Six Reasons to Panic

I tend to be a bit conspiracy minded. I think this virus was purposely let in so the CDC could sequence and patent it. I'll panic when they begin forced vaccinations. I really don't think this disease IS going to be a problem. I think it can be isolated and taken care of w/o some big corporation injecting chemical adjuncts and poisoning the whole population unnecessarily.

All the radicals and leftists tell us there is no cause for concern. Then when the statist goons come out and tell us we must comply, and we shove that same argument back in their faces, what will they say?

Well, fuck them. If there is no reason to panic now, they can take their vaccines and shove them up their ass.

Oh my. The incredible mind of the 'Conservative'. So, polio was let in so the government could poison us all with the vaccine that almost all citizens got? 1952, 3000 deaths, 60,000 ill with polio, many crippled for life. And that evil government vaccinated us all, and now the number of polio case in the US can be counted on the fingers of your hands.

You are a complete idiot, my freind. It amazes me you find your way out of the bed in the morning.

You don't know anything about the Polio Vaccine do you?

Jonas Salk was philosophically opposed to the idea of "patenting" a medication and restricting it's availability to save lives so that he could get rich. By some estimates, he lost out on some 6 to 8 billion dollars. What a schmuck, eh? Too bad the government didn't have it's shit together then, they supported his research. They could have profited nicely. What they could have done with that money.

Well, actually, with the financial shape this nation is in? Not much.

But these greedy statists don't give a shit about the lives of little people. Anything to make a buck.

And I'm not your "freind." I'm an idiot huh? Idiots are the ones that believe everything they are told but don't bother to question or research that which defies common sense. Do your dogs and cats have chronic allergies? Do the animals of the woods? THINK ABOUT IT.

It's not the vaccine that is poisonous. It's that adjuncts that they put in modern vaccines to keep them storage safe, it is what they put in them for mass production.

Do you have any idea what is in modern day, mass produced vaccines?

Do you happen to know anyone that has allergy problems? I'll bet you do. As a matter of fact, I'm willing to bet, you have allergy problems yourself.

200 years ago, allergy problems, asthma, these things were unknown. Vaccines CAUSE these problems. And as we pile on MORE vaccines to our regimen, we get more chronic health problems.

Vaccines Cause Allergies – Dr. Dave Mihalovic
Vaccines Cause Allergies 8211 Dr. Dave Mihalovic The Refusers

City Kids Are More Likely To Have Food Allergies Here s The True Cause

Vaccines Cause Allergies

Recent evidence indicates that routine childhood vaccinations contribute to the emergence of chronic allergic problems such as eczema, ear infections, and asthma. A growing number of scientists and physicians maintain that most standard vaccinations permanently disturb the developing immune system, setting the stage for hypersensitive reactions to foods and other common substances. In fact, childhood illnesses such as measles, mumps, and whooping cough may actually reduce the risk of allergy, says Konrad Kail, N.D.

Vaccines clog our lymphatic system and lymph nodes with large protein molecules which have not been adequately broken down by our digestive processes, since vaccines by pass digestion with injections. This is why vaccines are linked to allergies, because they contain large proteins which as circulating immune complexes (CICs) or "klinkers" which cause our body to become allergic.

Approximately 20 percent of children may outgrow their allergies, but with the increased frequency of recommended vaccines before the age of 3, severe allergic reactions will likely increase.

BTW, why do you think I'm a Conservative?

The Conservatives call me a Liberal . . . . :badgrin:
I tend to be a bit conspiracy minded. I think this virus was purposely let in so the CDC could sequence and patent it. I'll panic when they begin forced vaccinations. I really don't think this disease IS going to be a problem. I think it can be isolated and taken care of w/o some big corporation injecting chemical adjuncts and poisoning the whole population unnecessarily.

All the radicals and leftists tell us there is no cause for concern. Then when the statist goons come out and tell us we must comply, and we shove that same argument back in their faces, what will they say?

Well, fuck them. If there is no reason to panic now, they can take their vaccines and shove them up their ass.

To a Liberal, Ebola no threat even if the government treats it as a threat, Global warming of one degree, time for panic and upheaval of our way of life. Not theirs of course, ours.

You dumb fuck. We will, if the Canadians have not already done it, find a vaccine for Ebola, and it will cease to be a threat. There is no fix for the changes that the increased GHGs in our atmosphere will cause. As far as upheaval in our way of life, you really think that using source of electrical generation that does not spew mercury, arsenic, and uranium into the air will lead to harm? The CO2 we have put into the atmosphere will be there for generations. And the effects we are seeing at present are the results of the GHGs in the air 30 years ago. There is a good deal of inertia in our climatic system, so what we have today won't be fully felt until about 2050.

You mean as they have found a cure for AIDS? Who knows how long it might take and anything I hear out of Canada I take with a grain of salt.

I like it warmer, less death, less energy consumption in the winter, longer growing seasons, cold brings death, ask a dinosaur.
Putting the possibilities together can scare you.

For example; 101st is deployed to Liberia out of Ft Campbell. I work at Ft Campbell. When they return some may be infected and not put into quarantine until after they are symptomatic. Meanwhile they'll be spreading the virus in bathrooms and our sewage system which leads into our creeks and rivers. I even have to perform maintenance on their heating and air-conditioning systems. So I'll be at risk, personally. Any of those people use public transportation they'll spread it everywhere they go.

Now I don't hate life. I'd like to hang around for awhile longer. Sorry.
Putting the possibilities together can scare you.

For example; 101st is deployed to Liberia out of Ft Campbell. I work at Ft Campbell. When they return some may be infected and not put into quarantine until after they are symptomatic. Meanwhile they'll be spreading the virus in bathrooms and our sewage system which leads into our creeks and rivers. I even have to perform maintenance on their heating and air-conditioning systems. So I'll be at risk, personally. Any of those people use public transportation they'll spread it everywhere they go.

Now I don't hate life. I'd like to hang around for awhile longer. Sorry.

How long can the virus live outside the body?
Putting the possibilities together can scare you.

For example; 101st is deployed to Liberia out of Ft Campbell. I work at Ft Campbell. When they return some may be infected and not put into quarantine until after they are symptomatic. Meanwhile they'll be spreading the virus in bathrooms and our sewage system which leads into our creeks and rivers. I even have to perform maintenance on their heating and air-conditioning systems. So I'll be at risk, personally. Any of those people use public transportation they'll spread it everywhere they go.

Now I don't hate life. I'd like to hang around for awhile longer. Sorry.

How long can the virus live outside the body?

They don't know or won't tell us. I've caught respiratory inflections from air-handlers with standing water and warm temperatures.

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