Sinema switches to independent, shaking up the Senate, won't say if she's running for reelection but doesn't expect a change in way Senate operates

Kristen Sinema just announced she’s leaving the Democrat Party, and registering as an Independent. That shakes things up! I love it! things are gonna change in american politics

Sinema must have finally come to the conclusion that these days you can't be a Democrat & a liberal.
They don't stand for the working class & the thinking blue collars know it.
The wokester/progressive (regressive) ideology has taken over & it is the opposite of true liberalism.
They don't support freedom of speech, individual rights, small business or respect for other views.
Anyone claiming Dems are liberals is simply being oxymoronic.

If they call themselves a liberal, call them out for the liars they are
Like I said… no change….

“When I come to work each day, it’ll be the same,” Sinema said. “I’m going to still come to work and hopefully serve on the same committees I’ve been serving on and continue to work well with my colleagues at both political parties.”
“I want people to see that it is possible to do good work with folks from all different political persuasions, and to do it without the pressures or the poles of a party structure.”

I'll hope this begins a trend.
It won't. The extremists in both parties have spent years indoctrinating the stupid and gullible into thinking the otherside want to "destroy America", and the extremists are the ones in control on both sides.
For every person in the government willing to put differences aside and work together for the greater good, there are twenty Marjory Taylor Greens.
Every team has it's own agenda.
Yes, but there was a time when politicians were willing to compromise and work together to get things done.

Now, working with someone accross the aisle is just as likely to get someone voted out of office, because the brainless voters considered anyone who doesn't have their favorite letter by their name wants to destroy America. thanks to years of BS and indoctrination.
Yes, but there was a time when politicians were willing to compromise and work together to get things done.

Now, working with someone accross the aisle is just as likely to get someone voted out of office, because the brainless voters considered anyone who doesn't have their favorite letter by their name wants to destroy America. thanks to years of BS and indoctrination.
They just worked together to protect same sex marriage. 😁
Probably tired of all the democrats defending pedophilia and grooming kindergarteners.
I wouldnt want to be associated with you sick fucks either.
Yes, but there was a time when politicians were willing to compromise and work together to get things done.

Now, working with someone accross the aisle is just as likely to get someone voted out of office, because the brainless voters considered anyone who doesn't have their favorite letter by their name wants to destroy America. thanks to years of BS and indoctrination.
When they work together you call them turncoats and fake politicians. Well, here is the facts, they do work together and they do pass legislations that does take bipartisan cooperation(like the last Defense budget). The politics of the truth will tell you differently to protect the party's agenda.
You are a PERFECT example of what im talking about.
You sick fuck. All you do is defend, deflect and gas light for those people.
Makes me wonder what your RL is like.
All you do is attack the wrong side all of the time and turn a blind eye to the other side all due to politics, sorry you are so blind.
Gotta be honest, and I've felt this about any party, and I figure I'll be in the minority here...but...if an elected official switches parties, it should automatically trigger a special election, because the people who voted for her didn't vote for an independent, they voted for a Democrat. If sinema no longer wants to be a Democrat, then the people should have the opportunity to elect someone else.

Granted, the argument is going to be "well, what if they just stay a democrat and just start voting against the dems"...that's why we have elections, but, completely leaving their party means the people who elected a dem, no longer have a dem.

And I'd say this about any candidate to chooses to leave their party. They can do so, but they have to let the people decide if they still want you as their representation.

Am I the only one that thinks that way? Is it wrong?
When they work together you call them turncoats and fake politicians. Well, here is the facts, they do work together and they do pass legislations that does take bipartisan cooperation(like the last Defense budget). The politics of the truth will tell you differently to protect the party's agenda.
They work together if they know their own voters support something enough that refusing to work together will hurt them politically. Even then some are willing to block bills just to be dicks.

While Obama was President, there was a bill which would cover the healthcare of 9/11 first responders for illnesses they developed due to their work at ground zero. The dems all voted to pass it, and some Republicans did, but most of the GOP leaders blocked it. They CLAIMED it was because it cost too much money, but Mitch McConnel and a few others were caught on tape admitting that it was because they didn't want it passed under Obama, because it would give Obama political points going into the 2012 election. They blocked it for years. But once Obama left office and Trump was in the white house, they immediately voted to pass the bill, with no changes to it.
Gotta be honest, and I've felt this about any party, and I figure I'll be in the minority here...but...if an elected official switches parties, it should automatically trigger a special election, because the people who voted for her didn't vote for an independent, they voted for a Democrat. If sinema no longer wants to be a Democrat, then the people should have the opportunity to elect someone else.

Granted, the argument is going to be "well, what if they just stay a democrat and just start voting against the dems"...that's why we have elections, but, completely leaving their party means the people who elected a dem, no longer have a dem.

And I'd say this about any candidate to chooses to leave their party. They can do so, but they have to let the people decide if they still want you as their representation.

Am I the only one that thinks that way? Is it wrong?
You are describing the parliamentary system, and seats are divided up based on which party wins the most votes, and your seat is linked to the party.

In the American system, each seat is won by the individual person, regardless of whether or not the voters care about party affiliation or not. If the voters don't like this decision by her, they can vote her own in the next election.

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