In this movie available on Netflix, Pat Solatano (Bradley Cooper), loses his job and wife, goes into a mental institution, and ends up living at home with his parents. I know it doesn't sound like a delightful comedy drama but it is. You may think you know how this is going to end, but don't bet on.
Both Bradley Cooper and Robert De Niro who plays Cooper's father delivery great performances. However, the best acting in the movie comes from Jennifer Lawrence playing Cooper's nutty sidekick for which she won her first academy award.
Rotten Tomatoes gave it 92% and I believe it is well worth watching.
Both Bradley Cooper and Robert De Niro who plays Cooper's father delivery great performances. However, the best acting in the movie comes from Jennifer Lawrence playing Cooper's nutty sidekick for which she won her first academy award.
Rotten Tomatoes gave it 92% and I believe it is well worth watching.
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