Sick: San Diego college instructs students on pedophillia as a sexual orientation


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
SICK: San Diego College Instructs Students on "Pedophilia as a Sexual Orientation" - Big League Politics

The push by mainstream media and leftist academics to normalize pedophilia as an acceptable sexual identity appears to be reaching a new level of intensity, as an American student shared a powerpoint slide from a college class describing pedophilia in strikingly ambiguous terms on Friday.

Because when your a moron you let things go right over your heads and accept the PARROTED bs line they fed you as to why this is so great and grand lmfao. YOu stupid asses are putting your own kids up for sexualization............
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To be fair, Pedophilia is a sexual orientation. Pedophiles are attracted to their underage victims.

It also happens to be both immoral and illegal.
Problem is they teach it ACCEPT it not see it as a crime they are preparing the public for the full blow legalization of it all...

It prepares acceptance.
To be fair, Pedophilia is a sexual orientation. Pedophiles are attracted to their underage victims.

It also happens to be both immoral and illegal.
Problem is they teach it ACCEPT it not see it as a crime they are preparing the public for the full blow legalization of it all...

It prepares acceptance.

Sex, in it's many iterations, should not be a crime. Consensual sex is one of the best things in human experience.

However, when a partner is forced, coerced, or (as in the case of a minor) unable to give informed consent, it ceases to be a consensual experience and is both immoral and illegal.
To be fair, Pedophilia is a sexual orientation. Pedophiles are attracted to their underage victims.

It also happens to be both immoral and illegal.
Problem is they teach it ACCEPT it not see it as a crime they are preparing the public for the full blow legalization of it all...

It prepares acceptance.

Nowhere did I see it being labeled as acceptable. Could you point that part out to me.

It is a sexual orientation. Simple fact. That doesn't mean it will be acceptable.
I wrote this on the USMB a few weeks ago:

".... Buttigieg also said that if being gay was evil everyone should blame God because God created him that way. That was a rather stupid remark from someone who professes to be Christian. There is no doubt that the Bible strongly condemns homosexuality. It defies reason to suggest that God would create a man predestined to be gay. If God is responsible for a person being gay, is he also responsible for those who murder, molest children and commit other types of abominable acts? Can a pedophile run for president saying “ If you don't like me being a pedophile, blame God because He made me this way? Wouldn't the same rational apply to serial killers and rapists? Or is Butt Boy saying that everyone has freedom of choice but gays?

"I have one question for Butt Boy, a question he has neither the courage nor the integrity to answer: “Would you have preferred that God made you straight?" He cannot say “yes” because he would alienate the entire gay population; nor can he say “no” because that would prove he is gay by choice and not the will of God. Butt Boy would do a Mexican hat dance around the issue and give an answer totally unrelated to the question. This is what dishonest politicians do."

Now the lunatic left is trying to normalize pedophilia. I'm so shocked you could knock me over with a wrecking ball. These people have no shame. God help the rest of us.
I wrote this on the USMB a few weeks ago:

".... Buttigieg also said that if being gay was evil everyone should blame God because God created him that way. That was a rather stupid remark from someone who professes to be Christian. There is no doubt that the Bible strongly condemns homosexuality. It defies reason to suggest that God would create a man predestined to be gay. If God is responsible for a person being gay, is he also responsible for those who murder, molest children and commit other types of abominable acts? Can a pedophile run for president saying “ If you don't like me being a pedophile, blame God because He made me this way? Wouldn't the same rational apply to serial killers and rapists? Or is Butt Boy saying that everyone has freedom of choice but gays?

"I have one question for Butt Boy, a question he has neither the courage nor the integrity to answer: “Would you have preferred that God made you straight?" He cannot say “yes” because he would alienate the entire gay population; nor can he say “no” because that would prove he is gay by choice and not the will of God. Butt Boy would do a Mexican hat dance around the issue and give an answer totally unrelated to the question. This is what dishonest politicians do."

Now the lunatic left is trying to normalize pedophilia. I'm so shocked you could knock me over with a wrecking ball. These people have no shame. God help the rest of us.

The Bible strongly condemns adultery. It mattered none to those who voted for Trump.
To be fair, Pedophilia is a sexual orientation. Pedophiles are attracted to their underage victims.

It also happens to be both immoral and illegal.
For now?

The dividing line between morality and immorality in sex is consensuality.

Even married sex, if not consensual, is immoral and, in many states, illegal.
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To be fair, Pedophilia is a sexual orientation. Pedophiles are attracted to their underage victims.

It also happens to be both immoral and illegal.
Problem is they teach it ACCEPT it not see it as a crime they are preparing the public for the full blow legalization of it all...

It prepares acceptance.

Nowhere did I see it being labeled as acceptable. Could you point that part out to me.

It is a sexual orientation. Simple fact. That doesn't mean it will be acceptable.

WORDAGE " read between the lines" understand psych warfare understand " Conditioning of the public" by starting here.... Unless you can pick up the " in between the line meanings" and what something really says it's hard to explain it's also not easy to poit out with out being physically present......

Take your pick it's the place to start to figure out SCHOOL is wher ethey being the " ACCEPT" and brainwash.....on EVERYTHING.

  • Operation Dumb Down Society Complete and Mental Health ...
    Jan 13, 2019 · This book was used in underground schools, and contains the address of Beria to – the American students in the Lenin University prior to 1936. The text in the book in general is from the Communist Manual of Instructions of Psychopolitical Warfare, and was used in America for the training of Communist cadre.

  • The Dumbing Down of America is NOT Complete
    The New American | Education...
    Oct 28, 2016 · The Dumbing Down of America is NOT Complete. That is 2.7 percent of the 55.7 million youngsters between the age of five and 17 in the country. Not all of of those remaining 54.2 million are in public schools, however, as Zeise doesn’t include private schools, charter schools, Catholic schools, or …
To be fair, Pedophilia is a sexual orientation. Pedophiles are attracted to their underage victims.

It also happens to be both immoral and illegal.
Problem is they teach it ACCEPT it not see it as a crime they are preparing the public for the full blow legalization of it all...

It prepares acceptance.

Nowhere did I see it being labeled as acceptable. Could you point that part out to me.

It is a sexual orientation. Simple fact. That doesn't mean it will be acceptable.

WORDAGE " read between the lines" understand psych warfare understand " Conditioning of the public" by starting here.... Unless you can pick up the " in between the line meanings" and what something really says it's hard to explain it's also not easy to poit out with out being physically present......

Take your pick it's the place to start to figure out SCHOOL is wher ethey being the " ACCEPT" and brainwash.....on EVERYTHING.

  • Operation Dumb Down Society Complete and Mental Health ...
    Jan 13, 2019 · This book was used in underground schools, and contains the address of Beria to – the American students in the Lenin University prior to 1936. The text in the book in general is from the Communist Manual of Instructions of Psychopolitical Warfare, and was used in America for the training of Communist cadre.

  • The Dumbing Down of America is NOT Complete
    The New American | Education...
    Oct 28, 2016 · The Dumbing Down of America is NOT Complete. That is 2.7 percent of the 55.7 million youngsters between the age of five and 17 in the country. Not all of of those remaining 54.2 million are in public schools, however, as Zeise doesn’t include private schools, charter schools, Catholic schools, or …

So that would be no, you can't show me where that was said.
SICK: San Diego College Instructs Students on "Pedophilia as a Sexual Orientation" - Big League Politics

The push by mainstream media and leftist academics to normalize pedophilia as an acceptable sexual identity appears to be reaching a new level of intensity, as an American student shared a powerpoint slide from a college class describing pedophilia in strikingly ambiguous terms on Friday.

Because when your a moron you let things go right over your heads and accept the PARROTED bs line they fed you as to why this is so great and grand lmfao. YOu stupid asses are putting your own kids up for sexualization............
Give a few more years the freaks will be at the front of the line at fago parades (open air public gay sex festivals )
To be fair, Pedophilia is a sexual orientation. Pedophiles are attracted to their underage victims.

It also happens to be both immoral and illegal.
Problem is they teach it ACCEPT it not see it as a crime they are preparing the public for the full blow legalization of it all...

It prepares acceptance.

Nowhere did I see it being labeled as acceptable. Could you point that part out to me.

It is a sexual orientation. Simple fact. That doesn't mean it will be acceptable.

WORDAGE " read between the lines" understand psych warfare understand " Conditioning of the public" by starting here.... Unless you can pick up the " in between the line meanings" and what something really says it's hard to explain it's also not easy to poit out with out being physically present......

Take your pick it's the place to start to figure out SCHOOL is wher ethey being the " ACCEPT" and brainwash.....on EVERYTHING.

  • Operation Dumb Down Society Complete and Mental Health ...
    Jan 13, 2019 · This book was used in underground schools, and contains the address of Beria to – the American students in the Lenin University prior to 1936. The text in the book in general is from the Communist Manual of Instructions of Psychopolitical Warfare, and was used in America for the training of Communist cadre.

  • The Dumbing Down of America is NOT Complete
    The New American | Education...
    Oct 28, 2016 · The Dumbing Down of America is NOT Complete. That is 2.7 percent of the 55.7 million youngsters between the age of five and 17 in the country. Not all of of those remaining 54.2 million are in public schools, however, as Zeise doesn’t include private schools, charter schools, Catholic schools, or …

So that would be no, you can't show me where that was said.

Guess the tools I gave you aren't on your IQ level so nope guess I can't help you.
To be fair, Pedophilia is a sexual orientation. Pedophiles are attracted to their underage victims.

It also happens to be both immoral and illegal.
Problem is they teach it ACCEPT it not see it as a crime they are preparing the public for the full blow legalization of it all...

It prepares acceptance.

Nowhere did I see it being labeled as acceptable. Could you point that part out to me.

It is a sexual orientation. Simple fact. That doesn't mean it will be acceptable.

WORDAGE " read between the lines" understand psych warfare understand " Conditioning of the public" by starting here.... Unless you can pick up the " in between the line meanings" and what something really says it's hard to explain it's also not easy to poit out with out being physically present......

Take your pick it's the place to start to figure out SCHOOL is wher ethey being the " ACCEPT" and brainwash.....on EVERYTHING.

  • Operation Dumb Down Society Complete and Mental Health ...
    Jan 13, 2019 · This book was used in underground schools, and contains the address of Beria to – the American students in the Lenin University prior to 1936. The text in the book in general is from the Communist Manual of Instructions of Psychopolitical Warfare, and was used in America for the training of Communist cadre.

  • The Dumbing Down of America is NOT Complete
    The New American | Education...
    Oct 28, 2016 · The Dumbing Down of America is NOT Complete. That is 2.7 percent of the 55.7 million youngsters between the age of five and 17 in the country. Not all of of those remaining 54.2 million are in public schools, however, as Zeise doesn’t include private schools, charter schools, Catholic schools, or …

So that would be no, you can't show me where that was said.

some never learn how to CONNECT the dots and figure out how a MASS of the population can be TAUGT WHAT TO THINK dumb ass FOR DECADES NOW THEY ARE TAUGHT . WAHT TO THINK NOW HOW TO THINK !! GET THAT PART " HOW TO THINK"

“The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America — A Chronological Paper Trail”, will change forever the way you look at your child’s education. Written by whistleblower Charlotte T. Iserbyt, it is the result of what she discovered while working in the US Department of Education and her subsequent research on the subject. First published in 1999, the original edition of the book contains 743 pages replete with documentation of the policies, conversations and events that led up to the way our educational system is run today.


Read online at – you can flip pages, enlarge type.

Download the PDF (7.4 MB): The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America: A Chronological Paper Trail (1999-09-01) by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt

Download the PDF Update (less than 1 MB): IMPORTANT! Please be sure to grab this UPDATE done in 2011. It is a very important 16-page addition: DDD UPDATE

Charlotte Iserbyt

Just think your kids will be mentally FKD up because you all were so UN INFORMED and the shit went right over your heads that's why we are where we are today where College dumbasses are offended by a gawd dam chalk board , or white paper ...
SICK: San Diego College Instructs Students on "Pedophilia as a Sexual Orientation" - Big League Politics

The push by mainstream media and leftist academics to normalize pedophilia as an acceptable sexual identity appears to be reaching a new level of intensity, as an American student shared a powerpoint slide from a college class describing pedophilia in strikingly ambiguous terms on Friday.

Because when your a moron you let things go right over your heads and accept the PARROTED bs line they fed you as to why this is so great and grand lmfao. YOu stupid asses are putting your own kids up for sexualization............

and you have some interest in pedophilia because of, what?
SICK: San Diego College Instructs Students on "Pedophilia as a Sexual Orientation" - Big League Politics

The push by mainstream media and leftist academics to normalize pedophilia as an acceptable sexual identity appears to be reaching a new level of intensity, as an American student shared a powerpoint slide from a college class describing pedophilia in strikingly ambiguous terms on Friday.

Because when your a moron you let things go right over your heads and accept the PARROTED bs line they fed you as to why this is so great and grand lmfao. YOu stupid asses are putting your own kids up for sexualization............

and you have some interest in pedophilia because of, what?
Progs were relentless with the priests and the Catholic Church. And of course the priests being gay as they were molesting little boys.
SICK: San Diego College Instructs Students on "Pedophilia as a Sexual Orientation" - Big League Politics

The push by mainstream media and leftist academics to normalize pedophilia as an acceptable sexual identity appears to be reaching a new level of intensity, as an American student shared a powerpoint slide from a college class describing pedophilia in strikingly ambiguous terms on Friday.

Because when your a moron you let things go right over your heads and accept the PARROTED bs line they fed you as to why this is so great and grand lmfao. YOu stupid asses are putting your own kids up for sexualization............
Progressives have always loved pedophilia
I wrote this on the USMB a few weeks ago:

The Bible strongly condemns adultery. It mattered none to those who voted for Trump.

You are wrong. I voted for Trump and I have never committed adultery and condemn all those who do. I voted for Trump because Hillary Clinton was a total loser, far worse than an adulterer. In a much earlier posting on USMB, This is how I justified voting for Trump:

“Hilary is an advocate for open borders, an invitation for criminals and terrorists to enter the United States all the while feeding at the Government trough. Woman have already been raped and murdered by Clinton's/Obama's illegal immigrants and the prognosis is for more of the same. She is also an advocate for illegal wars in the Middle East, wars that have killed and maimed our men and women in service, caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent women and children and displaced countless others and she proposed a no-fly zone in Syria, an act her own Generals warned would lead to a nuclear confrontation with Russia.

"She has received millions in donations from those countries who treat women as inferior beings, created only for the sexual pleasures of men. She has never criticized such practices as arranged child marriages, honor killings (which for some strange reason only apply to women but never to men) and not allowing women to drive; nor has she condemned the practice of throwing gays off rooftops. She has corrupted the entire political process through threats and bribes. And finally, (although there is much more I could say) Hillary is an open supporter of the group that chants, “What do we want? Dead Cops! When do we want them? Now!” This anti-cop hostility promoted by Hillary Clinton and her accomplices in the MSM is directly responsible for the murders of men and women in the police force.”

You apparently think that Hillary Clinton was a better choice. I do not.

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