feminism etc because I was supposed to pick one and cheer the positives about one of them....I really pissed the teacher off with that one.
I was a physics major, so mainly just a bunch of nerds. That was back in the 80s, too. I don't recall so many useless prerequisite courses as they make you take these days either.
I was a physics major, so mainly just a bunch of nerds. That was back in the 80s, too. I don't recall so many useless prerequisite courses as they make you take these days either.
Yeah my mother doesn't remember much of the crap we are made to take nowadays either. She graduated with bachelors in 99 and masters in 2009. Course she went to a Christian college as well. I swear half the stuff I take has NOTHING to do with political science and its so frustrating to see these schools literally making us take these classes just to get more money from the government which I in return am expected to pay back!

When I was in college, the teachers were all shoving Kissinger down our throats in Political science courses. SJW nonsense would not appear for another 40 years or more.
I took a writing for publication course in college. I figured it would be easy since I had already been published. The teacher gave us an assignment to take LSD and write about our unlocked creativity. I refused. A refusal for the exercise was a failure for the course. I withdrew.
Anyone else had a social justice warrior for a teacher in college? It seems to me, actually its pretty evident that these kinds of teachers are the ones that are homosexuals,feminists,cultural marxists etc that DESPISE when their goal of brainwashing strong minded students with their filth fails. They take their garbage so seriously that they try and fail you on purpose...I am being REQUIRED to take a intro to sociology class which is about is boring and pointless as any class I have taken, and the teacher is obviously a feminist homosexual female. She whines the SAME THING every time I turn a paper in..literally my goal is to get 600 points out of the 1000 you can get just to pass the class with a D. My other class is a Legal System in America and as long as you do the papers and discussions the teacher is pretty cool. I am seeing a theme with these kinds of cultural marxist classes, the DIEversity class I was made to take was same kind of teacher, I actually ended up on academic probation for telling the truth about cultural marxism and homosexuality and feminism etc because I was supposed to pick one and cheer the positives about one of them....I really pissed the teacher off with that one.

There is no doubt these teachers exist, mostly in college, and mostly in the predicted majors/disciplines.

The problems on this board start when people assume that every single teacher in America--including the sweet first grade teacher sitting down the pew from you every Sunday--is exactly like the professor above. Which is fundamentally stupid, but you know. Brainwashing is not just a Leftist phenomenon, believe me.
Anyone else had a social justice warrior for a teacher in college? It seems to me, actually its pretty evident that these kinds of teachers are the ones that are homosexuals,feminists,cultural marxists etc that DESPISE when their goal of brainwashing strong minded students with their filth fails. They take their garbage so seriously that they try and fail you on purpose...I am being REQUIRED to take a intro to sociology class which is about is boring and pointless as any class I have taken, and the teacher is obviously a feminist homosexual female. She whines the SAME THING every time I turn a paper in..literally my goal is to get 600 points out of the 1000 you can get just to pass the class with a D. My other class is a Legal System in America and as long as you do the papers and discussions the teacher is pretty cool. I am seeing a theme with these kinds of cultural marxist classes, the DIEversity class I was made to take was same kind of teacher, I actually ended up on academic probation for telling the truth about cultural marxism and homosexuality and feminism etc because I was supposed to pick one and cheer the positives about one of them....I really pissed the teacher off with that one.
Kid, you have so much to learn.
Anyone else had a social justice warrior for a teacher in college? It seems to me, actually its pretty evident that these kinds of teachers are the ones that are homosexuals,feminists,cultural marxists etc that DESPISE when their goal of brainwashing strong minded students with their filth fails. They take their garbage so seriously that they try and fail you on purpose...I am being REQUIRED to take a intro to sociology class which is about is boring and pointless as any class I have taken, and the teacher is obviously a feminist homosexual female. She whines the SAME THING every time I turn a paper in..literally my goal is to get 600 points out of the 1000 you can get just to pass the class with a D. My other class is a Legal System in America and as long as you do the papers and discussions the teacher is pretty cool. I am seeing a theme with these kinds of cultural marxist classes, the DIEversity class I was made to take was same kind of teacher, I actually ended up on academic probation for telling the truth about cultural marxism and homosexuality and feminism etc because I was supposed to pick one and cheer the positives about one of them....I really pissed the teacher off with that one.
Kid, you have so much to learn.

Can you expand on what you clearly disagree on Tommy?
Anyone else had a social justice warrior for a teacher in college? It seems to me, actually its pretty evident that these kinds of teachers are the ones that are homosexuals,feminists,cultural marxists etc that DESPISE when their goal of brainwashing strong minded students with their filth fails. They take their garbage so seriously that they try and fail you on purpose...I am being REQUIRED to take a intro to sociology class which is about is boring and pointless as any class I have taken, and the teacher is obviously a feminist homosexual female. She whines the SAME THING every time I turn a paper in..literally my goal is to get 600 points out of the 1000 you can get just to pass the class with a D. My other class is a Legal System in America and as long as you do the papers and discussions the teacher is pretty cool. I am seeing a theme with these kinds of cultural marxist classes, the DIEversity class I was made to take was same kind of teacher, I actually ended up on academic probation for telling the truth about cultural marxism and homosexuality and feminism etc because I was supposed to pick one and cheer the positives about one of them....I really pissed the teacher off with that one.
Kid, you have so much to learn.
Who the hell are you to say?
I wanted to actually learn things so I never did College-kollidge. I did trade things, some mechanical engineering classes, real estate, veterinary assistant, auto body,Colorado school of trades gunsmithing,Florida master gardeners classes.
Stupid shit you can earn well on without any or damn few "yes sirs".I got tossed from the Yes Sir crap for beating the fuck out of a second leu. He kneed me in the balls because I laughed at him. No jail time. Just dishonorable(later retracted because the guy WAS a POS to many others too) Looking back I should have killed him.He was only one punch shy of a crushed windpipe.

Most of my friends(instructors) back then were WW2 and Korean era guys who would have tossed todays "teachers' in front of a fast moving vehicle.Great bunch of smart dudes but very demanding.... you listen up(even though you were paying THEM).You aint here to learn ? Get the fuck out kinds guys.
Some of the guys in class were Vietnam rejects there for the socialism check so they could do drugs and "study" instead of work/work. The early era guys wanted no part of those idiots.
My Criminal Law professor was openly an admitted anarchist. :auiqs.jpg:
LMAO that's interesting choice of career and political affiliation
I took a writing for publication course in college. I figured it would be easy since I had already been published. The teacher gave us an assignment to take LSD and write about our unlocked creativity. I refused. A refusal for the exercise was a failure for the course. I withdrew.
Holy did they get away with that?
My Criminal Law professor was openly an admitted anarchist. :auiqs.jpg:
LMAO that's interesting choice of career and political affiliation
I took a writing for publication course in college. I figured it would be easy since I had already been published. The teacher gave us an assignment to take LSD and write about our unlocked creativity. I refused. A refusal for the exercise was a failure for the course. I withdrew.
Holy did they get away with that?
I have no idea. It was the 70s so there is that.
I wanted to actually learn things so I never did College-kollidge. I did trade things, some mechanical engineering classes, real estate, veterinary assistant, auto body,Colorado school of trades gunsmithing,Florida master gardeners classes.
Stupid shit you can earn well on without any or damn few "yes sirs".I got tossed from the Yes Sir crap for beating the fuck out of a second leu. He kneed me in the balls because I laughed at him. No jail time. Just dishonorable(later retracted because the guy WAS a POS to many others too) Looking back I should have killed him.He was only one punch shy of a crushed windpipe.

Most of my friends(instructors) back then were WW2 and Korean era guys who would have tossed todays "teachers' in front of a fast moving vehicle.Great bunch of smart dudes but very demanding.... you listen up(even though you were paying THEM).You aint here to learn ? Get the fuck out kinds guys.
Some of the guys in class were Vietnam rejects there for the socialism check so they could do drugs and "study" instead of work/work. The early era guys wanted no part of those idiots.

The best teachers have high expectations of their students because they believe they can do it and they love their subject matter. In the end--even if it takes years--students understand this and respect them for it. Anything less for students is ultimately demeaning.
I went a secondary modern school in the early 70s, it prepared me in some ways to the reality of life that I have come to expect in a manual working career, harshness, violence, no sympathy.
The headmaster was an ex priest, he was a stickler for rules to which I and others came to learn, although he was a small man he had a physical education teacher to dish out the cane and bully those he felt needing it.
My wife and I were in town only a few years ago and I spotted him, to which I stood in front of him and said “hello sir” I pulled out my hand to shake his. “Ah Batty isn’t it?” “Yes sir” I replied. All those bloody years ago the rotten little shit remembered me!
Anyone else had a social justice warrior for a teacher in college? It seems to me, actually its pretty evident that these kinds of teachers are the ones that are homosexuals,feminists,cultural marxists etc that DESPISE when their goal of brainwashing strong minded students with their filth fails. They take their garbage so seriously that they try and fail you on purpose...I am being REQUIRED to take a intro to sociology class which is about is boring and pointless as any class I have taken, and the teacher is obviously a feminist homosexual female. She whines the SAME THING every time I turn a paper in..literally my goal is to get 600 points out of the 1000 you can get just to pass the class with a D. My other class is a Legal System in America and as long as you do the papers and discussions the teacher is pretty cool. I am seeing a theme with these kinds of cultural marxist classes, the DIEversity class I was made to take was same kind of teacher, I actually ended up on academic probation for telling the truth about cultural marxism and homosexuality and feminism etc because I was supposed to pick one and cheer the positives about one of them....I really pissed the teacher off with that one.
I had a few. My favorite was your typical Leftist praising the glories of socialism while bashing the ills of America. My only regret is not seeing her face when she found the Nixon/Agnew bumper sticker on her Porsche (yes, the socialist America basher had a Porsche) that had somehow attached itself to her bumper *cough*

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