Sinema Caves After Manchin Sells Out

Are profits mandated by government?


Then how is it that Big Pharma is making mega profit if the government is at fault for high prices?
So, you think government has nothing to do with drug prices in the US?
They're helping them by making it next to impossible for smaller competitors to enter the market, you bloody fucking nincompoop.....Paying off protection racket loot at that scale isn't cheap.
I have worked in that field. I did install work. Yes it is expensive to open a facility but you should see the scummy operators trying to break into that very lucrative market.

So are you saying that European drug makers have less regulations? Show us.
No and no one ever made that claim.

You’re arguing stupidly with yourself
Magic Mike made that claim:
"With VP Harris' vote taken into account the makeup of The Senate currently stands at 51 (Dems) to 50 (Cons).
Who's your daddy NOW fool?"

The "makeup of the Senate" is NOT 51 Dems to 50 Republicans, it is 50-50.
Harris has tie breaking vote ONLY - in no other case does she have a vote.
Thus I am not arguing with myself, I am arguing with idiots.
I have worked in that field. I did install work. Yes it is expensive to open a facility but you should see the scummy operators trying to break into that very lucrative market.

So are you saying that European drug makers have less regulations? Show us.
So out of one side of your mouth, you praise the idiotically burdensome bureaucracy for keeping out the alleged "scummy operators", then out of the other side of your cake hole, you snivel about the high costs that are brought about by quasi-monopolies.

Yeah, fuck you douchebag.
Magic Mike made that claim:
"With VP Harris' vote taken into account the makeup of The Senate currently stands at 51 (Dems) to 50 (Cons).
Who's your daddy NOW fool?"

The "makeup of the Senate" is NOT 51 Dems to 50 Republicans, it is 50-50.
Harris has tie breaking vote ONLY - in no other case does she have a vote.
Thus I am not arguing with myself, I am arguing with idiots.
Lush is, without question, the biggest idiot on the forum....I.Q. in the 80s, tops.
So out of one side of your mouth, you praise the idiotically burdensome bureaucracy for keeping out the alleged "scummy operators", then out of the other side of your cake hole, you snivel about the high costs that are brought about by quasi-monopolies.

Yeah, fuck you douchebag.
Wrong dooshbag. I acknowledge that it is expensive to bring new drugs onto the market. A market that is VERY lucrative.

And that is the case in both the EU and the US

And yet they charge a fraction of what we do
Wrong dooshbag. I acknowledge that it is expensive to bring new drugs onto the market. A market that is VERY lucrative.

And that is the case in both the EU and the US

And yet they charge a fraction of what we do
Drugs are subsidized to the hilt in Europe and Canada, sub-cretin.

Just when I think that you can't get more stupid, you give 110% to prove me wrong again.
This should be called the Manchin-Sinema Bill, not the Manchin-Schumer bill. Schumer doesn't give a crap if the American economy is destroyed and makes no secret of it. Machin an Sinema know better, so their cave-in is more egregious.
The problem with your assertion is that Democratic Economics have been far more beneficial in the long run for the US Economy than the GOP ones...

GOP economics is remortgaging your house to holiday in Disneyland... Short term gain with long term consquences...

This shows in who are the wealthiest states in America:

Top are all Blue, bottom 10 all red bar one... That is a clear indication of economic failure...
This only breaks when there is a resource boom in red state.

While GOP talk all day about the economy, in truth they are proven loosers in it... They support the indidual winner and if you are not one of thise it is your fault but the facts are that approach just creates more loosers...
If you want to see a nation doing it just look at Germany, they ran 9 of last 12 years in surplus, they bottom 75% of people pay less tax than US, they have government provided third level education, very affordable Health Insurance (with next to no bankruptcies), good social security net, strong environmental laws.... Yes, they don't make as much as US but they have a much lower costs..
Drugs are subsidized to the hilt in Europe and Canada, sub-cretin.

Just when I think that you can't get more stupid, you give 110% to prove me wrong again.
They aren't subsidised that much in that they there is collective bargaining and generics... The rule in EU (due to equality), if the a body can negotiate a price that price has to be available to all... It is considered discrimination to charge a different price to people for the same product... The Government as the main buyer negotiates a price and that then defacto becomes the price in that country... Ireland (who have a lot of Pharma Companies) pay more than Spain...

There is other plans that target poor and certain illnesses and they get free drugs... As an example,Diabetes in Ireland get all related treatment for free, everything...

Collective Bargaining is the big thing and now EU is talking about doing it at European level which will yield even further cost savings... This will mean lowest pricing for everyone.... So drug prices are a fraction of US pricing will be a fraction of that again..
Nearly 1 Trillion Dollars in New Taxes in the Middle of the Highest Level of Inflation in 40 plus Years!

Worse, the IRS is hiring many more auditors, monitoring digital crypto currency, and purchasing fleets of new vehicles coming as well - It's all in the bill.

This bill targets the MIDDLE CLASS, specifically those making $200,000 or less.

The IRS isn't passing & Democrats aren't supporting a tax bill that goes after millionaires like them - Sinema just sold out for the tax on billionaire donors to be removed.

The Democrats and IRS shakes down the Middle & lower classes. When the IRS tells them they owe money they don't have money for a lawyer -


No fight - fork it over. It may be negotiated down, but they're still going to pay...and then the IRS moves on.

Shake down.
They aren't subsidised that much in that they there is collective bargaining and generics... The rule in EU (due to equality), if the a body can negotiate a price that price has to be available to all... It is considered discrimination to charge a different price to people for the same product... The Government as the main buyer negotiates a price and that then defacto becomes the price in that country... Ireland (who have a lot of Pharma Companies) pay more than Spain...

There is other plans that target poor and certain illnesses and they get free drugs... As an example,Diabetes in Ireland get all related treatment for free, everything...

Collective Bargaining is the big thing and now EU is talking about doing it at European level which will yield even further cost savings... This will mean lowest pricing for everyone.... So drug prices are a fraction of US pricing will be a fraction of that again..
There's gubmint-run medical care in every European nation....IOW it's subsidized out the ass.
There's gubmint-run medical care in every European nation....IOW it's subsidized out the ass.
Europe and others like to keep their citizen's and tourist healthy.
It takes the health insurance burden of off of employers backs.
Your irrelevant opinion isn't germane to the fact.....Medications are "cheaper" in Europe because they're subsidized out the ass.
No, they aren't dumbass.

The government sets the prices, just like pharmaceutical companies do in the US.

In other countries, the health system is simpler, there aren’t as many organizations trying to buy drugs, so those groups can exert greater purchasing power and that can lower costs. The United Kingdom’s National Health Service, for example, purchases drugs for the entire country’s supply, known as a formulary. But in the United States, we have individual insurance groups, hospitals and plans that buy for their individual consumers. Plans and groups negotiate their own prices with the pharmaceuticals, resulting in a unregulated variety of pricing.
And how do they set the price, when what's being charged is less than the cost of production?
Insulin has been around for 100 years.
A 10ml bottle cost about $450 in the US.
It cost $23 in Canada.

The first genetically engineered human insulin (also called biosynthetic human insulin, recombinant, or DNA-derived insulin) was manufactured by Eli Lilly Canada and authorized for the Canadian market in 1983. In 1993, biosynthetic human insulin made by Novo Nordisk entered the market. Prior to being authorized for sale in Canada, these products were thoroughly reviewed for their effectiveness, safety, and quality. Since then, human biosynthetic insulin has been shown to be safe and effective for treating type I and II diabetes.

How did their production cost NOT go up, but in the US...............It did?
.....Subsidies, sub-imbecile.
No, they aren't moron.

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