Show Compassion To Animals.


Gold Member
Apr 24, 2015
I was raised in a time and in an area of the country where many men considered
it manly to kill animals just for the sake of killing them. They called doing that
"sport." And they taught the young boys, as they grew up, to do the same thing.
They explained that killing animals was merely we humans "exercising our
dominion", as they put it.
The results was a lot of unnecessary killing of animals (and birds) just for the
sake of killing them. "Road kills" counted too. Many back then would speed
up in order to "score a point" on all critters crossing the road and even score
points on stray dogs and cats too.
I now see all that as wrongdoing and outright sin.
Its a blessings how the Lord changes the heart and makes us wiser and better
as we read His word and get to know Him better. I found myself braking the
other day so I would not hit a young squirrel that had just dashed in front
of my truck. I am glad I did that.
I will never again cause any animal death or pain just for the sake of killing
the animal.
I read in the newspaper, long ago, where they closed that disgraceful Ringling
Brothers Elephant Show. Good. It was very painful for the elephants. I have read
how they "trained" the elephants to do all their tricks and performances and the
"training" involved intense pain for the elephants while they were forced to go
through their routines.
No, I am not against hunting animals for food. I am against killing them only
"for sport" and against killing them "just for the sake of killing them."

No, I am not a pacifist. I believe some wars are justified, for example WW II.
But I believe killing and mangling up human bodies in wars ought to be the
very last resort after all other solutions have been totally exhausted. "Blessed
are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God", said the Lord Jesus.
That means exactly what it says.
Regarding animals: Consider this Bible verse:
"A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal." Proverbs 12:10


On the light side:
My wife and I love T-bone steak but we have never ate one that was still alive.
This means that somebody killed the cow so we could enjoy eating T-bone
steaks. We eat a lot of chickens too, but never ate a live chicken, they were
all dead, so again somebody killed them so we could enjoy eating them. /Big Grin

I generally kill all the snakes I come across, but that's because I fear all snakes,
even the so-called "good ones." If I did not fear them, I would not kill them.
So whither I am right or wrong on that (about killing the so-called "good snakes")
I still have, in my mind, a good reason for killing them. I don't kill them "just for
the enjoyment of killing." In fact I hope I never see another snake on my property.
I have only killed 2 or 3 in my life and that's plenty for me.

What say you?

I fear snakes too. Killed 8 last year alone. WE have 33 types, 4 poisoners. I did it mostly cause my little Chineese Crested dogs go nose to nose with anything. Spaziest is gone now. My little boy is 16 1/2 doesn't roam much. Not so worried now. They get in my grain barn and eat mice. When I feed the chickens I tear up little chunks of bread and some cracked corn for the mice. Good tell tales too, if no mice running to me for a treat, there's a snake somewhere.

I haven't hunted in a few years, no desire to kill critters.
I fear snakes too.
I hear that!

Killed 8 last year alone.
If I had killed 8 snakes in one year I'd be nervous wreck. /grin

WE have 33 types, 4 poisoners.
Good gracious!
We have water moccasins and copperheads that are poisonous.
I think just those two.

I did it mostly cause my little Chineese Crested dogs go nose
to nose with anything.
Sounds like you have a good life.
Probably live on a farm somewhere in good country.
Glad you have a dog you love.

Spaziest is gone now.

My little boy is 16 1/2 doesn't roam much.
Do you mean you have a dog that is 16 1/2 years old?

Not so worried now. They get in my grain barn and eat mice.
When I feed the chickens I tear up little chunks of bread and
some cracked corn for the mice. Good tell tales too, if no
mice running to me for a treat, there's a snake somewhere.
I hear that!
Feed the chickens.
Ah that brings back good memories -- when I was just a boy
feeding the chickens. I had to also catch one and wring it's neck
for dinner, you know -- now and then.

I haven't hunted in a few years, no desire to kill critters.
Yeah me neither.
Age can bring empathy and sympathy for even critters.

Oh yeah got to eat the chickens sometimes. I haven't lately though, pets.

Yes my little BoWu (pinto bean colored one) is 16 1/2 Excellent little dog. Watches TV. Talks. He goes "I Wu" And more. The gray one is Eeyore, he's gone. These pics are about 6 years old but Bowu (means little wizzard in Chinese, he is a Hairless Chinese Crested) still looks the same. getting old though, I can see it.

We have some aggressive snakes here blue and black racers will chase you if you run. Black snakes worse. Took a shot 9mm pocket pistol at a moccasin 40 feet away, came right for me, 2 more shots last took it's head off!


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