Six Times White People Were Shot By Police And No One Cared


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2017
This is another one of those topics where lefties will have to evade or attack the source, since they probably won't be going after content. Let's see:

Most of the time, people will simply be arrested wether they are White or Black. Actual shooting and then killing is the anomaly in both cases. Yet because the numbers for black people are higher all cops are racist pigs and the system inherently racist.
The double standard is... innocent white person gets shot, then definately a mistake. Black person gets shot, it couldn't possibly be a mistake, definately racism.
Here is a snippet

"Parker: I would take the anti-police crowd seriously if they demonstrated a consistent outrage over police shootings and killings. It’s an insane and indefensible position to seek police reform by way of removing their budget or firearms, but at least we would know they mean it. Case in point, have they ever marched or protested on behalf of white Americans? There is no shortage of opportunities. While about 200 blacks are killed each year by police, that number is closer to 400 for whites. You and I will break down six cases that, had the victims been black, would have sparked international outrage."

More in link
The double standard is... innocent white person gets shot, then definately a mistake. Black person gets shot, it couldn't possibly be a mistake, definately racism.
Murder is murder. Race or racially motivated politics might be involved in the hate that leads to the act of murder, but the essential elements of the crime, mens rea, actus reus, & noxa rea all remain the same.
whites are shot a lot more per capita/crime.....blacks commit crime/etc at much higher rates...
..police do a GREAT job at NOT shooting black criminals
...they commit murder at FOUR times the rate of whites..commit crime at much higher rates -- don't calculate per population--because when police do not interact with a black or white, that's EQUAL--can't be valued into the's calculated on interactions
I have to think that most murders are preventable. It starts with hiring the right people, then accused can do themselves a big favor and not resist or try and be heroes believing that somehow if they run they will be free. It's a problem when you have distrusted, often unaccountable officers, and a society that is raised to hate and defy authority.

The worst decision a perp can make is to fight or to run. First, your chances of getting away are slim at best, second, you place everyone in a bad position. When someone is chasing you they now have to worry about their own safety, especially if running at night. It cannot end well for the criminal, it's not a game of tag, the guy chasing you has a gun. Just comply, deal with it in court. The police might even be honest with the judge and let them know you were fully compliant.

That said, there have been some horrific murders by police. One was livestreamed by a guys girlfriend when the guy was upfront with the office and told him "I have a registered gun" and then the cop demanded his licence and registration and the guy calmly reached for it and was shot multiple times in the chest. The cop became scared when he reached, afraid he might have his gun on him. So, why in the hell did you ask for his license if you were afraid of what he might be hiding? Complete idiot.

For me, it's a clip I won't be able to strip from my mind. This guy was complying and was now sitting their struggling to breath and he died. If I recall the officer was hispanic and the murdered man was black. Since this didn't fit the narrative (racist white cop), it didn't receive mass media attention it deserved.

If that officer is still a cop, God help his community. Bad guys are bad news, but bad cops (and those who cover for them) are the most dangerous.
You can dismiss the protests all you want but the protests are making positive changes that will be positive for everyone.
This is another one of those topics where lefties will have to evade or attack the source, since they probably won't be going after content. Let's see:

So...what you are saying is that white people don't care when white people are killed by the police. Is that an inbred lack of empathy?
I have to think that most murders are preventable. It starts with hiring the right people, then accused can do themselves a big favor and not resist or try and be heroes believing that somehow if they run they will be free. It's a problem when you have distrusted, often unaccountable officers, and a society that is raised to hate and defy authority.

The worst decision a perp can make is to fight or to run. First, your chances of getting away are slim at best, second, you place everyone in a bad position. When someone is chasing you they now have to worry about their own safety, especially if running at night. It cannot end well for the criminal, it's not a game of tag, the guy chasing you has a gun. Just comply, deal with it in court. The police might even be honest with the judge and let them know you were fully compliant.

That said, there have been some horrific murders by police. One was livestreamed by a guys girlfriend when the guy was upfront with the office and told him "I have a registered gun" and then the cop demanded his licence and registration and the guy calmly reached for it and was shot multiple times in the chest. The cop became scared when he reached, afraid he might have his gun on him. So, why in the hell did you ask for his license if you were afraid of what he might be hiding? Complete idiot.

For me, it's a clip I won't be able to strip from my mind. This guy was complying and was now sitting their struggling to breath and he died. If I recall the officer was hispanic and the murdered man was black. Since this didn't fit the narrative (racist white cop), it didn't receive mass media attention it deserved.

If that officer is still a cop, God help his community. Bad guys are bad news, but bad cops (and those who cover for them) are the most dangerous.
....we've been over this many times--police shootings/mistakes/etc are not unavoidable---you know why don't you? they are HUMANS!!!!!!!
..there is no problem of police killing people---it's in my thread on it
....there are 10 MILLION arrests per year
MILLIONS MORE traffic stops
...the one USMB poster really fked up when he said taser confusion is avoidable--and he said there were 4 taser confusion deaths every 5 YEARS= that's one for every 50 MILLION arrests=
please every one read that--one of every 50 MILLION arrests---not counting traffic stops or contacts
This is another one of those topics where lefties will have to evade or attack the source, since they probably won't be going after content. Let's see:

When white people shot there is rarely an outcry because immediate action his taken by authorities. Excuses are not made, there is no coverup. Justice is swift.

Not so much when a black person is shot by mistake.
This is another one of those topics where lefties will have to evade or attack the source, since they probably won't be going after content. Let's see:

The reason for this is there aren’t many activist groups that feel whites are mistreated by cops so when a white is shot by a cop there isn’t a foundation of people to use it to promote their cause. Blacks on the other hand have experienced generations of abuse by law enforcement on many levels. There are many activist groups fighting for equal justice and accountability for power abuse. So when there is a shooting or death it stimulates engagement. Make sense?
This is another one of those topics where lefties will have to evade or attack the source, since they probably won't be going after content. Let's see:

When white people shot there is rarely an outcry because immediate action his taken by authorities. Excuses are not made, there is no coverup. Justice is swift.

Not so much when a black person is shot by mistake.
Can you substantiate this? I am seeing quite the opposite. What do you dispute from the article?
This is another one of those topics where lefties will have to evade or attack the source, since they probably won't be going after content. Let's see:

When white people shot there is rarely an outcry because immediate action his taken by authorities. Excuses are not made, there is no coverup. Justice is swift.

Not so much when a black person is shot by mistake.
wrong--we've been over this before
..Justine Damond was doing NOTHING wrong --shot by a BLACK cop July 2017....not charged until Mar 2018 --white lady holding a BABY!!!!!! -shot by cop- not guilty are so FULL of shit saying that crap about whites
This is another one of those topics where lefties will have to evade or attack the source, since they probably won't be going after content. Let's see:

When white people shot there is rarely an outcry because immediate action his taken by authorities. Excuses are not made, there is no coverup. Justice is swift.

Not so much when a black person is shot by mistake.
Can you substantiate this? I am seeing quite the opposite. What do you dispute from the article?
no he can't --he's babbling shit
This is another one of those topics where lefties will have to evade or attack the source, since they probably won't be going after content. Let's see:

No evasion necessary. Just your righteous outrage.

"Officers said they heard yelling and saw a man in a black shirt. He was armed with a gun, and officers told the man to drop the weapon, according to the statement".
"The statement continued: "Ultimately, officers and deputies determined that the man that had been shot was not the suspect male but was actually the resident of that address."

So here's the deal. The cop will probably skate since the victim was are you complaining about again?

Oh, say, here's one that you righties should be able to get behind. Man, just a short search for shootings in Idaho brings up a crapload of them...until you remember that Idaho is basically the Wild West. :)

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