Should we give Egypt back to the Gypsies?


Bane of the Urbane
Mar 8, 2008
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Oh, maybe not, since their ancestors supposedly came from somewhere in India.
While you're at it, there's some prime real estate in Scotland from which my ancestors were disenfranchised .....:beer:
Should we give America back to the great grandchildren of those where were in America before the Europeans arrived?
Define "those." The Native American Europeans encountered were not the first people on this land.

LOL, I so love the " I was here first " law of land ownership. Mature and so precise. :D
That's the trouble with history.

Unraveling it isn't usually possible.

Best we can do is try to mitigate the negative outcomes for the prgeny of its victims.
Gotta love those Gypsies ...

[ame=]YouTube - Gypsies, tramps and thieves[/ame]

FYI - Yes! My husband and myself play WOW! With our two grandsons! :D
Regards the Gypie/Egyptian myth, blame the Parisians of the 19th (or was it 18th?) century.

When the Romany first started settling in Paris, their colorful garb was mistaken as being Egyptian...hence the name.

FWIW, the fact that the word Bohemian now generally means artistic types also started in Paris.

Apparently when Bohemians (fleeing some disaster or the other in great numbers) went to Paris, they found digs in the poorer quarters.

Starving artists at that time shared those neighborhoods.

Eventually the connection between Bohemianism and the artistic life of poverty became part of the vocab.
Yes, the "I have more and bigger guns" law is much more mature. Move over!

On another note... Gypsies = Egypt? WTF?

Last note: ^ Agreed with Editec.

And your suggestion to the problem of who has a right to live in and rule an area of land is ----?
Time to give the earth back to the Neanderthals.
Perhaps, but two wrongs don't make a right.

Try to recapture water that has already passed under the bridge is a pointless endeavor. Assess what has happened, learn from it, and move on.

The entire Earth has been populated by conquest. Only now that we have a subculture of the weak, well-protected in their hideouts running their gums do we people calling for "give back such-n-such to so-n-so."

When the shit hits the fan and the society that protects them crumbles, those wannabe intellectual wimps will be the first to fall and their unrealistic, utopian arguments with them.

Bottom line: the weak are only as strong as the society that protects them. The strong shall survive with or without society.
Tp paraphrase Julius Ceasar (from Shakespeare's play of the same name)

Cowards live long enough to die a thousand deaths...heros die but once (usually fairly early on in the game, too)
Try to recapture water that has already passed under the bridge is a pointless endeavor. Assess what has happened, learn from it, and move on.

The entire Earth has been populated by conquest. Only now that we have a subculture of the weak, well-protected in their hideouts running their gums do we people calling for "give back such-n-such to so-n-so."

When the shit hits the fan and the society that protects them crumbles, those wannabe intellectual wimps will be the first to fall and their unrealistic, utopian arguments with them.

Bottom line: the weak are only as strong as the society that protects them. The strong shall survive with or without society.

Heil Hitler!
Try to recapture water that has already passed under the bridge is a pointless endeavor. Assess what has happened, learn from it, and move on.

The entire Earth has been populated by conquest. Only now that we have a subculture of the weak, well-protected in their hideouts running their gums do we people calling for "give back such-n-such to so-n-so."

When the shit hits the fan and the society that protects them crumbles, those wannabe intellectual wimps will be the first to fall and their unrealistic, utopian arguments with them.

Bottom line: the weak are only as strong as the society that protects them. The strong shall survive with or without society.

Deutschland Uber Alles, Mein Fuhrer!
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