Silent Majority Is Real And Will Elect Trump

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
Cancel culture has driven normal citizens underground.

Conservatives naturally avoid conflict and Liberals are always seeking conflict.

I think the real reason Democrats want mail in voting is there will be so many Republicans going out to vote there won't be room in live for Democrats.

"Trump voters appear to be hiding their vote again this election cycle.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 17% of Likely U.S. Voters who Strongly Approve of the job President Trump is doing say they are less likely to let others know how they intend to vote in the upcoming election. By comparison, just half as many (8%) of those who Strongly Disapprove of the president’s performance say the same."

Cancel culture has driven normal citizens underground.

Conservatives naturally avoid conflict and Liberals are always seeking conflict.

I think the real reason Democrats want mail in voting is there will be so many Republicans going out to vote there won't be room in live for Democrats.

"Trump voters appear to be hiding their vote again this election cycle.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 17% of Likely U.S. Voters who Strongly Approve of the job President Trump is doing say they are less likely to let others know how they intend to vote in the upcoming election. By comparison, just half as many (8%) of those who Strongly Disapprove of the president’s performance say the same."

You're neither a majority nor silent, and Rasmussen lies almost as much as tRump.

Op is utter nonsense.
We have all seen just how violent the left can get. Dare to wear a baseball cap be assaulted. Fly flags but up posters get killed.
Is it any wonder people want to protect themselves from abuse? have it backward. Trumpers are constantly in your face. Chances are if you know a Trumper you know this, because they let you know they are Trumpers. Whether it is with their MAGA hats, obnoxiously big signs on their property or bumper stickers, you know who they are. If you ever had a political conversation with a Trumper it is the Trumper with his loud mouth that won’t shut up. The silent majority are the next door neighbors without signs and those who remain silent while the Trumper bloviates and blabbers away. On November 3rd, the silent Biden supporter will get to be heard loud and clear.
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Cancel culture has driven normal citizens underground.

Conservatives naturally avoid conflict and Liberals are always seeking conflict.

I think the real reason Democrats want mail in voting is there will be so many Republicans going out to vote there won't be room in live for Democrats.

"Trump voters appear to be hiding their vote again this election cycle.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 17% of Likely U.S. Voters who Strongly Approve of the job President Trump is doing say they are less likely to let others know how they intend to vote in the upcoming election. By comparison, just half as many (8%) of those who Strongly Disapprove of the president’s performance say the same."

You're neither a majority nor silent, and Rasmussen lies almost as much as tRump.

Op is utter nonsense.

News flash, your DNA sample came back, 99.999999999999% ostrich.

Face it, the margin of error in national polling is well below the statistics showing Conservatives won't let their views be known.
We have all seen just how violent the left can get. Dare to wear a baseball cap be assaulted. Fly flags but up posters get killed.
Is it any wonder people want to protect themselves from abuse?

BLM organizer arrested for attempted murder yesterday in California.
There probably aren't many shy Trump voters. FFS, they're the most in-your-face voters out there!

But there have been studies on this, and there is very little evidence that they exist, at least en masse.

For example, a few studies have looked at online polls and phone polls. The theory is that if Trump supporters are shy to tell people they are voting for Trump, then you'd see the discrepancy with online polls, since online polls are anonymous and you don't talk to human beings. But there are none, at least not statistically.

What appears to have happened in 2016 is that pollsters under-sampled non-college educated voters and over-sampled college-educated voters. What pollsters found was that non-college educated voters were less likely to respond to surveys. That's different than saying one thing then doing the other, which is the premise of the shy Trump voter theory. Most - but not all - pollsters have corrected for this.

Also note that the state polls have become better. And there are more of them than the last election, not just the number of polls but the number of polling firms. Here is Wisconsin in 2016 and 2020 today.

Up to the end of September 2016, there had only been 20 polls taken by a handful of polling firms in Wisconsin. This year, there have been 45 polls thus far taken by more than double the number of firms.
Why don't they still call themselves Teabaggers? That was hilarious. have it backward. Trumpers are constantly in your face. Chances are if you know a Trumper you know this, because they let you know they are Trumpers. Whether it is with their MAGA hats, obnoxiously big signs on their property or bumper stickers, you know who they are. If you ever had a political conversation with a Trumper it is the Trumper with his loud mouth that won’t shut up. The silent majority are the next door neighbors without signs and those who remain silent while the Trumper bloviates and blabbers away. On November 3rd, the silent Biden supporter will get to be heard loud and clear.

john, dear-----TALKING is not the SAME as burning your house down
There probably aren't many shy Trump voters. FFS, they're the most in-your-face voters out there!

But there have been studies on this, and there is very little evidence that they exist, at least en masse.

For example, a few studies have looked at online polls and phone polls. The theory is that if Trump supporters are shy to tell people they are voting for Trump, then you'd see the discrepancy with online polls, since online polls are anonymous and you don't talk to human beings. But there are none, at least not statistically.

What appears to have happened in 2016 is that pollsters under-sampled non-college educated voters and over-sampled college-educated voters. What pollsters found was that non-college educated voters were less likely to respond to surveys. That's different than saying one thing then doing the other, which is the premise of the shy Trump voter theory. Most - but not all - pollsters have corrected for this.

Also note that the state polls have become better. And there are more of them than the last election, not just the number of polls but the number of polling firms. Here is Wisconsin in 2016 and 2020 today.

Up to the end of September 2016, there had only been 20 polls taken by a handful of polling firms in Wisconsin. This year, there have been 45 polls thus far taken by more than double the number of firms.

where I live-----I would not consider posting an announcement in favor of Trump or wearing a
MAGA hat------well---actually I do not leave my tiny
apartment ..........
We the people's vote, select the electors, who select the President.

Let all votes be counted.... we will have a winner.

Any other scenario of Trump trickery and rigging, my guess is civil war will happen.... you Trumpists, will get your wish.... and will destroy our democratic nation in the process of your cheating.
There probably aren't many shy Trump voters. FFS, they're the most in-your-face voters out there!

But there have been studies on this, and there is very little evidence that they exist, at least en masse.

For example, a few studies have looked at online polls and phone polls. The theory is that if Trump supporters are shy to tell people they are voting for Trump, then you'd see the discrepancy with online polls, since online polls are anonymous and you don't talk to human beings. But there are none, at least not statistically.

What appears to have happened in 2016 is that pollsters under-sampled non-college educated voters and over-sampled college-educated voters. What pollsters found was that non-college educated voters were less likely to respond to surveys. That's different than saying one thing then doing the other, which is the premise of the shy Trump voter theory. Most - but not all - pollsters have corrected for this.

Also note that the state polls have become better. And there are more of them than the last election, not just the number of polls but the number of polling firms. Here is Wisconsin in 2016 and 2020 today.

Up to the end of September 2016, there had only been 20 polls taken by a handful of polling firms in Wisconsin. This year, there have been 45 polls thus far taken by more than double the number of firms.

where I live-----I would not consider posting an announcement in favor of Trump or wearing a
MAGA hat------well---actually I do not leave my tiny
apartment ..........

Paranoid? The average Trump supporter is convinced there is a commie behind every bush wanting to kill them.
There probably aren't many shy Trump voters. FFS, they're the most in-your-face voters out there!

But there have been studies on this, and there is very little evidence that they exist, at least en masse.

For example, a few studies have looked at online polls and phone polls. The theory is that if Trump supporters are shy to tell people they are voting for Trump, then you'd see the discrepancy with online polls, since online polls are anonymous and you don't talk to human beings. But there are none, at least not statistically.

What appears to have happened in 2016 is that pollsters under-sampled non-college educated voters and over-sampled college-educated voters. What pollsters found was that non-college educated voters were less likely to respond to surveys. That's different than saying one thing then doing the other, which is the premise of the shy Trump voter theory. Most - but not all - pollsters have corrected for this.

Also note that the state polls have become better. And there are more of them than the last election, not just the number of polls but the number of polling firms. Here is Wisconsin in 2016 and 2020 today.

Up to the end of September 2016, there had only been 20 polls taken by a handful of polling firms in Wisconsin. This year, there have been 45 polls thus far taken by more than double the number of firms.

No one thought Trump could win against Hillaryous so they didn't go out and vote. Now they know Trump can win and will stay quite and go out to vote.

This is represented by the enthusiasm gap.
We have all seen just how violent the left can get. Dare to wear a baseball cap be assaulted. Fly flags but up posters get killed.
Is it any wonder people want to protect themselves from abuse?
How many mass shooting have "the left" perpetrated? Bombings? Assassinations?

lets see your list, then we can do some meaningful comparisons.
We the people's vote, select the electors, who select the President.

Let all votes be counted.... we will have a winner.

Any other scenario of Trump trickery and rigging, my guess is civil war will happen.... you Trumpists, will get your wish.... and will destroy our democratic nation in the process of your cheating.

It wasn't Trump that changed the rules. Democrats changed the rules so they can cheat.
We the people's vote, select the electors, who select the President.

Let all votes be counted.... we will have a winner.

Any other scenario of Trump trickery and rigging, my guess is civil war will happen.... you Trumpists, will get your wish.... and will destroy our democratic nation in the process of your cheating.

care, dear----that ^^^^ seems to me to be a THREAT
There probably aren't many shy Trump voters. FFS, they're the most in-your-face voters out there!

But there have been studies on this, and there is very little evidence that they exist, at least en masse.

For example, a few studies have looked at online polls and phone polls. The theory is that if Trump supporters are shy to tell people they are voting for Trump, then you'd see the discrepancy with online polls, since online polls are anonymous and you don't talk to human beings. But there are none, at least not statistically.

What appears to have happened in 2016 is that pollsters under-sampled non-college educated voters and over-sampled college-educated voters. What pollsters found was that non-college educated voters were less likely to respond to surveys. That's different than saying one thing then doing the other, which is the premise of the shy Trump voter theory. Most - but not all - pollsters have corrected for this.

Also note that the state polls have become better. And there are more of them than the last election, not just the number of polls but the number of polling firms. Here is Wisconsin in 2016 and 2020 today.

Up to the end of September 2016, there had only been 20 polls taken by a handful of polling firms in Wisconsin. This year, there have been 45 polls thus far taken by more than double the number of firms.

where I live-----I would not consider posting an announcement in favor of Trump or wearing a
MAGA hat------well---actually I do not leave my tiny
apartment ..........

Paranoid? The average Trump supporter is convinced there is a commie behind every bush wanting to kill them.
Yup, we're all dangerous, pussy hat wearing, well armed killer wimps who are afraid of guns.

(Republican "logic")
We the people's vote, select the electors, who select the President.

Let all votes be counted.... we will have a winner.

Any other scenario of Trump trickery and rigging, my guess is civil war will happen.... you Trumpists, will get your wish.... and will destroy our democratic nation in the process of your cheating.

care, dear----that ^^^^ seems to me to be a THREAT
Nope, that's a promise.
Yeah this looks like a complete replay of2016. Brings to mind the comedy Groundhog Day. We had every left nut telling everyone 24/7 that Trump had no way to win, no chance. Polls showed him so far behind, news organization assured everyone that Hillary was the new president, 91%. No need for anyone to vote it was in the bag.

mean while Hillary must know something since she told sock puppet Biden not to concede. Why do that if everyone is so sure of a win? Oh I guess she could have been hinting that they would miraculously find Biden mail in ballots that somehow were shipped to the Ukraine.
There probably aren't many shy Trump voters. FFS, they're the most in-your-face voters out there!

But there have been studies on this, and there is very little evidence that they exist, at least en masse.

For example, a few studies have looked at online polls and phone polls. The theory is that if Trump supporters are shy to tell people they are voting for Trump, then you'd see the discrepancy with online polls, since online polls are anonymous and you don't talk to human beings. But there are none, at least not statistically.

What appears to have happened in 2016 is that pollsters under-sampled non-college educated voters and over-sampled college-educated voters. What pollsters found was that non-college educated voters were less likely to respond to surveys. That's different than saying one thing then doing the other, which is the premise of the shy Trump voter theory. Most - but not all - pollsters have corrected for this.

Also note that the state polls have become better. And there are more of them than the last election, not just the number of polls but the number of polling firms. Here is Wisconsin in 2016 and 2020 today.

Up to the end of September 2016, there had only been 20 polls taken by a handful of polling firms in Wisconsin. This year, there have been 45 polls thus far taken by more than double the number of firms.

where I live-----I would not consider posting an announcement in favor of Trump or wearing a
MAGA hat------well---actually I do not leave my tiny
apartment ..........

Paranoid? The average Trump supporter is convinced there is a commie behind every bush wanting to kill them.
Yup, we're all dangerous, pussy hat wearing, well armed killer wimps who are afraid of guns.

(Republican "logic")

"afraid of guns"??? I am not afraid of guns------
I am afraid of people who shoot them at people &
who stab knives into people and strangle people
IF they are not well restrained. If they are restrained----they are fine

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