Sidney Powell Files Lawsuit Against State of Georgia For Election “Rigging” – Links and pdf…

If Justice Kav. shows a spine and follows the constitution then we could get a few states to redo the election
Or have enough states determined to have questionable outcomes to have it sent to the House of Representatives for a vote on who we have for a President for the next 4 years....
Powell and her team also managed to spell the name of one of their key witnesses — his name is William M. Briggs — wrong twice and again in two different ways — Williams M. Briggs and Williams Higgs.

One of the other expert witnesses listed in the lawsuit is Ron Watkins, who has been the administrator of fringe message board 8kun where the anonymous leader of QAnon supposedly posts updates.

The lawsuits are filled with incomplete sentences, groups of words that make little or no sense, and logical fallacies so big you could drive a bus through.

From an article about Trump's relentless frivolous lawsuits trying to overturn the election..'But that’s the point. Trump’s strategy, his allies concede in private, wasn’t to change the outcome, but to create a host of phantom claims about the 2020 presidential race that would infect the nation with doubt and keep his base loyal, even though the winner was clear and there has been no evidence of mass voter fraud.'...They're baaack: Trump and allies still refuse election loss
Yo Benny,,

WE THE PEOPLE, the 80,000,000 Americans who voted for DJT demand , and have an absolute RIGHT, to have our grievances redressed.
The Trump cult is going to realize this sooner or later - they're being played like a three-string fiddle. The lawyers know there is zero chance of any of this being successful. However, they are playing to the base so they can get on OAN or Newsmax or - the mothership - Fox News! They are getting paid!

Or then again, maybe not.

Self-delusion is powerful.
Looks like the Kraken is being released....

Sidney Powell Files Lawsuit Against State of Georgia For Election “Rigging” – Links and pdf… | The Last Refuge (

Attorney Sidney Powell has filed a lawsuit, affectionately known as “The Kraken“, against named defendants in the State of Georgia to include Governor Brian Kemp and Brad Raffensperger, Secretary of State.

The filing is available to download at Defending The Republicpdf direct link here
Damn you imbeciles will believe anything.

give it up baby. He got 5 million votes less than Biden. You can stand on your head. Throw a temper tantrum and hold your breath til you turn blue.
People HATE Donald. A heck of a lot more than his cultists love him.

now go back to your basement
I noticed you didnt say, "He got 5 million legal votes less than Biden".. That is the word play you prog slaves always play. Free people dont vote their freedoms away, only slaves do that...
If Justice Kav. shows a spine and follows the constitution then we could get a few states to redo the election
Or have enough states determined to have questionable outcomes to have it sent to the House of Representatives for a vote on who we have for a President for the next 4 years....
That would be even worse !!
The sewer rat queen would pick Biden !!
We must redo several states with in person and only paper ballots then I will accept any results
The Trump cult is going to realize this sooner or later - they're being played like a three-string fiddle. The lawyers know there is zero chance of any of this being successful. However, they are playing to the base so they can get on OAN or Newsmax or - the mothership - Fox News! They are getting paid!

Or then again, maybe not.

Self-delusion is powerful.

WE THE PEOPLE - the 80,000.000 folks who voted for DJT have a right to have our grievances redressed.

NOTHING you say or do will stop us from asserting the right. NOTHING
WE THE PEOPLE - the 80,000.000 folks who voted for DJT have a right to have our grievances redressed.

NOTHING you say or do will stop us from asserting the right. NOTHING

You're a lawyer I understand?

Lionel Hutz, no doubt

Feel free to prove your ridiculous assertions in court.

Because you clowns are 2-35 thus far.
Looks like the Kraken is being released....

Sidney Powell Files Lawsuit Against State of Georgia For Election “Rigging” – Links and pdf… | The Last Refuge (

Attorney Sidney Powell has filed a lawsuit, affectionately known as “The Kraken“, against named defendants in the State of Georgia to include Governor Brian Kemp and Brad Raffensperger, Secretary of State.

The filing is available to download at Defending The Republicpdf direct link here
Damn you imbeciles will believe anything.

give it up baby. He got 5 million votes less than Biden. You can stand on your head. Throw a temper tantrum and hold your breath til you turn blue.
People HATE Donald. A heck of a lot more than his cultists love him.

now go back to your basement
Many more than seven million voters disagree with your brash lie due to the arrogance your indoctrination foisted on you by the Democrat Party. No, madam. The American people do not hate President Trump. The vote cheating gig is up, and you're not ever going to mass cheat the rest of us ever again.

Get used to going through life without smearing innocent people with "in crowd" judges. There will be consequences for lying calumny as well. Get used to having to be a good human being like other citizens.

The gig's up.
WE THE PEOPLE - the 80,000.000 folks who voted for DJT have a right to have our grievances redressed.

NOTHING you say or do will stop us from asserting the right. NOTHING

You're a lawyer I understand?

Lionel Hutz, no doubt

Feel free to prove your ridiculous assertions in court.

Because you clowns are 2-35 thus far.

You are way off of course,

But we only need to win once
Looks like the Kraken is being released....
Sidney Powell Files Lawsuit Against State of Georgia For Election “Rigging” – Links and pdf… | The Last Refuge (
Attorney Sidney Powell has filed a lawsuit, affectionately known as “The Kraken“, against named defendants in the State of Georgia to include Governor Brian Kemp and Brad Raffensperger, Secretary of State. The filing is available to download at Defending The Republicpdf direct link here
Hard to believe that she even went to college. There are so many grammar errors.
So you think lawyers type up their own paperwork??? Or judges act as English teachers (instead of reviewing the evidence and applying the law)????
Sloppy paperwork suggests sloppy logic.
Many more than seven million voters disagree with your brash lie due to the arrogance your indoctrination foisted on you by the Democrat Party. No, madam. The American people do not hate President Trump. The vote cheating gig is up, and you're not ever going to mass cheat the rest of us ever again.

Get used to going through life without smearing innocent people with "in crowd" judges. There will be consequences for lying calumny as well. Get used to having to be a good human being like other citizens.

The gig's up.

You guys lost

You are spewing lies being fed to you by your lying media

The gig is up.

The gig that the bizarre conspiracy-laden, lying, thieving, anti-democratic Orange Jesus cult has been spinning.
WE THE PEOPLE - the 80,000.000 folks who voted for DJT have a right to have our grievances redressed.

NOTHING you say or do will stop us from asserting the right. NOTHING

You're a lawyer I understand?

Lionel Hutz, no doubt

Feel free to prove your ridiculous assertions in court.

Because you clowns are 2-35 thus far.
You are way off of course, But we only need to win once
2-35 suggests you've already won twice with no tangible results. Good luck with The Kraken. They're going to need it.
Looks like the Kraken is being released....

Sidney Powell Files Lawsuit Against State of Georgia For Election “Rigging” – Links and pdf… | The Last Refuge (

Attorney Sidney Powell has filed a lawsuit, affectionately known as “The Kraken“, against named defendants in the State of Georgia to include Governor Brian Kemp and Brad Raffensperger, Secretary of State.

The filing is available to download at Defending The Republicpdf direct link here

Hard to believe that she even went to college. There are so many grammar errors.

Sid & Rudy are bucking for a zesty sanctioning :)

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